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    I’m Black But Look White. Here Are The Horrible Things White People Feel Safe Telling Me.


    I was outside my house gardening a few weekends ago when a neighbor, whom I had known for almost 30 years, stopped by so I could pet his large, fluffy dogs. I took my gloves off, squatted down to give the dogs a really good scratching around their ears and felt the sun on my back. What could be better? And then my neighbor said: “Why do you have a ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign on your front lawn when all those people do is kill each other?”

    My lovely day screeched to a halt.

    “You know I’m Black, right?” I said, standing up as tall as my 5’4” frame would allow, the sun shining on my blond hair. I continued to pet his dogs, because I needed the comfort of petting dogs at that moment, and because I needed to keep my hands busy so they didn’t slap that man’s face.

    After the usual back and forth of him saying “No!” and me saying “Yes!” and then him trying to gauge exactly “how Black I was” by asking which of my parents was Black and me replying “Both,” we had a very uncomfortable conversation about racism.

    I told him about my father’s struggles to get an education because guidance counselors and admissions agents would not accept Black people into community colleges or SUNY programs in the 1950s and ’60s. I told him that even though my father was a veteran, he could not be approved to use the GI Bill for college or buy a house, since no one would process his paperwork because he was a Black man. I told him that people painted “Go Home Nigger” on the back of our home when my parents finally saved enough money to build a house in the suburbs of Syracuse, New York. And I told him how “Black Lives Matter” calls attention to the fact that Black people are considered less than white people ― and that needs to stop.

    I also told him if people don’t understand that Black lives matter, Black people will continue to be murdered by the police and denied opportunities by the establishment. We will not be allowed to participate in the “American Dream,” and we will be made to feel that this is somehow our fault, when it is in fact the fault of a racist society with the full support of our government.

    This isn’t the first time I’ve had to have this conversation. Encounters like this have been going on for a very long time for me.

    Both of my parents are Black but have white ancestors. Those recessive white genes were passed on to me, and I was born very light-skinned, with blue eyes and light, wavy hair. This was not a surprise. In both of my parents’ families there are “white” babies who pop up each generation. I have aunts, uncles and cousins on both sides of my family who are also white-presenting.

    There is the story of my grandmother’s cousin Neville, who left the family in the 1940s to pass for white so he could join the Army and fight in World War II. He married a German girl, returned to Syracuse and never returned to being Black. Family members would see him on the streets and they would look past each other. He was lost to us because he chose an easier way ― and forsook his ancestry. Neville became a cautionary tale for me. I never wanted to be like him.

    There is also the story of a great-aunt, Annie Mother, who would pass as white to purchase properties and then sell or rent them to Black family members and other Black families who could not find decent, affordable housing. I wanted to be like Annie Mother, so I pursued a career in social justice, specifically issues related to housing.

    My parents originally tried to purchase a home in Syracuse in the 1960s. Most of the houses they made offers on had deed restrictions that stated the home could not be “sold to Negros.” Determined to own their own home, they decided to build a house, and found some land in a subdivision in Liverpool, New York, where the builder was happy to sell to them. Despite this good news, they soon learned they couldn’t get approved for a mortgage. My dad had a good job at General Electric and my parents had savings, but none of this was enough, because they were Black.

    My dad accepted a transfer to a position in Alaska, because he could earn double what he’d make in Syracuse. My mom and I moved in with my grandmother for a year and my mom banked all of my dad’s checks. When he returned, my parents paid cash to have their house built in Liverpool.

    This was the same house on which people painted “Go Home Nigger.” They did this when we already were home ― there was no other “home” to go to. We lived in a white neighborhood, and I went to a school where all the other students were white. Before I started kindergarten, my parents had “the talk” with me. If you don’t know about “the talk,” let me explain it to you. “The talk” is about race. It’s about being Black in a world run by white people, where white people make the rules. In order to survive, let alone thrive, you need to know you are Black and know what that means, even if you present as white.

    My parents were worried. This was 1969. People knew we were Black, and that I would be starting school in a district where there were no other Black children. I didn’t look Black, but I am Black, so we figured I could and would be subjected to racist actions by my peers. We were prepared for groups of white parents to gather at the school to shout at me. Or spit on me. My parents needed me to understand that if this happened, it didn’t mean I was bad. It meant the adults were bad ― and that I’d need to rise above like Dr. King had done.

    In our home, Dr. King was whom we strived to be. Even at 4 years old, I knew who he was. I was taught King’s principals of nonviolence. My parents marched on Washington with King and hoped for a better world for me. I set off for school the next day, prepared to walk through a gauntlet of screaming hatred. I was on the lookout. But there didn’t seem to be anything happening. If any protesters had been there, they probably wouldn’t even have known I was Black. With my blond braids and my sparkling new outfit from Sears, I might have walked right by them. I was ready to learn ― and learn I did. But just because there weren’t protesters doesn’t mean there weren’t challenges.

