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- This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
September 1, 2020 at 6:22 pm #120278
ParticipantOp-Ed: Democrats will be making a huge mistake if they let the left hijack the party
The media’s focus on the “autonomous zone” in Seattle let the right claim the whole city was like a “Mad Max” movie set.
The media’s focus on the “autonomous zone” in Seattle this summer let the right claim the whole city was like the set of a “Mad Max” movie.(Associated Press)
SEP. 1, 20203:30 AM
Last week, a mob of white protesters swarmed a white woman eating dinner in Washington, D.C.’s Adams Morgan neighborhood. Video of the bullies shouting “white silence means violence” and demanding that patrons raise their fists in solidarity with the movement went viral.Many pro-Trump and right-wing media personalities were quick to insist this verbal assault was emblematic of the entire Democratic Party and the broader “American left.” Never mind that the victim, Lauren B. Victor, was a fellow progressive who told a Washington Post reporter, “I’m very much with them. I’ve been marching with them for weeks and weeks and weeks.”
Among the funny things about this decidedly unfunny event is that it would have been almost impossible for this roving rhetorical goon squad to find the kind of victims they surely wanted. Adams Morgan is an especially liberal neighborhood in a very liberal city. Sure, there are some conservatives there — I lived in Adams Morgan for over a decade — but as a statistical matter, picking on random white people in Adams Morgan in the hope of finding MAGA types or even opponents of BLM is like scouring Manhattan’s Upper West Side for taxidermists. It’s theoretically possible, but you’ll have your work cut out for you.
More to the point, national Democrats would be well-advised to draw inspiration from Victor’s refusal to be bullied by a mob, even one she sympathizes with, because she is surely more representative of voters than the mob accosting her was.
American liberalism’s Achilles’ heel has long been a reluctance, sometimes a flat-out inability, to criticize radicals to their left. In the 1960s, leading Democrats kowtowed to extremists out of what the late historian Fred Siegel called a “riot ideology,” and it cost the party dearly.
There have been exceptions. Americans for Democratic Action arguably saved the Democratic Party from its left-most wing led by the “useful idiot” Henry Wallace, FDR’s former vice president. Bill Clinton broke the GOP’s monopoly on the presidency by deliberately picking fights with the left in order to attract more moderate voters. Clinton’s tactics were arguably more cynical than idealistic — he took time off from the campaign trail to oversee the execution of a severely brain-damaged Black man. But say what you will about his “triangulation,” it worked.
American politics has become a contest between two competing caricatures of reality. The primary driver of this dynamic has been the media’s — particularly cable news’ — addiction to narrative journalism combined with the pernicious influence of social media. Twitter and Facebook make it all too easy to shine a spotlight on outlier events and present them as central to our lives. The focus on the ludicrous “autonomous zone” in Seattle earlier this summer let the right claim the whole city was like the set of a “Mad Max” movie.
Similarly, the statistically rare (I’m sorry, but it’s true) examples of outrageously bad behavior by some cops captured on video give many on the left permission to push a narrative of wholesale racial oppression by police.
Social media is like the wall on Plato’s Cave, selective facts cast shadows we mistake for reality. If you take all of your cues about what is happening in America from partisan Twitter — as so many journalists do — you’d be a fool not to buy a gun and prepare for the coming apocalyptic helter-skelter.
The problem is intensified by the tendency of the hyper-politically engaged left and right to listen only to people in their own echo chamber and to mistake Twitter outrage for sentiment on the ground. So despite the fact that a majority of Black and Latino people want the same amount or more police in their communities, we spent weeks listening to “experts” claim that “abolish the police” is a reasonable, mainstream position. (Here’s an illustrative heuristic: If you hear politicians or journalists using the label “Latinx” to describe Latinos, you’re listening to someone in a bubble. According to recent Pew Research Center polling, only about 25% of Latinos know the term and only about 3% actually use it.
Joe Biden won the nomination largely because most of his competitors talked as if Democratic primary voters were indistinguishable from the very online left-wing activists and journalists who dominate MSNBC and CNN.
To his credit, Biden has unequivocally condemned rioting, vigilantism and street violence. But he took too much time to do it, not because he doesn’t believe what he said, but because the campaign let the fringe define the center of the party. Condemning violence — by rioters and vigilantes alike — is a no-brainer; it’s a pre-partisan patriotic requirement of political leadership.
Hesitation to do so is not merely shameful, it’s political malpractice, because most voters expect it and even the appearance of reluctance feeds precisely the narrative that could cost Biden the election.
September 1, 2020 at 6:49 pm #120280zn
ModeratorGet in contact with BT from this board. I left you a message at the Herd too. BT is trying to get in contact with you via email.
September 1, 2020 at 11:35 pm #120283waterfield
ParticipantMy PM on the other board is now empty. I don’t see one here. Have him PM me there or my email
September 2, 2020 at 10:35 am #120288zn
ModeratorMy PM on the other board is now empty. I don’t see one here. Have him PM me there or my email
The PM here works this way. It;s the little chat icon in the lower right hand corner. You can send PMs via that. I actually sent you one a while back so if you got there you will see that.
