Caitlin Johnstone on Belarus

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    Belarus: Imperialists run the same tired old script day after day

    By Caitlin Johnstone

    August 15, 2020 “Information Clearing House” – The Western establishment narrative managers always follow the same patterns. Just like they fixated on Hong Kong protests, while ignoring those in US-aligned France or Israel, now they’re cheering on protests in Belarus….

    …… Last year the US National Endowment for Democracy financed at least 34 projects and organizations in Belarus. The US does not do that out of charity but to put its finger on the scale.

    All the usual imperial narrative management operations were in place in the lead-up to the nation’s election this month, and now we’re seeing CIA cutouts like Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the National Endowment for Democracy cheering on the protests and condemning the Belarusian government in sync with the US State Department…
    ……And the billionaire news media always march right along with it, because they’ve all got systems in place to boost narratives which maintain the status quo that those billionaires have built their kingdoms upon. The reporters who work for such mass media outlets have no loyalty to truth or facts, only to facilitating the expansion of the empire.

    Don’t believe me? Read this Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting piece from last year documenting the fact that mass media coverage fixated uniquely on the anti-Beijing protests in Hong Kong while ignoring the protests against US-aligned governments like France, Israel, Chile and Haiti. Or this one from 2002 about the way the Washington Post editorial board was constantly shrieking about the need for regime change in Iraq because Saddam might have chemical weapons, but contented itself with a brief and mild finger-wagging during the Reagan administration when he actually used chemical weapons….
    ….They have no principle at all. No interest in truth whatsoever.

    If Saudi Arabia pivoted its loyalty from the US to China, we’d immediately begin seeing daily coverage of the atrocities in Yemen like we should have been seeing this entire time.

    If Israel pivoted from Washington to Moscow we’d immediately be saturated in news stories about the plight of the Palestinians and the protests against Netanyahu’s corruption.

    If Australia left the blob and began insisting on its own sovereignty, the world would suddenly find itself urged on a daily basis to care a lot more about aboriginal rights and the refugees in offshore detention centers.

    If the government which exited the imperial blob didn’t have any particularly damning humanitarian abuses on its record, Western intelligence agencies would make something up, and Western media would uncritically report it as an absolute fact.

    Mainstream pundits and reporters would make these shifts without skipping a beat. They’d pretend it had been their position the entire time. And when they went to bed at night, they’d sleep like babies…..see link


    Little bit too much lofty speechifying in that one for me.

    Lost in there is a point about what’s happening in Belarus. I would prefer more actual details.

    Though yeah the American mainstream news just blatantly and obviously engages in pure doublethink on foreign policy. It’s one of their great defining things. Nice list of examples. Let’s give Sadaam chemical weapons to use against Iran. Oh and possessing chemical weapons has always been a great no no so let’s invade.


    Little bit too much lofty speechifying in that one for me.

    Lost in there is a point about what’s happening in Belarus. I would prefer more actual details.

    Though yeah the American mainstream news just blatantly and obviously engages in pure doublethink on foreign policy. It’s one of their great defining things. Nice list of examples. Let’s give Sadaam chemical weapons to use against Iran. Oh and possessing chemical weapons has always been a great no no so let’s invade.


    I know Caitlin is not really your thing. She’s less about ‘facts’ these days and more about leftist-rage. For me, there’s room for ‘that,’
    as well as the more ‘factual’ types of writers.


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