    My kindergarten teacher did not feel it was appropriate for a Black child to learn and play with white children. She left me inside the classroom on my own while the other students played. I stood by the window and cried. My parents complained to the principal ― a child of Italian immigrants ― and he stepped in. I was then permitted to play with my classmates. Worried that my teacher would not engage me in the same ways she did with the other students, my parents worked with me on my alphabet, math and reading every night after dinner. I excelled.

    When we moved from Syracuse to Rochester, New York, our new neighborhood was also largely white. I didn’t even find this strange. I fit in and made very good friends, some of whom I am friends with to this day. But I always knew I was Black, and forgetting who I was simply wasn’t an option.

    In middle school, my history teacher told the class that if we really wanted to insult Black people, we should call them “Uncle Toms.” In high school, one student came dressed as a klansman for Halloween, carrying a noose. Another student, wearing blackface and a loincloth, ran around in front of him. When the few Black students and a number of our white classmates complained to the principal about it, we were told we needed to “develop a sense of humor.” Another student, who would later become a teacher, called me a “white nigger.” I found myself constantly defending affirmative action, busing and desegregation with friends and classmates whose parents thought that if Black people “infested” their white world, chaos would ensue.

    Many years have passed since then, but sadly, this madness hasn’t stopped.

    My neighbor, the one who asked me why “Black lives matter,” is not the only one who has felt comfortable asking me such a question or making a statement rife with racism.

    White people think I am white too, and therefore feel safe saying all kinds of horrible things they might not say publicly. I’ve had people tell me it “disgusts” them to see interracial couples. They’ve told me they don’t understand why Black neighborhoods look so “ghetto,” and that Black people are “animals” or “thugs.” Many of these people are educated, and hold jobs or positions that give them some form of power or influence over Black people. They are doctors, judges, lawyers, social workers and politicians. That’s frightening.

    In every instance where I’ve encountered racist rhetoric, I have made it my business to speak up. I have told (or reminded) these people that I am Black. I have told them my family’s story. And I have done whatever I could to educate them about the systems of racism that exist in this country.

    Sometimes they say: “But you’re different!” Then I ask them if other Black folks they know are also “different.” When they say yes, I ask them: “How are all the Black people you know ‘different’? When are you going to realize that we are not different? That you have been misled into believing that Black people are somehow bad, and that what you see with your own eyes ― these Black people you know, and know are not different or bad ― are good people like you?”

    And that floors them.

    There is a purposeful and strategic force dedicated to segregation and racism. There are people who benefit from Black people and white people remaining in conflict. When people of different races live together and truly want to know and understand each other, it is harmonious. But when races are separated, it breeds suspicion and distrust. It becomes “us versus them,” and it weakens us as a nation.

    Living as a Black woman who looks white has allowed me to experience white privilege firsthand. Because people assume I am white, it is assumed I am honest, smart and trustworthy. Many times I have thought to myself: If I looked Black, how would these people treat me? And I have known, without a shadow of a doubt, that I would be treated with disdain or suspicion, or as a criminal. I know in many instances that if I looked Black, the police would have been called to question me. And this sickens and angers me. How many of our Black brothers and sisters have had the police called on them simply for the act of living their lives?

    As a nation, we need to stop this. The best way to achieve change is to accept and learn about our racist past and the injustices visited upon our Black citizens. It’s deeply concerning that people are protesting the possibility of our country’s history being accurately taught in schools. The only way for America to be great is to accept all of our citizens at face value, and the only way to do that is to understand our intertwined roots ― our history and all the pain and tragedy that exists within it ― and face this, together, head-on.

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    Teacher Fired For Breaking State’s Critical Race Theory Laws After Telling Students She’s Black

    COOKEVILLE, TN—In a move to protect students from being indoctrinated against their will with radical left-wing theories, a teacher at the local high school was reportedly fired Monday for breaking Tennessee’s critical race theory laws when she told her students she was Black. “Simply put, we cannot have a teacher in this school system poisoning our children’s minds with her belief that she is a Black woman,” school board president Dale Nevis said of the dismissed educator, adding that she had been warned several times that she was making students in her classes uncomfortable by teaching that there were Black teachers in schools. “Our new laws are clear, because it’s a simple case of student safety. We do not want our teachers doing critical race theory in schools, whether that’s forcing students to hear evil theories like ‘My parents are Black,’ or whatever the other critical race theories are that are only meant to divide us. Look, this divisive rhetoric, like ‘I am a Black person,’ is making our white students feel like they’re inherently inferior. This is a clear-cut case of reverse racism, and our school board won’t stand for it.” Nevis added that it was frankly a crazy Marxist fantasy that you’d ever see a Black person in a teaching position to begin with.

