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- This topic has 18 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 3 months ago by
PA Ram.
November 18, 2016 at 4:34 pm #58906
— X —
ParticipantObviously I haven’t been on this part of the board very long. Even when it was the other huddle, I never really ventured into the politics section (which was decidedly more toxic then). Because of this, I don’t really have a handle on what everyone’s political leanings are. I have some good ideas now, after having discussed different things, but I don’t know the whole picture. Maybe, if you guys have the time, you can kind of tell me more? I guess, for the sake of attaching labels, I’m a bit more conservative than anything else (not old school). Apparently I’m even a little alt-right, because I do like to push the boundaries of social norms (not here, so much – mostly on twitter). And I have a pretty high level of intolerance for entitlement and the millennial New Moral Order.
When you have time. No hurry. I’ll bump if needed.
If you don’t wanna answer, I’ll assume you’re just yella.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 18, 2016 at 5:06 pm #58913zn
ModeratorI think it’s time to do this again.
Do the thing and post the results. That will mean (for those who don’t know) that when you get the results, you right click it and hit “copy image address” and post it here.
On this board, by this political compass, we are mostly left libertarians.
This “poll” is not the be all and end all, just part of a conversation.
November 18, 2016 at 5:35 pm #58916bnw
BlockedHow about on a Mac?
The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.
Sprinkles are for winners.
November 18, 2016 at 6:00 pm #58922Agamemnon
ParticipantI was a Libertarian when it meant something. I have no idea what it means today. I don’t align myself with liberals, progressives or any other group at this time. Thus, I am a political atheist. I don’t believe the right of the many outweighs individual rights, less government is better. But, the more crowded things get(population density), the more rules and manners we need. Any form of government is fine, if you have good leaders. imo
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
November 18, 2016 at 6:07 pm #58924— X —
ParticipantFigure this one out.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 18, 2016 at 6:09 pm #58925— X —
ParticipantOn this board, by this political compass, we are mostly left libertarians.
What’s that mean to you?
Where might we differ?You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 18, 2016 at 6:16 pm #58927TSRF
ParticipantHmm, not sure why it won’t just paste in.
Oh, well. I was closer to ZN’s than yours, X.
November 18, 2016 at 6:18 pm #58928zn
ModeratorHmm, not sure why it won’t just paste in.
Oh, well. I was closer to ZN’s than yours, X.
You have to use the image function. If I read you right.
November 18, 2016 at 6:28 pm #58929Agamemnon
ParticipantNovember 18, 2016 at 6:45 pm #58932zn
ModeratorOn this board, by this political compass, we are mostly left libertarians.
What’s that mean to you?
Where might we differ?Okay I can only speak for me and not others. I hope others speak up. I also don’t necessarily know where you (X) and I differ.
I will tend to “vote/think/see” this way:
* the state should stay out of issues of private morality
* government can be a public trust capable of serving a larger good, including things like single payer health insurance and support for education.
* the ways in which the government already does act like a public trust, for example social security, should never be dismantled—they are causes of public good
* the private sector does not belong in politics, though in actual fact it dominates american politics–which warps things and holds back democracy…this includes things like the abuse of corporate personhood
* the domination of big money/corporate power in the USA is the real threat to liberty, all the more so because it works by eroding public good instead of openly assaulting it
* we should always make sure we’re progressing toward real democracy which means an actual, de facto (and not just “in theory”) extension of human and civil rights to all peoples regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or which NFL team they follow…and me saying this means I don’t think we ARE there yet and in fact we still face many problems when it comes to this…I think maintaining the status quo in this regard just means maintaining many forms of injustice
* I don’t identify as “white” meaning I think people of european descent like myself are diverse and different and there is no “us,” though at the same time I do acknowledge that in this day and age anyway, walking around being male and white in the USA gives me some very distinct advantages, ones I am not willing to defend at the expense of more freedom and justice for others
* in fact I don’t accept any form of essentialism, ie. the idea that you are born to be certain things…the genes that make me male do not determine who I am, because being male can mean many different things, most of that being cultural…etc. etc. etc. on things like race etc.
* american foreign policy is not and has not been the domain of democracy and freedom–the USA has done as much harm as good in that regard if not more (see for a recent example Honduras)
* the problems we face in the international arena are just 4th and 5th generation effects of the collapse of old european colonialism, and to be specific that means things like political conflict is a more significant cause of anti-USA terrorism than any other factor, including especially religion
* the two major parties are at the end of the day just somewhat different versions of bought corporate bagmen, and the mainstream media being part of the same thing is incapable of seeing this
* more on the press…if I had to put it in one slightly exaggerated sound-byte, american mass media is corporate mass media and the mainstream sources of information in the USA are actually sources of DISinformation…their ideological orientation being toward a rigid center-right mainstream blah status quo
* a real democracy would include diverse views, including ones (such as mine!) that are currently excluded from the mainstream (which is not true of every democracy on the planet, where in fact there is greater diversity of information and viewpoints)
* economic inequality of the kind the USA now has, which basically is the effect of government policies, is destructive to democracy and social good…supply side pseudo-economics just serves this and nothing else
* as an extension of the last one, neo-liberal economic policies are destructive of public and social good and serve only a small faction of the population…in fact this is what caused the great crash of 2008, whose effects are still with us
* the more we privatize the more we kill democracy
* climate change is real, and is human caused
* I am not a dogmatic/programmatic leftist, I am a pragmatic leftist, so I don’t believe any particular doctrine is “truer,” but instead do believe more in practical left solutions than in purist leftist doctrinesWell that’s enough for now. If not too much.
