An overwhelming majority of people and an even more overwhelming majority of #Democrats support: 1) A Green New Deal 2) Medicare For All 3) Cannabis legalization 4) Decreasing police funding to help neighborhoods 5) Withdrawal from Afghanistan 6) Tuition-free college education…
On my drive to the hardware store this morning, a guy on NPR, who is a political expert, was explaining that the problem with young people is that social media for some reason invites political extremism, and that’s why youngsters are in favor of medicare for all.
On my drive to the hardware store this morning, a guy on NPR, who is a political expert, was explaining that the problem with young people is that social media for some reason invites political extremism, and that’s why youngsters are in favor of medicare for all.
NEWS: Biden has not forcefully pushed for $1,200 survival checks — but he is now deploying his top economic appointee to forcefully defend a program enriching the Wall Street firm where his appointee works.
FYI:Over 18,000 contractors remain in Afghanistan,while official troops number 2,500. Biden will withdraw this smaller group of soldiers, leaving behind US Special Forces, mercenaries, intelligence operatives — privatizing/downscaling the war,NOT ENDING IT