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    Four Tops singer’s lawsuit says he visited ER for chest pain, ended up in straitjacket

    , https://www.statnews.com/2024/06/11/alexander-morris-four-tops-lawsuit-er-hospital-racism-straightjacket/

    When Alexander Morris, a member of the Motown group The Four Tops, visited a Detroit-area Ascension hospital with chest pain and trouble breathing, he said the staff assumed he was mentally ill after he told them he was a famous singer. Instead of treating Morris, a white security guard told him to “sit his Black ass down” and he was placed in a straitjacket, Morris claims in a new lawsuit.

    Morris is suing Ascension Macomb-Oakland Hospital in Warren, Michigan over his April 2023 treatment, alleging racial discrimination and false imprisonment, among other counts. The federal lawsuit, filed on Monday in the Eastern District of Michigan, names as defendants the hospital, a nurse, and a security guard who were involved in the incident.

    In a statement, Ascension said it would not comment on pending litigation. “We remain committed to honoring human dignity and acting with integrity and compassion for all persons and the community,” the system said. “We do not condone racial discrimination of any kind.”

    Morris described the experience as “terrifying” in a statement shared by his attorneys.

    “I see all of these posts on social media like ‘driving while black,’ ‘walking while black,’ but I never imagined I would become a victim of ‘being sick while Black,’” Morris said. “The hospital never fired the security guard that told me to sit my Black ass down. Clearly they condone racism. I filed the lawsuit to hold the hospital accountable for the way I was treated and to protect the younger generations from racism in healthcare.”

    The staff members named as defendants are security guard Greg Ciesielski and nurse Holly Jackson. The lawsuit does not mention that Ciesielski, the guard who allegedly made the racial slur, died in September 2023. A GoFundMe page for his family says Ciesielski suffered a ruptured aorta, leaving behind a wife and two adult children. Messages to his wife were not returned. Jackson could not be reached for comment. The ER physician who treated Morris isn’t named as a defendant.

    Neither of Morris’ attorneys, Maurice Davis in Southfield, Michigan, or Jasmine Rand of Miami, Florida, responded to questions about the fact that one of the defendants was deceased.

    The Four Tops is a Grammy Award-nominated vocal group from Detroit that was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990. It’s known for hits like “I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)” and “Reach Out I’ll Be There.” At the time of the incident, The Four Tops was on a national tour with The Temptations and had recently performed at the Grammy Awards.

    Morris has a significant history of heart problems, including the placement of stents and a defibrillator. He was transported to the emergency room on April 7, 2023, by ambulance and was already receiving oxygen. By the end of his hospitalization, he would be diagnosed with a heart attack that may require a heart transplant and pneumonia. He also suffered three seizures during his hospital stay, per the lawsuit.

    When he got to the ER, Morris told a nurse and a security guard that he was a member of The Four Tops and that he had security concerns due to stalkers and fans. Morris’ complaint says shortly after check-in, he explained his medical history to an emergency room doctor and told him about his current symptoms.

    When he shared his celebrity status, Morris claims that the ER doctor assumed he was mentally ill. He removed Morris’ oxygen and ordered a psychological evaluation “despite his clear symptoms of cardiac distress and significant medical history,” the complaint said.

    As this was happening, Morris explained to the staff around him, including the nurse and security guard, that he had identification and could show them who he was. Instead, the security guard told him to “sit his Black ass down.” Morris’ lawsuit said the comment was made in front of at least four staff members, but none of them intervened to stop the mistreatment. To his knowledge, none of them reported the use of a racial slur to a supervisor.

    “Moreover, none of the nursing staff thought to simply ask for Plaintiff’s identification,” the complaint says.

    Related: How doctors are pressuring sickle cell patients into unwanted sterilizations
    In the restraint jacket, Morris allegedly told staff he was having trouble breathing, and asked for the oxygen back. He said he was ignored. Morris then asked to have the jacket removed and for his belongings to be returned so he could leave and go to another hospital. His lawsuit says he was told he couldn’t leave. His medical condition declined. Several security guards were allegedly called to ensure he couldn’t leave.

    Eventually, Morris’ wife showed up and saw what was happening. She told a security guard that he was actually a member of The Four Tops, but the guard allegedly left the restraints on and continued to deny Morris medical treatment. Finally, a nurse came to Morris’ side, and Morris asked if he could show her a video of him performing at the Grammy Awards. Realizing he was actually a member of the group, she told the doctor, who said he was canceling the psychological evaluation. Staff removed the straitjacket and placed Morris back on oxygen.

    Morris’ lawsuit says he was restrained for about 90 minutes. He was offered a $25 Meijer gift card as an apology, which he declined.

    In addition to racial discrimination and false imprisonment, Morris’ lawsuit alleges gross negligence, negligence, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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    Sometimes…I swear.

    I have this assignment I give. For my college class. It’s about data interpretation. I just throw out a bunch of pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs, and tables. And I say, “Write a paper.” You know, it’s a college thing. Do a study, collect data, so what? So here’s some data. Find something in it that you think is significant, and write a paper.

    I give them four folders of graphs: economic, healthcare, criminal justice, and education.

    And this is the shit I get:

    Racism is an accident, apparently.

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