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May 12, 2022 at 4:32 pm #138858
Black hole at the centre of our Galaxy imaged for the first time
The Event Horizon Telescope network has captured the second-ever direct image of a black hole — called Sagittarius A* — at the centre of the Milky Way.
Davide Castelvecchi
The second-ever direct image of a black hole — Sagittarius A*, at the centre of the Milky Way.Credit: Event Horizon Telescope collaborationRadio astronomers have imaged the super massive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way. It is only the second-ever direct image of a black hole, after the same team unveiled a historic picture of a more distant black hole in 2019.
The long-awaited results, presented today by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration, show an image reminiscent of the earlier one, with a ring of radiation surrounding a darker disk of precisely the size that was predicted from indirect observations and from Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity.
“Today, right this moment, we have direct evidence that this object is a black hole,” said astrophysicist Sara Issaoun of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics at a press conference in Garching, Germany.
“We’ve been working on this for so long, every once and a while you have to pinch yourself and remember that this is the black hole at the centre of our Universe,” said computational-imaging researcher and former EHT team member Katie Bouman at a press conference in Washington, DC. “I mean, what’s more cool than seeing the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way?”
Black-hole observations
During five nights in April 2017, the EHT collaboration used eight different observatories across the world to collect data from both the Milky Way’s black hole — called Sagittarius A* after the constellation in which it is found — as well as the one at the centre of the galaxy M87, called M87*.
The observing locations ranged from Spain to the South Pole and from Chile to Hawaii, and added up to nearly four petabytes (4,000 terabytes) of data, which was too much to be sent over the Internet and had to be carried by aeroplane on hard disks.
The EHT researchers unveiled their image of M87* in 2019, showing the first direct evidence of an event horizon, the spherical surface that shrouds a black hole’s interior.
But the Sagittarius A* data were more challenging to analyse. The two black holes have roughly the same apparent size in the sky, because M87* is nearly 2,000 times farther away but also roughly 1,600 times larger. This also means that any blobs of matter that spiral around M87* are covering much larger distances — larger than the orbit of Pluto around the Sun — and the radiation they emit is essentially constant over short time scales. But Sagittarius A* can change quickly even over the few hours the EHT observes it every day. “In M87* we saw very little variation within a week,” says Heino Falcke, an astrophysicist at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands and a co-founder of the EHT collaboration. “Sagittarius A* varies on time scales of 5 to 15 minutes.”
Because of this variability, the EHT team generated not one image of Sagittarius A*, but thousands, and the image unveiled today is the result of a lot of processing. “By averaging them together we are able to emphasize common features,” said EHT member José Gómez of the Andalusian Institute of Astrophysics in Granada, Spain. The next aim of the project is to generate a movie of the black hole to learn more about its physical properties, said Feryal Özel, an astrophysicist at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
The EHT team conducted supercomputer simulations to compare with their data, and concluded that Sagittarius A* is probably rotating along an axis that roughly points along the line of sight to Earth. The direction of that rotation is anticlockwise, Gómez said.
“What blows my mind is that we’re seeing it face-on,” says Regina Caputo, an astrophysicist at NASA–Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope, which Caputo works with, had previously detected giant glowing features above and below the centre of the galaxy, which could have been produced by Sagittarius A* during periods of intense activity in the past. But those features, known as Fermi bubbles, would seem to require matter to swirl around the black hole edge-on as seen from Earth, rather than face-on.
Extremely massive object
The first hints of the existence of Sagittarius A* were seen in the 1970s, when radio astronomers discovered a seemingly pointlike radio source in the central region of the Galaxy.
The source turned out to be unusually dim, dimmer than an average star. Still, decades-long observations of the motions of nearby stars revealed that the object was extremely massive. The most recent ones have measured it to be 4.15 million times the mass of the Sun, give or take 0.3%. These calculations, done by tracking how stars orbit Sagittarius A*, provided strong evidence that the radio source is so massive and dense that it could be nothing else than a black hole, and earned Andrea Ghez and Reinhard Genzel a share of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics. (The EHT image shows that the black hole weighs around 4 million solar masses, which is consistent with those earlier estimates, although not as precise.)
Sagittarius A* is practically invisible to optical telescopes, because of the dust and gas on the galactic disk. But beginning in the 1990s, Falcke and others realized that the shadow of the black hole might be just large enough to be imaged with short radio waves, which can pierce that veil. But to do so, researchers calculated, would require a telescope the size of Earth. Fortunately, the technique called interferometry could help. It involves pointing multiple, faraway telescopes at the same object simultaneously. Effectively, the telescopes work as if they were shards of one big dish.