September 2, 2020 at 11:12 am #120289Billy_T
ParticipantThanks, ZN.
Waterfield, I sent ya an email on a totally unrelated subject. Can’t PM you at the Herd, cuz I was banned a few years ago for telling the truth about the conservative bias of the moderators there at the time. And, again, they didn’t even have the decency to do this by name. They just shut off my posting in the middle of an attempt to say goodbye, cuz I was tired of the oh so selective deletions. As in, I was leaving the Herd for good, and I couldn’t even post that.
Anyway, I like to think I’ve matured in my online activities enough to not try to rejoin boards that do this. I won’t go back, even if they’d accept me back, etc. etc.
As for the above column: Personally, I wouldn’t take advice from Goldberg. He’s the same guy that wrote a book, years ago, trying to pin Fascism on the Left. I encounter that alternative-universe history all the time on other boards. It pretty much didn’t even exist in America until the last couple of decades, moving from the lunatic fringe to the mainstream of the right. The right used to accept the fact that Nazis and Fascists came from their own side of the aisle. Not any more, though. It’s nearing gospel status among Republicans that all of that comes from the left. No evidence to support it. Not one iota. Quite the opposite. But Trump has reconfirmed the idea that evidence isn’t needed when peddling lies. A united front, repetition, repetition, and the projection of confidence — that’s more than enough to keep roughly 40% of the country believing things that don’t exist, never happened, never will happen, etc.
Which leads to the obvious logical inference: The Dems can do the same thing, in a progressive, positive manner. If they would just present a united front, project confidence and strength, stay on the same page, repeat, repeat, repeat, they could pass virtually anything, including the Green New Deal and M4A. Including a living wage, getting rid of ICE, reversing the privatization of our carceral system, etc. etc.
If Trump can manage to sell his non-existent, alternative universe, then the Dems can surely sell an agenda that would literally save countless lives, species, the planet, etc. etc.
It’s not rocket science. It’s smart communication and mass psychology, not to mention moral, ethical and humane.
September 2, 2020 at 11:52 am #120291waterfield
ParticipantThanks, ZN.
Waterfield, I sent ya an email on a totally unrelated subject. Can’t PM you at the Herd, cuz I was banned a few years ago for telling the truth about the conservative bias of the moderators there at the time. And, again, they didn’t even have the decency to do this by name. They just shut off my posting in the middle of an attempt to say goodbye, cuz I was tired of the oh so selective deletions. As in, I was leaving the Herd for good, and I couldn’t even post that.
Anyway, I like to think I’ve matured in my online activities enough to not try to rejoin boards that do this. I won’t go back, even if they’d accept me back, etc. etc.
As for the above column: Personally, I wouldn’t take advice from Goldberg. He’s the same guy that wrote a book, years ago, trying to pin Fascism on the Left. I encounter that alternative-universe history all the time on other boards. It pretty much didn’t even exist in America until the last couple of decades, moving from the lunatic fringe to the mainstream of the right. The right used to accept the fact that Nazis and Fascists came from their own side of the aisle. Not any more, though. It’s nearing gospel status among Republicans that all of that comes from the left. No evidence to support it. Not one iota. Quite the opposite. But Trump has reconfirmed the idea that evidence isn’t needed when peddling lies. A united front, repetition, repetition, and the projection of confidence — that’s more than enough to keep roughly 40% of the country believing things that don’t exist, never happened, never will happen, etc.
Which leads to the obvious logical inference: The Dems can do the same thing, in a progressive, positive manner. If they would just present a united front, project confidence and strength, stay on the same page, repeat, repeat, repeat, they could pass virtually anything, including the Green New Deal and M4A. Including a living wage, getting rid of ICE, reversing the privatization of our carceral system, etc. etc.
If Trump can manage to sell his non-existent, alternative universe, then the Dems can surely sell an agenda that would literally save countless lives, species, the planet, etc. etc.
It’s not rocket science. It’s smart communication and mass psychology, not to mention moral, ethical and humane.
Hi Billy: Sorry about the PM stuff. I wasn’t even aware this Board had such a feature. Anyway I read a lot of Goldberg since he’s predominant in the L.A.Times and is a “never Trump” republican much like Mike McCarthy on the daily David Axelrod podcast “Hacks on Tap”. Personally, I believe in what he wrote about “militant” progressives. Whether that is an accurate depiction is irrelevant. At this stage any protest that does result in violence simply feeds the Hitler machine and ensures another 4 years of a lack of governance. And make no mistake about it-any BLM protests will have some form of violence that will be covered by the media because that is what Hitler wants. Why even give him that forum? I would hope that what you wrote above could be true but I’m becoming more cynical as I age-a characteristic I’ve always railed against. All those comments I heard from people on our brief trip through the heartland convinced me that, more and more, stupid people are having sex with more stupid people and having more stupid children.
I hope you are doing OK with your medical issues and that they have stabilized Billy.
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