Chairman of Joint Chiefs removed from National Security Council; add Bannon

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    Trump removes DNI and Chairman of Joint Chiefs from National Security Council; adds Bannon, Priebus

    In the latest move designed to make sure he only gets advice from his political sycophants, while avoiding all interaction with anyone who might be nonpartisan, Hair Twittler today removed the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the Principals Committee of the National Security Council. Added as a regular member was the Assistant to the President and Chief Strategist, who is, of course neo-Nazi and avowed. Also added as a regular member: Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

    The chairman of course is wild-eyed conspiracy theorist Mike Flynn.

    The news was broken by Zeke Miller, White House correspondent for Time magazine. And as usual, the White House tried to spin this as a really good thing, because now the DNI and CJCS will have more time on their hands:

    Zeke Miller ✔ @ZekeJMiller
    DNI and Chairman of Joint Chiefs no longer automatic NSC Principals Committee members

    Zeke Miller ✔ @ZekeJMiller
    Admin offl explains: Says it isn’t about keeping anyone out. “More about respecting principals’ time”


    Just to drive the point home a bit….

    This is weird.


    PA Ram

    Yes–when decisions have to be made about the use of nuclear force let’s get the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs out of the room by all means.

    Nightmare does not begin to describe the next four years.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    nittany ram

    The “Hair Twittler” part of the article is funny.

    I like that.

    The rest of the article is ominous.

    Really really ominous.

    Didn’t care for that as much.

    Added as a regular member was the Assistant to the President and Chief Strategist, who is, of course neo-Nazi and avowed.



    McCain blasts Bannon placement on National Security Council

    John McCain is harshly criticizing the elevation of White House strategist Steve Bannon to President Donald Trump’s National Security Council, calling the move “radical” because it minimizes the role of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    “I am worried about the National Security Council. Who are the members of it and who are the permanent members? The appointment of Mr. Bannon is something which is a radical departure from any National Security Council in history,” McCain said on “Face the Nation” on CBS on Sunday morning.

    As the Senate Armed Services chairman, McCain said it’s concerning that Trump has centralized power around Bannon, a former executive at Breitbart who is credited with developing Trump’s form of populist and combative politics. The Arizona Republican said the most important decision-maker on the National Security Council, Gen. Joseph Dunford, is now being shut out of critical meetings.

    “The role of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been diminished, I understand, with this reorganization. The one person who is indispensable would be the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in my view,” McCain said of Dunford. “So it’s of concern, this ‘reorganization.'”

    White House press secretary Sean Spicer defended the reshuffling, which makes Bannon’s presence permanent on the panel and changes Dunford’s from mandatory to optional. Spicer said that the new structure will “streamline” decision-making and praised Bannon, a former naval officer, as someone with a “tremendous understanding of the world and the geopolitical landscape that we have now.”

    PA Ram

    The NSC has the right to authorize assassinations of U.S. citizens without due process. That’s kind of horrifying. Steve Bannon now sits on that council.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Im actually less concerned about this than most, i guess. I think that Amerikan military-policy has been so murderous already, that virtually anything
    would be an improvement.

    I think.

    we’ll see.

    If Trump is going to be more of Pat Buchannon isolationist then maybe
    this will be an improvement. If Trump is going to be a “lets bomb more Muslims” kinda guy, then it might not be an improvement.

    It is indeed ‘weird’ though.



    Okay… now we’re getting to the point that the corporatist Dems antagonism for progressives and progressive causes as well as the nascent recovery of a fourth estate is really getting eclipsed by outright treason…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Ronald Schmidt, Professor of Political Science
    from Facebook
    (adapted from a post by Ben Alpers)

    While the world was (understandably) focusing on the immigration executive order, a quieter – but equally disturbing – plot was developing.

    Quick background: the National Security Council (NSC) is a federal council comprised of important high-level government officials including the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Director of National Intelligence. The NSC’s primary job is to use this broad expertise to advise the President on national security matters and assist in carrying out security directives.

    Yesterday, the President removed the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence from the NSC. He replaced them with Steve Bannon. Bannon has no government, intelligence, or high-level military experience; his experience is leading a propaganda outlet (Breitbart News) that peddles nationalist and white nationalist viewpoints.

    This would be deeply concerning in and of itself. But one of the jobs of the NSC is to oversee a secret panel that authorizes the assassination of “enemies of the United States Government” – including American citizens. These targeted killings are fully authorized by law under the Congressional military authorization act following 9/11. There is no trial, no due process, and no public record of the decision or the assassination itself.

    Just to recap the absurdity: the President of the United States has appointed a known propagandist, nationalist, and white supremacist to replace the highest military advisor in the country on a council that authorizes secret, legal, targeted killings of American citizens (and others) without due process.

    What You Can Do:

    – Call your Senators and Congressperson this week and demand that they publicly and legislatively oppose Trump’s appointment of Steven Bannon to the NSC.

    – Spread the word about this news to your networks, since this is not getting a lot of coverage right now.


    Okay, I was wrong.

    I honestly didn’t believe that they’d take fascism to THIS extent.

    Don’t get me wrong. The oligarchic corporatocracy was bad…but…fuck.

    This is unadulterated, unapologetic fascism in its purest form.

    I’m seriously starting to wonder if we’re going to have legit elections in 4 years…

    Well, people wondered how it happened in Germany…

    THIS is how.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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