I dunno about Chappelle. There are times i love his humor and there are times,
I dont.
Yeah I agree. Some things just aren’t funny.
I just have a gut-feeling comics sometimes just want to stretch the boundaries and prove that ‘anything’ has a funny side. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesnt.
Like i know numerous Jews who make Holocaust jokes. The sing holocaust songs, in the car, etc. Dark humor. But it comes from an authentic place. And it works, at least for them.
But then sometimes i think it doesnt really come from an authentic place. Sometimes i think it just comes from a comic’s ego. And it doesnt work. At least for me.
Like if a sex-abuse-survivor does a bit about sex-abuse, maybe it works for me. I dunno. Tricky ground, imho. For me it has somethin ta do with what i’m labeling authenticity. But dont ask me what that means.