The first attempts to observe Sagittarius A* with interferometry used relatively long, 7 millimetre radio waves, and observatories a few thousand kilometres apart. All astronomers could see was a blurred-out spot.
Teams worldwide then refined their techniques, and retrofitted some major observatories so that they could add them to the network. In particular, a group led by Shep Doeleman of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, adapted the South Pole Telescope and the US$1.4-billion Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) in Chile to do the work. In 2008, Doeleman’s team also conducted the first observations at the more technically challenging 1.3 millimetre wavelength.
Then in 2015, groups joined forces as the EHT collaboration. Their 2017 observation campaign was the first one to span distances long enough to resolve details the size of Sagittarius A*.
Future plans
The EHT collected more data in 2018 but cancelled their planned observation campaigns in 2019 and 2020. They resumed observations in 2021 and 2022, with an improved network and more sophisticated instruments.
Remo Tilanus, an EHT member at the University of Arizona in Tucson, says that the team’s latest observations, in March, recorded signals at twice the rate as in 2017 — which should help to increase the resolution of the resulting images.
Researchers also hope to find out whether Sagittarius A* has jets. Many black holes, including M87*, display two beams of rapidly matter shooting out in opposite directions, presumably as a result of the intense heating of the in-falling gas. Sagittarius A* might have had large jets in the past — as heated clouds of matter above and below the galactic centre suggest. Its jets would now be much weaker, but their presence could still reveal important details about our Galaxy’s history.
“These jets can inhibit or induce star formation, they can move the chemical elements around,” and affect the evolution of an entire galaxy, says Falcke. “And we’re now looking at where it’s happening.”
May 12, 2022 at 4:36 pm #138860zn
ModeratorIn a good Groucho Marx voice: “that’s the most sagittarius A star I’ve ever seen.”
May 14, 2022 at 2:22 pm #138896zn
ModeratorJune 19, 2022 at 8:22 pm #139365zn
ModeratorRecent experiments in physics have revealed possible cracks in the Standard Model and have hinted at a more profound theory of the universe. The upgraded Large Hadron Collider, which restarts in July, could blow those cracks wide open, scientists say.
— NYT Science (@NYTScience) June 18, 2022
June 19, 2022 at 8:25 pm #139366zn
ModeratorAs the Large Hadron Collider ramps up, physicists’ hopes soar
In April, scientists at the European Center for Nuclear Research, or CERN, near Geneva, again fired their cosmic cannon, the Large Hadron Collider. After a three-year shutdown for repairs and upgrades, the collider has resumed firing protons — the bare innards of hydrogen atoms — around its 17-mile underground electromagnetic racetrack. In early July, the collider will begin to smash these particles together to create sparks of primordial energy.
And so the great game of chasing the secret of the universe is about to resume, amid new developments and renewed hopes from particle physicists. Even before its renovation, the collider had hinted that nature might hide something spectacular. Mitesh Patel, a particle physicist at Imperial College London who is conducting an experiment at CERN, described the data from his previous experiments as “the most exciting set of results I have seen in my professional life”.
Ten years ago, physicists at CERN made world headlines with the discovery of the long-sought Higgs boson, a particle that gives mass to all other particles in the universe. What’s left to find? Almost everything, say optimistic physicists.
When the CERN collider was first turned on in 2010, the universe was up for grabs. The largest and most powerful machine ever built was designed to find the Higgs boson. This particle is the keystone of the Standard Model, a set of equations that explains everything scientists have been able to measure about the subatomic world.
But there are deeper questions about the universe that the standard model doesn’t explain: where did the universe come from? Why is it made of matter rather than antimatter? What is the “dark matter” that permeates the cosmos? How does the Higgs particle itself have mass?
Physicists hoped that some answers would materialize in 2010 when the Large Collider was first turned on. Nothing appeared except the Higgs – in particular, no new particles that could explain the nature of dark matter. Frustratingly, the standard pattern remained unwavering.
The collider was shut down in late 2018 for major upgrades and repairs. Under the current schedule, the collider will operate until 2025, then shut down for another two years for other major upgrades to be installed. Among this set of upgrades are improvements to the giant detectors that sit at the four points where proton beams collide and analyze collision debris. From July, these detectors will have their work cut out for them. Proton beams have been compressed to make them more intense, increasing the chance of proton collisions at crossing points – but confusing detectors and computers in the form of multiple sprays of particles that need to be distinguished from each other. each other.
“The data is going to come in at a much faster rate than we were used to,” Dr Patel said. Where once only a few collisions occurred with each beam crossing, there would now be more than five.
