Bolton and the Alt-Right

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    This is a long article; i just posted an excerpt below:


    Trump’s Administration – the swamp deepens
    by Tony Cartalucci at Land Destroyer

    “…Bolton, along with other prospective Trump appointees including Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich, have been lobbying for US State Department-listed foreign terrorist organization Mujaheddin-e-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian terrorist group that has killed US military personal, US civilian contractors, as well as Iranian politicians and civilians through decades of terrorist attacks both within and beyond Iran’s borders.

    They have done this side-by-side the Saudi government, with Breitbart itself reporting in an article, “Iranian Regime Says Saudis Back Terrorism After Prince Faisal Attends MEK Rally,” that:

    During Sunday’s rally, Prince Faisal, a member of the Saudi royal family and a former intel chief for the kingdom, said, “We support you, we are with you” to the sea of more than 100,000 people who had gathered at the Le Bourget convention center. “We stand by your side to help you reach your goals,” he added, indicating his hope to see the fall of the Shiite-backed Iranian regime, his Sunni nation’s archenemy. Saudi Arabia is itself an absolute monarchy.

    Breitbart strategically omits that at the rally in Paris, John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, and Newt Gingrich were also present, pledging support to the terrorist organization – side-by-side a government admittedly arming Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

    A 2016 rally in Paris attended by the Saudi regime and prospective members of Trump’s administration, promote “regime change” in Iran.

    CNS News in an article titled, “Senior US, Saudi Figures Call for Tehran Regime to be Overthrown,” would however reveal the Neo-Conservative figures attending the same rally. The article would report:

    Bolton, who has attended the annual NCRI event for a decade, cited Iran’s military intervention in Syria, in maneuvering in Iraq, and its support for Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists and for Houthi militia in Yemen.

    CNS News’ admission that Bolton has attended NCRI events in support of MEK terrorists “for a decade,” reveals that Bolton lobbied for the group even before it was removed from the US State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations, in direct violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2339A – providing material support to terrorists.

    The hypocrisy is that while Bolton and his clique of “alt-right” infiltrators attempt to pin the rise of terrorism as an exclusive feature of the Obama administration, he himself and those amongst him have worked ceaselessly side-by-side the Obama administration, and literally shoulder-to-shoulder with the Saudi regime to sponsor terrorism and promote endless war across the North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

    Those who think “Trump” is going to “change” anything find themselves precisely where liberals were in the wake of Obama’s victory in 2008. Despite evidence suggesting otherwise, the temptation to believe in “hope and change” led to an increasing indulgence in denial and excuses until liberals found themselves passionately defending policies they had once marched in the streets in opposition to during the Bush administration.

    The alternative media was meant to eliminate the smokescreen of left-right partisan politics. Those infiltrating the alternative media, particularly outfits like Breitbart, are simply attempting to reassert establishment agendas under cover of now an “alt-right” perspective.

    Will those lured into this “alt-right” bear trap pull their leg out in time? Or will they allow it to sink its inescapable steel jaws into their legs, trapping them for 4-8 years in a cycle of denial and excuse-making for why the wars, abuses, and decline of America both Bush and Obama cultivated, continue under Trump?

    Real solutions, beyond partisan politics exist, but in order to see them, the smokescreen of left-right distractions must be cleared. The smokescreen exists precisely to prevent us from seeing them. …”

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