informal poll: can the Rams beat the Bills?

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    Avatar photowv

    I know its a cliche, but the Rams have to contain Thurmon Thomas
    to have a chance on Sunday.

    And D’Marco Farr is gonna have to avoid stupid roughing penalties.


    Can’t let Jim Kelly go off as well. We must block Bruce Smith, for Gurley to have a big day. 😂😂😂🚭✌🚾

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by JackPMiller.
    Avatar photozn

    I say…this will be a tough game.

    A Ryan team will have exactly the kind of defense needed to challenge and frustrate both Gurley and Keenum at the same time.

    Though the Rams D at home ought to be able to take it to the Bills offense.

    A close, tough, physical, hard-fought game that will come down to which team makes a few big plays on offense or defense.

    Which…sounds familiar….


    Avatar photocanadaram

    They can, but they won’t. Gurley will be kept in check and Keenum will be harassed all game.

    Shady McCoy will be a huge factor, breaking off long runs after the Rams D seemingly has him pinned in the backfield. I also expect Shady to have a big day in the screen game as the Bills take advantage of Williams’ aggressive schemes.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Here is what I said in response to Can The Rams Beat San Francisco:

    Yes. Without any nail-biting.

    Here is what I said in response to the Seattle poll:

    I just have no idea. At all. No hunch of any kind.

    Here is what I said about the Tampa game:

    I’m going with No.

    Right now the Rams are fortunate to be 1-1. The defense won that game. The offense did everything they could to lose the game except turn over the ball. I don’t expect the Rams to suddenly start scoring multiple TDs on offense, and I think that is what it is usually going to take, especially on the road.

    I think the Rams need at least 20 points to win in Tampa, and I don’t see how they are going to get that many.

    On Arizona, I had this wisdom to share:

    I just don’t see them winning on the road against a very good football team that just got embarrassed last week, and is looking up at a division rival that they hate. The term Must Win is going to flung around, and Arians is a very good coach. The Rams offense hasn’t shown it can compete against a good defense, and the Cards are good.

    I hope the Rams don’t get embarrassed.

    So since I have been wrong every time I’ve picked a winner, I am going with the Bills. Hands down.


    Yes the Rams will beat the Bills.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    I think the Rams can beat any team, I just don’t know if they will. I will guarantee they don’t want to play us right now nobody does. Watkins is on IR so that makes it easier but they still have the guy I wanted the Rams to grab ,wr Robert Woods.


    I’m using the Zooey tactic. I picked the Rams to get killed last week. In honor of that deep insight I shall pick the Rams to have a complete let down this week. They’ll go full Keystone Cops mode and give this game away early. Bills 103 – Rams 2 (Donald gets a safety)

    PA Ram

    If you think about these games–it is scary to think how easily the Rams could be 0-4 instead of 3-1. The margin is that close.

    They have not dominated one team and have been blown out one time.

    Everyone I see these days looks at me with shock that the Rams are 3-1. They get that look you see when someone sees something that just doesn’t make any sense, or is trying to figure out a puzzle.

    I have no explanation for them.

    ARE the Rams truly a 3-1 team?

    Well–they say you are what your record says you are. Maybe.

    But 4 games in and I’m still not sure who the Rams really are. If they keep playing these tight–let your defense make a stop with seconds to go to win it–games, they will see the coin flip and lose some heartbreakers.

    Is this one of those games?

    Maybe. I can’t say I have a good feeling about it. But I’m trying to solve that puzzle too.

    I will say that the home field carries them this week in probably another nail biter.

    And we still won’t really know who they are and will be wondering next week if they can really win on the road at Detroit.

    By week 8 I expect to have a better idea of what this team really is. For now–I’m just enjoying the wins.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Rams are three point favorites which is what you get for playing at home so Vegas sees these teams as evenly matched.

    So do I.

    Really hard to pick a winner but the Bills are coming off two dominating victories over the Cards and Pats whereas the Rams have been just squeaking by regardless of how good their opponent is.

    Both teams are a work in progress but I think the Bills might be farther along the developmental curve right now so I give them a slight edge.


    Rams are three point favorites which is what you get for playing at home so Vegas sees these teams as evenly matched.

    So do I.

    Really hard to pick a winner but the Bills are coming off two dominating victories over the Cards and Pats whereas the Rams have been just squeaking by regardless of how good their opponent is.

    Both teams are a work in progress but I think the Bills might be farther along the developmental curve right now so I give them a slight edge.

    One minor consideration here, regarding the win over the Patriots. They were down to 3rd string QB, Brissett, who I think had a thumb injury, and I recall seeing somewhere that Gronk only had 1 catch. Nagging hamstring??? Anyway, point being, yeah, the Bills beat the Pats, but they were not THE PATS. Not to diminish the victory, they did beat them, and they did shut them out at home.