“It makes our lives more difficult in a certain sense because we have to be able to find the things that interest us among all these different interactions,” he said. “But that means there’s a higher likelihood of seeing the thing you’re looking for.”
Meanwhile, a variety of experiments have revealed possible cracks in the Standard Model – and hinted at a broader, deeper theory of the universe. These findings imply rare behaviors of subatomic particles whose names are unfamiliar to most of us in the cosmic bleachers.
Take the muon, a subatomic particle that briefly rose to fame last year. Muons are often called fat electrons; they have the same negative electrical charge but are 207 times more massive. “Who ordered this? said physicist Isador Rabi when he discovered muons in 1936.
Nobody knows where the muons are in the grand scheme of things. They are created by cosmic ray collisions – and in collider events – and they radioactively decay within microseconds into a fizzle of electrons and ghostly particles called neutrinos.
Last year, a team of some 200 physicists associated with the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois reported that muons spinning in a magnetic field oscillated much faster than predicted by the Standard Model.
The discrepancy with theoretical predictions came in the eighth decimal of the value of a parameter called g-2, which describes how the particle responds to a magnetic field.
The scientists attributed the fractional but real difference to the quantum murmur of as-yet-unknown particles that would briefly materialize around the muon and affect its properties. Confirming the existence of the particles would finally break the Standard Model.
But two groups of theorists are still working to reconcile their predictions of what g-2 should be, pending further data from the Fermilab experiment.
“The g-2 anomaly is still very much alive,” said Aida X. El-Khadra, a University of Illinois physicist who helped lead a three-year effort called the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative to make a consensus prediction. “Personally, I’m optimistic that the standard model cracks will turn into an earthquake. However, the exact position of the cracks can still be a moving target.
The muon also features in another anomaly. The main character, or perhaps the villain, of this drama is a particle called the B quark, one of six varieties of quarks that make up heavier particles like protons and neutrons. B stands for low or, perhaps, beauty. These quarks are found in two-quark particles called B mesons. But these quarks are unstable and tend to collapse in ways that appear to violate the Standard Model.
Some rare decays of a B quark involve a daisy chain of reactions, ending in a different, lighter type of quark and a pair of light particles called leptons, either electrons or their plump cousins, muons. The Standard Model holds that electrons and muons are equally likely to appear in this reaction. (There is a third, heavier lepton called the tau, but it decays too quickly to observe.) But Dr. Patel and his colleagues found more electron pairs than muon pairs, violating a principle called the universality of leptons.
“It could be a Standard Model killer,” said Dr Patel, whose team studied B quarks with one of the large detectors at the Large Hadron Collider, LHCb. This anomaly, like the magnetic muon anomaly, alludes to an unknown “influencer” — a particle or force interfering with the reaction.
One of the most dramatic possibilities, if this data holds up in the collider’s next run, Dr. Patel says, is a subatomic speculation called a leptoquark. If the particle exists, it could bridge the gap between two classes of particles that make up the material universe: light leptons – electrons, muons and also neutrinos – and heavier particles like protons and neutrons, which are made up of quarks. . Curiously, there are six types of quarks and six types of leptons.
“We enter this race with more optimism that there could be a revolution ahead,” Dr Patel said. “Crossed fingers.”
There is yet another strangely behaving particle in this zoo: the W boson, which carries the so-called weak force responsible for radioactive decay. In May, physicists at Fermilab’s Collider Detector, or CDF, reported on a 10-year effort to measure the mass of this particle, based on some 4 million W bosons collected from collisions at Fermilab’s Tevatron. , which was the most powerful collider in the world. until the construction of the Large Hadron Collider.
According to the Standard Model and previous mass measurements, the W boson should weigh about 80.357 billion electron-volts, the mass-energy unit favored by physicists. By comparison, the Higgs boson weighs 125 billion electron volts, about as much as an iodine atom. But the CDF measurement of W, the most accurate ever, was higher than expected at 80.433 billion. The experimenters calculated that there was only a 1 in 2 trillion chance – 7 sigma, in physics jargon – that this discrepancy was a statistical fluke.
The mass of the W boson is related to the masses of other particles, including the infamous Higgs. So this new gap, if it holds, could be another crack in the standard model.
Yet the three anomalies and the theorists’ hopes for revolution could evaporate with more data. But for optimists, all three point in the same encouraging direction to hidden particles or forces interfering with “known” physics.
“So a new particle that could explain both g-2 and the mass W could be within reach at the LHC,” said Kyle Cranmer, a physicist at the University of Wisconsin who works on other experiments at CERN. .
