Biden Sweeps March 17 Primaries

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  • #112520

    Oh, by the way, the man who is against National Health Care, continues to beat the man who is for National Health Care. Meanwhile a majority of the actual voters SAY they support National Health Care. Its a Madhouse.

    Election Results:


    Oh, by the way, the man who is against National Health Care, continues to beat the man who is for National Health Care. Meanwhile a majority of the actual voters SAY they support National Health Care. Its a Madhouse.

    Election Results:

    No-he is NOT against everyone having health care-as your headline implies. What he’s against is a total government control of healthcare-medicare for all. He does not believe that would ever pass given the public’s reluctance to lose whatever private insurance they now have and their distrust of a government controlled management of their health. What he wants is to build on the ACA so that


    people can obtain needed health care from whatever options they choose. We may well be in a madhouse but your description of the candidates position is patently false.


    No-the candidate is NOT against everyone in this country having health care-as your post implies. He is against a government controlled medicare for all program because of its inability to become close to being the law-given the reluctance of the public to lose their private insurance and a fear of the government controlling their health issues. Few would argue that healthcare is a right and everyone should have equal access to it. What the candidate sees as a clearer and easier path to this is to build on the ACA so that all people-no matter their economic status-have access to the health care of their choice. As such, your description of the candidate as being against this principal is patently false.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by waterfield.

    no-he is NOT against everyone having health care-as your headline implies. What he’s against is a total government control of healthcare-medicare for all.

    W, there is a huge difference between socialized medicine and M4A. They are not the same thing. M4A is just one form of public, universal INSURANCE. That is NOT “total government control of healthcare.” You’re thinking of socialized medicine, where the medical industry itself is public not private.

    And if you want to argue that insurance itself has a high degree of control (though not TOTAL) over health care, then you have to be logically consistent and admit that that is ALREADY the case but with PRIVATE insurance.

    And then we can debate whether private businesses with a cost-increasing and less efficient profit motive should have that degree of control over our health care, or whether access to health care should be defined as a universal right and NOT subject to that kind self-interested profit motive.

    Either way it’s not socialized medicine, which is what you appear to think it is.


    Oh, by the way, the man who is against National Health Care, continues to beat the man who is for National Health Care. Meanwhile a majority of the actual voters SAY they support National Health Care. Its a Madhouse.

    Election Results:

    No-he is NOT against everyone having health care-as your headline implies. What he’s against is a total government control of healthcare-medicare for all. He does not believe that would ever pass given the public’s reluctance to lose whatever private insurance they now have and their distrust of a government controlled management of their health. What he wants is to build on the ACA so that


    people can obtain needed health care from whatever options they choose. We may well be in a madhouse but your description of the candidates position is patently false.


    I know you believe that Biden would fight for some sort of expanded Health Care, Waterfield. And he might. But it would be some sort of Insurance-Corporation-Friendly type of deal. In my view that is so far from ethical that we cant even discuss it. The Biden System is UnEthical. In my view. Its putting Profit over People.

    Some progressives will hold their noses and vote for him. Some wont. I wont.
    He might still win. He might not.



    In my view that is so far from ethical that we cant even discuss it. The Biden System is UnEthical. In my view. Its putting Profit over People.

    And on a more practical level, we already KNOW that the so-called public option (which is basically what Biden is behind) is more expensive and less efficient than M4A would be.

    See this:

    Multiple studies show Medicare for All would be cheaper than public option pushed by moderates

    As an aside, just IMO but Biden is not going to have good plans for anything. He is far too beholden to corporate donors. If anything he would be worse than Clinton who was worse than Obama who was worse than any genuinely acceptable option.

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