Can’t Believe Matt Taibbi Sold Out

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    Avatar photoZooey

    I’m just without words.

    God, we are so screwed. There is just no chance we are going to pull out of this nosedive.

    I wonder what my selling point would be. A million? 2 million? Would I hold out for 20?

    We are so doomed.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    Is that in reference to Taibbi being paid by Musk to lie to Americans about the non-existent corporate bias against conservatives — on Twitter and elsewhere? Or has he added something new to his shilling?

    Personally, I don’t take his shilling and lies as any sign we’re doomed. It was to be expected, as far as I’m concerned. Far too many fake-leftists/progressives have shown their true colors since Trump hit the political scene in full force. Greenwald is another recent example.

    (Basically, propertarians in sheep’s clothing. Just follow the money, etc.)

    And even those who honestly think it makes sense to join forces with the alt-right to take down “corporate Dems” were always playing a fool’s game. At best, they must have figured “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” while forgetting the enormous difference in literal firepower and money behind the alt/far-right. As in, any leftist who thought a coalition of the real left and the far-right would eventually lead to a more progressive nation — because corporate Dems would supposedly be wiped out — truly doesn’t understand the power dynamics in America. It’s beyond obvious that the far-right is doing the using in this case, not those woefully naive leftists. As soon as the Dems are gone, the far-right will take out the real left next, entirely, and America will be completely fascist at that point.

    Again, the most logical coalition for we leftists, currently, is with the Dems, as distasteful as that may be. There isn’t a single issue in which the GOP is preferable right now, and there is absolutely zero chance that the Republican Party is amenable to progressive, much less leftist persuasion. We all know they’re fighting each other to be the most Trumpian, the most far-right, and they demonize and despise us with every breath they take. They flat out hate us. Why on earth would any sane leftist think it’s logical to join forces with them?

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I bumped into this after I posted the above:

    Mehdi Hasan interviews Matt Taibbi:

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I’d say this to Taibbi, if I could. In a nutshell: by all means blast the Dems when they deserve it. Question all authority, and go after any and all abusers of power. Go after the rich and the powerful, regardless of party, with ferocious intensity and the truth. Be fearless in the process. But never let the far worse of the two major parties use you to change the subject and play the victim, which is all Jim Jourdan (and Musk) and his despicable “weaponization of government” hearings do.

    He’s not trying to reform the Intel community, the FBI, the CIA, etc. etc. He and the GOP have no record of actual concern for government overreach unless the political right and Republicans are the perceived victims. All they want to do is to make sure they’re never held to account, and they’ve decided the best way to do that is to claim eternal victimhood and persecution by “the left.”  They hope that shuts down all further inquiries.

    If Taibbi can’t see how he’s being used . . . or worse, just doesn’t care, eff him.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by JackPMiller.
    Avatar photoZooey

    Yeah, I’m referring to the Twitter files.

    I don’t really know much about it because I don’t really care, but it doesn’t look good for Taibbi.

    My thing on the “doom” is that leftists just can’t get any traction anywhere in the machine. Elect someone, and they are brought to heel almost immediately. Get a platform in the media, some right wing carnivore buys the platform, and moves it to the right. Get an individual voice in the media, and they get paid to compromise on this one tiny issue, and their soul is for sale. Nobody wants to follow Assange or Donzinger.

    Meanwhile, Twitter is always abuzz with wars over Dore, Taibbi, Cenk, Daou, Ritter, you name it.

    My thing is always, “I don’t demand a purity test. These people aren’t my messiah. When I agree with them, I agree with them, and when I don’t, I don’t.” But it appears many people on the left get all “brand loyal” to various talking heads, and then we get civil wars.

    That’s where the “doom” comes from.

    We can’t get traction in the gov’t or in the media. We’re screwed.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Yeah, I’m referring to the Twitter files. I don’t really know much about it because I don’t really care, but it doesn’t look good for Taibbi. My thing on the “doom” is that leftists just can’t get any traction anywhere in the machine. Elect someone, and they are brought to heel almost immediately. Get a platform in the media, some right wing carnivore buys the platform, and moves it to the right. Get an individual voice in the media, and they get paid to compromise on this one tiny issue, and their soul is for sale. Nobody wants to follow Assange or Donzinger. Meanwhile, Twitter is always abuzz with wars over Dore, Taibbi, Cenk, Daou, Ritter, you name it. My thing is always, “I don’t demand a purity test. These people aren’t my messiah. When I agree with them, I agree with them, and when I don’t, I don’t.” But it appears many people on the left get all “brand loyal” to various talking heads, and then we get civil wars. That’s where the “doom” comes from. We can’t get traction in the gov’t or in the media. We’re screwed.


    I agree with all of that. We all should be free agents in our criticism. Truly independent. Joining teams and never deviating from those teams . . . . that’s the road to ruin.

    Which takes me back to this: I perfectly understand (and agree with) intense anger at the Dems on a wide array of issues, including a sense of constant betrayal in general. But when some public figure on the left chooses to support the GOP in its various battles with the Dems? That’s not even remotely in line with leftist ideals or goals. Quite the opposite, in my view. On every issue under the sun, the GOP is worse, and it’s really not close. Two rotten, effed up choices, but one is a hell of a lot worse.

    Blast both parties and what they do — or fail to do. But taking sides with the far worse of the two rotten choices, cuz it may somehow supposedly “help” take down part of the oligarchical establishment? That’s just stupid and beyond naive. Cuz the political right will always, always be the far worse part of that establishment, and they’re in the bag for the oligarchs too. It’s not as if Taibbi took sides with any champions of Labor, the Environment, universal health care, education, free speech, an end to mass incarceration, an end to wars, etc. etc. He took sides with the party that’s even worse on those issues than the Dems.

    I will always support standing with true champions in the fight for universal human rights and protection of the planet . . . but that aint the GOP, obviously. So why the eff would Taibbi or anyone else help them in their fake ass battle against the Dems?


    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Quick side note, Zooey. I noticed on your twitter feed — which is a good one, btw . . . that you had a run-in with someone spouting BS about Nader giving us Bush.

    It was actually more than 300,000 registered Dems who voted directly for Bush in Florida in 2000. Can’t blame that on the Green Party. Nader may have pulled roughly just 24,000 potential Gore voters away from him, total. At most. Folks need to do the math.

    Plus, as you know, our presidential elections never come down to just one state. Florida couldn’t have “decided” the election even if Nader had wanted that to happen. Gore ran a lousy campaign, the country had Clinton fatigue, and he lost his own home state, and 29 others. It didn’t come down to just Florida. That’s like saying a basketball game comes down to the last shot in a 115 to 114 loss. As if all the missed shot and turnovers and various other botched plays meant nothing leading up to that last shot, etc.

    Far too many Americans are math and logic averse.

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