Bernies Ads are good

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    I gotta say, I have been surprised by how good Bernie’s Ads are. They are partly good simply because they are ‘progressive.’ Been a while since I’ve seen a Dem doing anything close to progressive-Ads. So thats part of it.

    But his ads are also just…smart. He’s got smart people in his organization. They know what they are doing. Last time around his Ads were a bit more tepid. He’s turned some sorta corner this time around. He’s been coached up or somethin.


    He’s running a strong campaign, and may well take the first three primaries.

    I noticed a recent shift in Dem propaganda via the MSM. It seemed that, for a wee bit of time, they were trying to play nice with Bernie. But now that he looks like he may actually win the nom, they’re freaking out and openly saying Dems are freaking out.

    One of those ex-Republican talking heads (on MSNBC) said today that Americans would rather vote for a sociopath (Trump) than a socialist. I just wish someone would speak up for the socialist tradition, for once, in public, cuz it’s not hard at all to shred that nonsense.

    Please, someone just let the audience know that MLK, Gandhi, Einstein, Orwell, Camus, the Dalai Lama, Dorothy Day, Helen Keller, Emma Lazarus, Kafka and Bertrand Russell (just for starters) . . . were all lifelong socialists. Follow up the tellin’ by asking the audience, “Wouldn’t you vote for them over Trump?” And, “Do these great men and women scare you?”


    He’s running a strong campaign, and may well take the first three primaries.

    I noticed a recent shift in Dem propaganda via the MSM. It seemed that, for a wee bit of time, they were trying to play nice with Bernie. But now that he looks like he may actually win the nom, they’re freaking out and openly saying Dems are freaking out.

    One of those ex-Republican talking heads (on MSNBC) said today that Americans would rather vote for a sociopath (Trump) than a socialist. I just wish someone would speak up for the socialist tradition, for once, in public, cuz it’s not hard at all to shred that nonsense.

    Please, someone just let the audience know that MLK, Gandhi, Einstein, Orwell, Camus, the Dalai Lama, Dorothy Day, Helen Keller, Emma Lazarus, Kafka and Bertrand Russell (just for starters) . . . were all lifelong socialists. Follow up the tellin’ by asking the audience, “Wouldn’t you vote for them over Trump?” And, “Do these great men and women scare you?”


    Well if Bernie wins a primary or two, its gonna get Super-Ugly.

    Did you see the Chris Matthews (gag me) vid in another thread. zn posted it. Matthews almost looks like he’s going to cry. He talked about the Nixon vs McGovern thing. I think a LOT of ‘centrist dems’ are just pro-corporate-capitalists. But some of them ‘centrists’ are somethin a bit different. Some of em just dont think a progressive can win. They think of themselves as ‘pragmatists’ or ‘realists.’ A LOT of them were forever scarred by the McGovern thing, i think. Maybe. In a way it makes perfect sense — the American people usually DONT vote for progressive folks. They…just…dont. Usually.



    I hope this link works. It’s an ad made by supporters, so it’s not an actual ad.



    Well if Bernie wins a primary or two, its gonna get Super-Ugly.

    Did you see the Chris Matthews (gag me) vid in another thread. zn posted it. Matthews almost looks like he’s going to cry. He talked about the Nixon vs McGovern thing. I think a LOT of ‘centrist dems’ are just pro-corporate-capitalists. But some of them ‘centrists’ are somethin a bit different. Some of em just dont think a progressive can win. They think of themselves as ‘pragmatists’ or ‘realists.’ A LOT of them were forever scarred by the McGovern thing, i think. Maybe. In a way it makes perfect sense — the American people usually DONT vote for progressive folks. They…just…dont. Usually.


    Missed the vid. Yeah, Matthews is cringe-worthy most of the time, and he either thinks of himself — or fakes this — as an “everyman,” in touch with real America. Not to the extent Republicans tend to think they have this down, or fake it . . . but he’s kinda like the centrist Dem version of that.