November 18, 2016 at 7:29 pm #58937— X —
ParticipantI will tend to “vote/think/see” this way:
Awesome. Thanks. That’s good information.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 18, 2016 at 7:31 pm #58938nittany ram
ModeratorX. I’m a registered Democrat but I’m no Democrat, if you know what I mean. Neither of the two major parties represent me and my beliefs. To me, the Democrats are just the lesser of two evils but they are evil just the same. Two parties with exactly the same ultimate goal.
And that goal has nothing to do with making the best life possible for the most people as possible. Neither of them care about saving the last few wild places on the earth or protecting the planet.
Their goal is to make the rich and powerful more rich and powerful.
That’s pretty much it.
Anyway, that’s the way I see things.
November 18, 2016 at 7:34 pm #58939zn
ModeratorI will tend to “vote/think/see” this way:
Awesome. Thanks. That’s good information.
I KNEW it.
You’re the new board NSA informant.
November 18, 2016 at 9:14 pm #58944bnw
BlockedNovember 18, 2016 at 9:34 pm #58947November 18, 2016 at 10:06 pm #58952— X —
ParticipantX. I’m a registered Democrat but I’m no Democrat, if you know what I mean. Neither of the two major parties represent me and my beliefs. To me, the Democrats are just the lesser of two evils but they are evil just the same. Two parties with exactly the same ultimate goal.
And that goal has nothing to do with making the best life possible for the most people as possible. Neither of them care about saving the last few wild places on the earth or protecting the planet.
Their goal is to make the rich and powerful more rich and powerful.
That’s pretty much it.
Anyway, that’s the way I see things.
Thanks man. I appreciate the explanation.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 18, 2016 at 10:08 pm #58953— X —
I knew there was at least ONE alt-right extremist.
You sound like the leader of the movement.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 18, 2016 at 11:05 pm #58959joemad
ParticipantHere’s some feedback X
This board is great and enlightening.
Broaden my views on shit I never knew.
I’ve been reading these folks since Sept 200l on the non football board.. much longer on the football side… maybe 1997?
Damn ……almost 20 years… since Tony fucking Banks…
November 19, 2016 at 6:36 am #58979PA Ram
ParticipantI am Bernie Sanders. I am a Democratic Socialist.
There is no politician in my lifetime who I associate more closely to than Bernie Sanders–and it has been this way for years–long before he ran for President. So you can imagine my disappointment when he lost. When he speaks, I feel he’s giving my beliefs a voice. And let me tell you–that’s a great feeling.
Yes—I’m one of THOSE people who look at corporations with a very skeptical eye, as some sort of blobs run amok, devouring countries and people in a neverending quest for infinite growth.
I do not like “too big to fail”. I think that’s a problem.
I think there is a vital role for government to play in our lives but I’m no communist. I don’t oppose capitalism, really–but I do think it needs rules and guidelines to reign in its worst excesses.
I don’t want a society that leaves people in the dirt–a survival of the fittest way of life that neglects those at the bottom. I want the environment to be something that is figured into corporate profits. I want it recognized that a clean and safe environment belongs to all of us–not just those who can buy it, or who can own the right to abuse it in the name of holy profits.
I do not believe we should be involved in war after war in a fool’s effort to make over the world in our own image. I don’t believe in empire building.
I believe in science.
I do not believe religion should enter politics. I believe common sense should. For example, why oppose birth control on religious grounds and also oppose abortions on religious grounds? What’s the higher concern? Wouldn’t birth control help to prevent abortions? The only argument I can see for opposition to birth control is a religious one and I don’t get it. I don’t get the idea that abstinence will ever truly work. We’re creatures with biological urges that will knock down that abstinence wall every time. It’s ineffective, to say the least.
I believe the United States is a diverse nation, that it is indeed a melting pot. While I do not believe that we should have open borders, I do welcome immigrants who come here to make better lives for themselves and their families and I do believe that is the vast majority of immigrants. I believe that illegals who are here now should have a path to citizenship, and yes–for those who are criminals–I have no problem with deporting them. I just do not believe that this is the vast majority of them.
We have 50, 000 Irish immigrants living here in the United States illegally. I never heard Trump say they were sending their rapists.
So anyway–these are some things I believe in.
I also realize that there are very different views out there from my own. I’ve had people tell me that as you get older you become more conservative and there are stats to prove it. I never looked at those stats but I know how certain age groups vote so I’m sure it’s true.
I’ve been pretty consistent. I’ve never stopped developing a political philosophy, focusing it more, defining it better, knowing what it all really means to me. But the basic roots of my beliefs started early and just solidified as I got older.
When a guy at work told me about the conservative thing I laughed at him. I said, “I’m 54 and I don’t think I’m changing now.” If anything, as I experience life it has brought me closer to my political beliefs.
Also–I should point out I am as blue collar as it gets. I work with a lot of Trump voters, by the way. Some of them used to vote straight Democrat. I think that’s interesting.
I believe there is not a hard and defined political philosophy for most of America, really.
I think that people can find something to disagree with or to agree with on each side, and that this is more of a purple nation than red or blue. But there is a need by people in power to keep a very strict divide. It works for them.
They play us against each other all the time.
A divided nation is good for the powerful. If we are arguing with each other all the time we aren’t looking at what’s behind the curtain. That would spoil the illusion.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
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