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    Mainstream Democrats Prevail Over Sanders Supporters in California Congressional Race

    nittany ram

    The La Times reported $2.4 million had been raised between the 24 candidates but 75% of that went to 5 establishment candidates. One of the non-establishment campaigns could only raise $55000.00

    That’s always going to be an issue. The establishment dems have all the money. How do you unseat establishment politicians if you can’t compete with them financially? The disparity in funds means they can simply flood the media and drown out the progressive message.


    Democrats have ignored every obvious lesson from the past 12 months, and doubled down on a losing strategy. They’ve decided the problem wasn’t the message, but how they got victimized by chauvinism and Comey.


    Democrats have ignored every obvious lesson from the past 12 months, and doubled down on a losing strategy. They’ve decided the problem wasn’t the message, but how they got victimized by chauvinism and Comey.


    If it weren’t for 75 year-old Bernie Sanders, would there be any hope at all for
    the Democrat Party?

    Has Elizabeth Warren been doing ‘anything’ lately? I havent heard anything about her.



    Democrats have ignored every obvious lesson from the past 12 months, and doubled down on a losing strategy. They’ve decided the problem wasn’t the message, but how they got victimized by chauvinism and Comey.

    I think the Dems see the problem as their inability to get “their message” out there, plus Comey, Misogyny, Wikileaks, etc. etc. In reality, their message is crap too. Their history, since the 1960s, is crap. A bit better than the GOP’s, which can’t even claim a decent stretch of time like the New Deal era — well, at least not since Lincoln. But the Dems’ post-Keynesian era record, and their message are crap. Primarily because they’ve embraced the Reagan GOP era, and think that putting a happy face on it will beat the Republicans.

    They still think if they refine their communications strategies, this will do the trick, when they need to alter their legislative and judicial record more than anything else, and then learn to make the sale on that.

    In general, they’re terrible salespeople, without a good product. The GOP, OTOH, has talented salesmen, with an even crappier product.

    The party that can sync both will win a generation of voters, at least.


    Democrats have ignored every obvious lesson from the past 12 months, and doubled down on a losing strategy. They’ve decided the problem wasn’t the message, but how they got victimized by chauvinism and Comey.


    If it weren’t for 75 year-old Bernie Sanders, would there be any hope at all for
    the Democrat Party?

    Has Elizabeth Warren been doing ‘anything’ lately? I havent heard anything about her.


    None. Sanders is their hope. But I still bump into comment sections wherein Clinton diehards blame him for Clinton’s loss, some going as far as saying he did her irreparable harm. They have the victims and perps thing upside down, and with Sanders being the most popular American politician right now, instead of bashing him for trying to help the Dems, they should be thanking their lucky stars above, etc. To me, he showed a great deal of grace and class by moving beyond the DNC/Clinton sabotaging of his candidacy. I’m not sure I’d be able to do that.

    Warren? She does seem rather quiet these days. Then again, I decided for the millionth time, yesterday, to wean myself from American politics. I hope I succeed this time and put it all behind me for good.

    As John Goodman was wont to say in The Big Lebowski, “Fuck it, let’s go bowling.” I’m gonna take his cue and do other things with my time. Hiking in the mountains, revising my novels, listening to good music, etc.

    Maybe an occasional bitch and moan post here. But I gotta move on from the American political scene. It’s just too toxic for my health.


    Obviously none of this is good.

    Establishment dems are just so constipated.



    I wrote a longer post in reply yesterday, and when I hit submit, it vanished and told me I had to log in – which I had been, otherwise there would have been no box for me to type in. Anyway, it’s always demoralizing to write an epic post and have it washed away.

    So what I said, in a nutshell, is that Warren is still around. I must have liked her on FB because I see her posts frequently in my feed. The thing with Warren is she is on the defensive. I mean…she opposed the Repeal and Replace Tax Cut for the rich, and Gorsuch, and a bunch of cabinet appointments, but there isn’t much more she can do. She’s in the minority party.

    As for hope? Well, help isn’t coming from within the party. They outflanked Ellison, and made it clear that they believe the problem isn’t their policies, but just that they got ambushed by Comey, and Clinton was damaged by Sanders as an establishment candidate, and by the chauvinism of his followers (hence “Bernie Bros”). There is no recognition there that Clinton was branded establishment because she IS establishment. They just don’t make that connection. Nor that when it comes to empowering women, Sanders offered $15 minimum wage (Clinton counter bid $12 reluctantly), universal health care (Clinton said “No way”), and free education.

    Now what would empower women more? Those policies proposed by Sanders, or having a woman in the oval office?

    Anybody with any brains can see that Sanders is better for women than Clinton. Anyone who thinks having a woman president would help women should just be asked to explain how much better black Americans are today as a result of having a “black” president. Let us not forget that #BlackLivesMatter was born in the second term of a black president. That’s how much symbolism matters.

    So there is a new book out called The Destruction of Hillary Clinton that explains how her loss is was everyone’s fault but hers, and reinforces the status quo in the Democrat party.

    Here is a good takedown of that argument (by the New Republic, of all sources).

    Bottom line: the only hope is that progressives keep pounding away and take over the Democrat party. Those pigs are not going to change course because people want them to. They will change course when their piece of the pie is threatened if they don’t change course, so they settle for smaller amounts of payola.


    I wrote a longer post in reply yesterday, and when I hit submit, it vanished and told me I had to log in – which I had been,

    I’m sorry that happened. It’s an anti-spam thing. Now and then the system just asks you to log in again. It has happened to me numerous times, usually without any harm. In your case it was just an accident of fate that it did that after you typed a long post. In the future, if anyone has a long long post they worked on they do not want to lose, copy it before hitting post…we never know when the system might just decide it’s your turn to log in again.

    So anyway again, my apologies.

    If it’s any consolation I docked myself a huge percentage of my paycheck, which is instead being diverted into charities having to do with free meals for pandas, or something.


    I wrote a longer post in reply yesterday, and when I hit submit, it vanished and told me I had to log in – which I had been,

    I’m sorry that happened. It’s an anti-spam thing. Now and then the system just asks you to log in again. It has happened to me numerous times, usually without any harm. In your case it was just an accident of fate that it did that after you typed a long post. In the future, if anyone has a long long post they worked on they do not want to lose, copy it before hitting post…we never know when the system might just decide it’s your turn to log in again.

    So anyway again, my apologies.

    If it’s any consolation I docked myself a huge percentage of my paycheck, which is instead being diverted into charities having to do with free meals for pandas, or something.

    Of course, once again, that has nothing to do with my argument which is that America is great except for the other people.

    nittany ram

    Of course, once again, that has nothing to do with my argument which is that America is great except for the other people.

    I can just picture you and Colin Kaepernick, drinks in hand, lounging around his heated pool in your 49ers gear laughing it up and ripping on America and everything we hold sacred.


    Of course, once again, that has nothing to do with my argument which is that America is great except for the other people.

    I can just picture you and Colin Kaepernick, drinks in hand, lounging around his heated pool in your 49ers gear laughing it up and ripping on America and everything we hold sacred.

    You’re cute when you’re jealous, you know that?

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