John Ellis, a theorist at CERN and Kings College London, noted that at least 70 papers have been published suggesting explanations for the new mass difference W.
“Many of these explanations also require new particles that could be accessible to the LHC,” he said. “Did I mention dark matter? So many things to watch out for!
Of the upcoming race, Dr Patel said: “It will be exciting. It’s going to be hard work, but we’re really looking forward to seeing what we have and if there’s anything really exciting in the data.
He added: ‘You could make a career out of science and not be able to say it once. So it’s a privilege. »
August 2, 2022 at 12:33 pm #139923zn
ModeratorThere are pics so it’s hard to copy, follow the link.
Two Weeks In, the Webb Space Telescope Is Reshaping Astronomy
In the days after the mega-telescope started delivering data, astronomers reported exciting new discoveries about galaxies, stars, exoplanets and even Jupiter.…
One of JWST’s much-touted abilities is the power to look back in time to the early universe and see some of the first galaxies and stars. Already, the telescope — which launched on Christmas Day 2021 and now sits 1.5 million kilometers from Earth — has spotted the most distant, earliest galaxy known.
A newfound galaxy dubbed GLASS-z13, which is so far away that we see it as it appeared 300 million years after the Big Bang, now holds the record for the earliest known galaxy. That record is not expected to last long.
August 17, 2022 at 8:47 pm #140147zn
ModeratorMarch 30, 2023 at 11:38 pm #143351zn
ModeratorJune 9, 2023 at 10:22 am #144341zn
Moderator“Researchers At Large Hadron Collider Are Confident To Make Contact With Parallel Universe In Days”
— Brian Roemmele (@BrianRoemmele) June 8, 2023
December 13, 2023 at 2:27 pm #147504zn
ModeratorDecember 31, 2023 at 11:46 am #148088zn
ModeratorA good review of the basics on this issue.
March 7, 2025 at 10:02 pm #155341zn
ModeratorSupersolid: Scientists turn light into a solid that flows like liquid for first time
This achievement marks a significant milestone in the field of condensed matter physics.
In a remarkable development, researchers have successfully turned light into a supersolid for the first time, paving the way for new insights into the unusual quantum states of matter.
This achievement marks a significant milestone in the field of condensed matter physics.
Dimitrios Trypogeorgos from Italy’s National Research Council (CNR) reportedly said, “We actually made light into a solid. That’s pretty awesome.”
This feat builds on earlier work by fellow CNR scientist Danielle Sanvitto, who demonstrated over a decade ago that light could behave like a fluid.
However, Trypogeorgos, Sanvitto, and their team have taken it further by creating what they call a quantum “supersolid.”
Light goes quantum
Supersolids are unique materials with zero viscosity and a structure resembling conventional crystals, like those found in table salt.
Unlike typical materials, which behave according to familiar laws of physics, supersolids exist mainly in the quantum realm, NewScientist reported.
Until now, such materials were only achievable in controlled experiments involving atoms cooled to extremely low temperatures—conditions under which quantum effects become prominent and observable.
The recent experiment diverged from previous methods by utilizing a semiconductor known as aluminum gallium arsenide instead of ultracold atoms.
The researchers directed a laser at a specifically patterned piece of the semiconductor, which featured narrow ridges.
This interaction between the light and the semiconductor led to the formation of hybrid particles called polaritons.
The ridge pattern played a critical role by constraining how these quasiparticles could move and their energy levels, ultimately enabling the polaritons to coalesce into a supersolid state.
The team faced a significant challenge to solidify their findings: they needed to accurately measure enough properties of this newly formed supersolid, offering proof that it truly exhibited characteristics of both a solid and a fluid with no viscosity.
Sanvitto highlighted the complexity of the task, stating that a supersolid made from light had never been created or experimentally validated before.
Supersolid out of laser beams
Alberto Bramati from Sorbonne University in France also emphasized the importance of the study, noting that it contributes to a broader understanding of how quantum matter can change states through phase transition.
While the team has convincingly shown that they produced a supersolid, Bramati acknowledged that additional measurements and analyses are necessary to comprehend its properties fully.
Trypogeorgos expressed optimism about future research opportunities involving light-based supersolids.
He suggested that these forms of matter might be more manageable than those generated from atoms.
This characteristic could lead to a deeper exploration of novel and unexpected states of matter and practical applications in quantum technology.
As the field of quantum physics continues to evolve, creating a light-based supersolid represents an exciting beginning for researchers.
With much more to uncover about the behavior of this new state of matter, scientists are keen to delve deeper into its nuances, potentially uncovering groundbreaking applications in the coming years.
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