    I think itll be a different story for the Bills when they run into Case-Hardened Keenum.

    Wonder if the Bills headsets worked ok in Foxboro…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by NERam.
    Avatar photojoemad

    it’s been 13 years since the Rams won 4 games in a row…

    Last year, they came close to winning 4 games in a row….. unfortunately, a blocked FG in OT at Levi denied the Rams……

    Bills do not have a good west coast record

    Fisher and the Ryan Sisters have a history that goes back to Chicago and Buddy…….

    Roberta Ryan left abruptly in 2013 to become DC in New Orleans…

    Buffalo defense very similar to Rams… give up yardage, but stingy with points…..

    13 years is a long time to wait to win 4 games in a row…..

    Avatar photowv

    ARE the Rams truly a 3-1 team?

    Well–they say you are what your record says you are. Maybe.

    But 4 games in and I’m still not sure who the Rams really are


    Well, but i think we do know who the defense is. Its a top ten Defense,
    and if Gaines gets into playing-groove, they might be top five.
    (barring injuries)

    Special teams look fine. We canNOT underestimate the improvement in legatron. They woulda been eight and eight last year if legatron alone had improved.

    The Offense is till a mess, but its improving. We dunno quite what the ceiling will be with Keenum and crew. I like the fact its improving though. You can see it.
    Theyve gone from completely standing still, to…sputtering, smoking, backfiring and clunking along at eight miles an hour on two good tires and a broken axle.


    Avatar photozn

    Theyve gone from completely standing still, to…sputtering, smoking, backfiring and clunking along at eight miles an hour on two good tires and a broken axle.

    Let’s add that they won the last 2 games on the road and had to come from behind both times.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    defense i think is gonna have to shut them down. possibly even have to score a td of their own. or two. special teams has to make a play or two.

    i just don’t see how this offense scores without some help against this defense.


    Seems to me like Buffalo might win this because they match up well with the Rams. They have a solid Defense and a mobile QB, McCoy and their OL is solid. But what do I know?

    To be safe, I posted a quick and easy tactical outline of WWI that I think the Rams hierarchy could utilize for victory in what could be a serious trench warfare type of situation.

    Tunnel Warfare

    Also known as Mining Warfare. During Trench Warfare, men dug tunnels underneath enemy positions (such as trenches) and then use explosives to destroy the enemy’s defenses from underneath. First used by Germans in December 1914.

    Counter Mining

    Both sides tried to find each other’s tunnels by auditory means. Once located, a small explosive would be placed and detonated. The resulting damage would destroy the enemy’s tunnel, but the other party’s tunnel would remain intact.

    Hand-to-Hand Fighting

    Occured when miners on both sides suddenly tunneled into each other. The result was deadly fighting with makeshift weapons of shovels, picks and other digging utensils.

    Battle of Messines (June 7-14, 1917)

    Battle on the Western Front in Belgium where most Tunnel Warfare was seen. The detonation of 19 mines out of 22 dug over a year, resulting in extreme disruption of German defences and decisive Allied victory.

    General Plumer

    British general in the Battle of Messines. The quote refers to the extensive network of mines dug for the battle.
    “Gentlemen, we may make history tomorrow, but we will certainly change the geography.”

    “War at Sea”

    Both sides (Germany and Britain primarily) imposed a blockade on each other. Since Germany relied heavily on imported fertilizer for food, Britain halted ships bound for German ports with the goal of internal strife in Germany of both starvation and economic damage.

    “Freedom of the Seas”

    Allies’ blockade broke international law: A country is able to import non-contraband goods in wartime. The Allies abolished this law for a new one that dissolved the distinguishment. Neutrals were mainly affected, and US vehemently protested, asserting “freedom of the seas,” the right to trade with other neutrals.

    Contraband and Non-contraband goods

    Contraband goods: munitions, raw materials used to manufacture military equipment
    Non-contraband goods: foodstuff, raw cotton, fertilizer, etc.
    This distinction was set in the 1909 London Treaty concerning international wartime laws.

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    After naval blockade, Germans employed this strategy in 1915. Vessels in the waters around the Britain Isle will be torpedoed, whether neutral or allied. This led to the sinking of the Lusitania.
    Mined waters: Naval mine

    Self-contained explosive to destory vessels used to defend coastal areas. Germany and Britain both waged this tactic, mining each other’s waters. Germany was more successful in the beginning.

    North Sea Mine Barrage

    Tactic employed by the US fleet to inhibit the Unrestricted Submarine Warfare. A mine barrage was set along the North Sea, but completed few days short at end of war.

