the non-call issue continues & has earned another thread

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle the non-call issue continues & has earned another thread

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    Don’t like the guy’s anti-union message. Unions serve purposes and have value that go way beyond the mythical “they always irrationally back their own” message this guy delivers. In fact he’s pointing out that officiating was especially bad this year (due to lots of retirements and new officials). Well that means it was better before…and, there was an officiating union before too. So it ain’t the problem.


    Don’t like the guy’s anti-union message. Unions serve purposes and have value that go way beyond the mythical “they always irrationally back their own” message this guy delivers. In fact he’s pointing out that officiating was especially bad this year (due to lots of retirements and new officials). Well that means it was better before…and, there was an officiating union before too. So it ain’t the problem.

    “bad unions are better than no unions.” = one of my sayings 🙂
    The more I look at this stuff, the more I think, there is always going to be something. There will always be calls that affect the outcome that could be better made. It is like the Uncertainty Principle, you will never nail it down completely. There is always going to be some error in judgement calls and a certain amount is unfixable. imo



    There is always going to be some error in judgement calls and a certain amount is unfixable.


    God wanted the Rams in the Super Bowl. Thats how I look at it.

    Who are we to question that.



    There is always going to be some error in judgement calls and a certain amount is unfixable. imo

    Yeah I agree with that.

    And many, famously, have gone against the Rams.

    For example all I have to say is “Mack, false start.”


    officiating wasn’t better in the past…….. it was less scrutinized and reviewed with technology that is outdated…….. today’s video HD technology and camera angles gives us views we never had in the past… it doesn’t mean that officiating is worse today than it was in the past… it’s most like better….

    BTW, the Saints were not flagged for a penalty until there was 5:39 remaining in the 3rd qtr…. New Orleans ended up being penalized only 3 times in a game that had more than 4 qtrs of football…..

    nittany ram

    officiating wasn’t better in the past…….. it was less scrutinized and reviewed with technology that is outdated…….. today’s video HD technology and camera angles gives us views we never had in the past… it doesn’t mean that officiating is worse today than it was in the past… it’s most like better….

    BTW, the Saints were not flagged for a penalty until there was 5:39 remaining in the 3rd qtr…. New Orleans ended up being penalized only 3 times in a game that had more than 4 qtrs of football…..

    The perception among most fans has always been that the refs aren’t very good. I never agreed with that assessment but I would like to see replay applied to penalties. The important thing is getting the call right, no matter how that happens.


    officiating wasn’t better in the past…….. it was less scrutinized and reviewed with technology that is outdated…….. today’s video HD technology and camera angles gives us views we never had in the past… it doesn’t mean that officiating is worse today than it was in the past… it’s most like better….

    BTW, the Saints were not flagged for a penalty until there was 5:39 remaining in the 3rd qtr…. New Orleans ended up being penalized only 3 times in a game that had more than 4 qtrs of football…..

    The perception among most fans has always been that the refs aren’t very good. I never agreed with that assessment but I would like to see replay applied to penalties. The important thing is getting the call right, no matter how that happens.

    I’m not sure about that. I think the flow of the game is moreimportant than getting more calls right.

    I personally believe human error is part of the game and that’s okay.


    Wabi Sabi.
    “…In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi (侘寂) is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.[2] The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”.[3] It is a concept derived from the Buddhist teaching of the three marks of existence (三法印 sanbōin), specifically impermanence (無常 mujō), suffering (苦 ku) and emptiness or absence of self-nature (空 kū)….”


    nittany ram

    officiating wasn’t better in the past…….. it was less scrutinized and reviewed with technology that is outdated…….. today’s video HD technology and camera angles gives us views we never had in the past… it doesn’t mean that officiating is worse today than it was in the past… it’s most like better….

    BTW, the Saints were not flagged for a penalty until there was 5:39 remaining in the 3rd qtr…. New Orleans ended up being penalized only 3 times in a game that had more than 4 qtrs of football…..

    The perception among most fans has always been that the refs aren’t very good. I never agreed with that assessment but I would like to see replay applied to penalties. The important thing is getting the call right, no matter how that happens.

    I’m not sure about that. I think the flow of the game is moreimportant than getting more calls right.

    I personally believe human error is part of the game and that’s okay.

    Well, I would set it up so the coach has to challenge the penalty call just as he would when he disagrees with the call on a pass completion. fumble, etc. He would still only get his 2 challenges. It’s just that he would be able to challenge a penalty too.


    The perception among most fans has always been that the refs aren’t very good. I never agreed with that assessment but I would like to see replay applied to penalties. The important thing is getting the call right, no matter how that happens.


    Why don’t you just come out and SAY you hate the Rams? OMG, this has just been going on too long with you.




    Cam Jordan is in a better mood


    One thing Steven A., Peyton’s time out did not stop the clock. It stopped on the incomplete pass.


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