Capitalist solutions to Climate Change

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  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years ago by wv.
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  • #105486

    Interesting article. I dont agree with all of it, but it raises tricky complex issues. If i understand it right (and i only skimmed it), the writer argues that Yes Climate Change is terrifyingly real, but the Corporotacracy’s Solutions are designed to keep the Rich, rich, and keep the power in the usual hands. Etc.

    Maybe the response to that is just…Duh.



    “….“Not only is tackling climate change compatible with economic growth… it is the only way that we are getting economic growth from the 21st century onwards.” – Paul Polman


    As media hypes the global climate mobilizations in perfect synchronicity with a tsunami of “12 years until climate apocalypse” news articles saturating our collective psyches, global climate emergency declarations announced by states, and all levels of government, are indeed soaring. As this series has demonstrated, and as confirmed by the July 4, 2019, high-level roundtable (“Emerging from Emergency – Urgency as a Catalyst for Action and Regeneration”) this feat has been a high-level orchestrated endeavour. Indeed, the stakes could not be higher. Late-stage capitalism is faltering with economic growth in freefall. The climate mobilizations beget the declarations, beget the policy, beget the budgets, beget the finance.

    The policy and legislation are instrumental to unlocking the public funds for so-called “climate infrastructure” projects (predominantly in the Global South). Infrastructure and technologies that will be paid by the citizenry, to be owned by the billionaires. We must never lose sight that the terrifying news regarding our rapidly deteriorating natural world is real, but the reason for the media saturation (spectacle) has nothing to do with protecting the natural world nor the climate – and everything to do with rebooting global economic growth and saving the capitalist system itself. Consider the Global Optimist meme shared by We Mean Business: “People are desperate for something to happen.” The message is this: No one can save you but us. Accept our solutions, or die. Another world is possible, but only if that world is designed by the ruling classes that maintain and expand current power structure. One could call this psychological manipulation, or hegemonic coercion.

    This is the gentle transition into the new age of neo-feudalism. Social engineering and behavioural change campaigns have been employed to make hierarchical class invisible, in real time….see link…”

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