    Schlieffen Plan

    Devised by German Army Chief of Staff Alfred von Schlieffen, this strategy was calculated to avoid two-front war and bring swift victory. The plan 90% of army attacks French through neutral Belgium while the rest would be waiting for Russia to mobilize its troops. It was vital for French to be defeated, and she was not, so this plan failed.

    Trench Warfare

    The development of the machine gun made impossible for foot soldiers to advance on open land. Thus, trenches were dug for shelter, seen predominantly on the western front. The success of protection from artillery bombment and infantry resulted in stalemate.


    Line of exploding artillery shells; used to hamper enemy’s movement or to attack them. Unique as it is concentrated to one area.

    Creeping Barrage

    Lifted in small increments to keep pace with the infantry, who could move undercover with the artillery. The precision needed to employ this tactic made this difficult, as wrong timing would result in death. Horrible communication methods made this more difficult.


    Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause. Posters were to rally public support, recruit soldiers, and demoralize the enemies.

    Poison Gas

    Gas such as chlorine, mustard, and tear were used on unsuspecting victims, causing painful deaths. Germans first introduced chlorine gas in the Second Battle of Ypres. Wind was a crucial factor. It became less effective later due to the introduction of gas masks.

    Preliminary Bombardment

    A means of breaking stalemate of trench warfare. It was considered a critical component of a lalrge-scale infantry attack, but this proved to be wrong. Used mostly in the Western Front, underscored in the Battle of the Somme, it was clearly ineffective. Creeping barrage developed from this technique.
    French Nivelle Offensive

    1917 French attack on the Western Front during the Second Battle of Aisne. The plan was to massive onslaugt of the German lines in 48 hours. It failed disastrously due to info leaks, causing more than 270,000 French casualties compared to the pre-estimated 10,000.

    Plan 17

    French mobilization plan to recapture Alsace-Lorraine; attack Germany, then come back to attack Austria-Hungary. After some initial success, the plan was abandoned due to the German’s Schlieffen Plan.

    Plan 19

    Russia’s strategy: presuming Germany will focus on France, it proposed to immediately invade East Prussia. Due to dissents, this plan was altered before set to action: two armies would invade while the remaining 17 armies would defend Russia from the Austro-Hungarian Army.


    Here we go.

    Well, it’s at home. 80000 screaming Rams fans. And drinking. And fightin. And leaving early.

    Advantage= Rams

    Keenum Vs Bills Defense. A scary defense. They could put the hurt on Keenum, so I expect a lot of checkdowns. Unfortunate, as Boras has the receivers getting open. We may have a Goff sighting.

    Advantage= Bills

    Tyrod Taylor Vs. Rams D. Mismatch.

    Advantage= Rams

    I’ll take the Rams and the under (40).

    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    This team is puzzling . The defense is better than expected considering how many starters they lost Long, JL, Jenks and Mcloed and the offense is worse and the only lost a melted down Foles and Cook,with Quick hopefully finding his groove and of course Mason a no show. One thing is the Rams can out hit anyone and there is an intimidation factor.The AZ game showed that.


    Yes the good guys can win this game but I have 3 concerns that need to be overcome

    1) Playing as the favorite….Rams are a 3 pt favorite a d tend to drop the ball when favored. They are a solid bet when an underdog, especially playing opponents within the division.

    2) Running QB….Mobile QB’s, excepr Russel Wilson, tend to give the Rams fits. Gabbert scorched them time after time in the 1st game. They have to contain Tyrod and force him to beat us with his arm.

    3) McCoy…the guy is a stud and the Bills are going to try just as hard as the Rams to establish a run game. The D-line is gonna have their hands full containing both McCoy and Taylor while also applying a pass rush.

    Avatar photozn

    I’m repeating myself, but, my thinking is, the Bills defense is capable of attacking both the Rams run game and deep passing game at the same time.

    The Bills have 3 games of film showing the Rams staying alive via the deep ball. Chances are they are not going to just focus on the run at the expense of the the deep ball.

    To me that means the game gets down to how well the Rams D can contain McCoy.

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    I think we will have to be able to run to win this game. Or, we need the time of possession to be 30 minutes or more. imo


    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    I’m repeating myself, but, mu thinking is, the Bills defense is capable of attacking both the Rams run game and deep passing game at the same time.

    The Bills have 3 games of film showing the Rams staying alive via the deep ball. Chances are they are not going to just focus on the run at the expense of the the deep ball.

    To me that means the game gets down to how well the Rams D can contain McCoy.

    yeah. i think figuring out mccoy will be huge.

    i also think they need to figure out a way to get gurley more production. can’t keep relying on keenum to bail them out with clutch plays. now i realize the bills have a good defense, but gurley is their best player. they gotta scheme him some touches and get him free.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    I think we will have to be able to run to win this game. Or, we need the time of possession to be 30 minutes or more.

    totally in agreement.

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