Bolton and Trump

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    There’s something about John Bolton writing a book complaining about Donald Trump….that just epitomizes the era we are living through.

    This is Amerika.


    Excerpts of John Bolton Book Showing Unhinged Behavior by Trump Evidence Former Advisor Is ‘100% Complicit,’ Say Critics

    “Bolton is a moral abomination in every way. It’s also the case that basically everyone in government who comes close to Trump comes away thinking he’s even worse than they realized.”
    Eoin Higgins

    “….The National Security advisor reveals moments from his time in the White House that raise eyebrows, such as Trump asking Chinese President Xi Jinping to help with the 2020 election and encouraged the Chinese leader to expand concentration camps for the country’s Uighur minority population, promises from Trump to Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan to replace U.S. attorneys investigating a Turkish firm, the president’s uncertainty if Finland was a part of Russia or that the U.K. was a nuclear power, and more.

    The president also endorsed killing journalists, the book claims….

    ….Details from the book reportedly show Bolton frequently distressed and alarmed by the president’s irrational mood swings and decisions, a revelation that did not win him much sympathy from New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie.

    “The thing about John Bolton’s shock at Trump’s ignorance and incompetence is that it takes a fair amount of brain poisoning in the first place to look at Trump and think he might be anything other than ignorant and incompetent,” Bouie said.

    Among the most upsetting moments for the former advisor is the president’s decision in June 2019 not to launch a disproportionate missile strike against Iran for downing a U.S. drone at the last minute after Bolton convinced him to….

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