    I still think the pundits are missing the obvious, when they say this or that candidate’s losing “proves” folks on the left can’t win. Americans vote on personality, its presence or absence. Same thing goes for charisma, connection, etc. etc. They really don’t care about policy. If they did, the vast majority would never vote GOP. Not that the Dems have great policies either. But they’re consistently better. Or, perhaps I should say, less rotten. They just tend to run wooden, personality-challenged candidates, all too often.

    McGovern didn’t exactly light up a room, though his policy ideas — and, if memory serves, his stance on Vietnam — were waaay better than Nixon’s.

    Anyway . . . in my more cynical moods, I kinda doubt Sanders will be allowed to win. The Power Elite will do something to stop that. Or, if they screw that up, and he actually wins the White House, they’ll handcuff him so he can’t do the stuff that needs to be done.

    To make the changes that need to be made is going to take far more than one person’s win. Though it’s a start. I’ve been day-dreaming about his appointments, too. Like, well, Naomi Klein at the EPA and AOC running the Interior department. Bring in Marxian economists to run Treasury and the Economic council, etc. etc. Make right-wing heads explode all over the place!!



    The problem Billy is that I believe a majority of the voting public doesn’t know all those people you listed were socialists-and to be honest I’m not sure they all were. Nevertheless, if you pointed out that “fact” half of the country would say that’s “fake news”. So how do you handle that ?




    On the Owen Jones Vid up there. (If i ‘quote’ the message, the spam-thing will blow away my post, so I’ll just ‘reply’ to it without quoting the message…)

    Its brilliant. And its a reflection of the difference in the campaign since last time Bernie ran. Bernie has hired smarter helpers or somethin. THIS time around he is GOING AFTER THE FUCKING MEDIA. Just like Trump did. Just like Nixon did. Just like a lot of Reps have done. This is the first time I’ve seen a major DEM play that card though. And i think its about fucking time.

    The thing is though, on a more ‘meta’ note, this is also a reflection of just how bad the media is and just how much distrust their NOW is of the media by the Right AND the left. That Bernie ad wasnt picking on Fox News — it was picking on the whole MSM.

    Centrists still love the MSM, I’d say. No-one else does.
    Centrists will run ‘with’ the media — Progressives and Righties will now run ‘against’ the media.
    Difficult to say, who will put together just the right coalition of factions to win the Game.

    Maybe i should start calling it the ‘Main-Centrist-Media’.



    On the Owen Jones Vid up there. (If i ‘quote’ the message, the span-thing will blow away my post, so I’ll just ‘reply’ to it without quoting the message…)

    Its brilliant. And its a reflection of the difference in the campaign since last time Bernie ran. Bernie has hired smarter helpers or somethin. THIS time around he is GOING AFTER THE FUCKING MEDIA. Just like Trump did. Just like Nixon did. Just like a lot of Reps have done. This is the first time I’ve seen a major DEM play that card though. And i think its about fucking time.

    The thing is though, on a more ‘meta’ note, this is also a reflection of just how bad the media is and just how much distrust their NOW is of the media by the Right AND the left. That Bernie ad wasnt picking on Fox News — it was picking on the whole MSM.

    Centrists still love the MSM, I’d say. No-one else does.
    Centrists will run ‘with’ the media — Progressives and Righties will now run ‘against’ the media.
    Difficult to say, who will put together just the right coalition of factions to win the Game.

    Maybe i should start calling it the ‘Main-Centrist-Media’.


    The Sanders organization is smart and hip. It’s kind of amazing how they have taken this grumpy, 78-year old guy and turned him into the coolest guy alive in the eyes of the under-45 voters. And…there is some truth to the charge that Sanders supporters are killing the internet with their memes. I surmise that the under-45s…memes are like their language. They are coming up with some good stuff, and the assaults on Bernie coming from the normal MSM places show a complete misunderstanding of this demographic. Very often, their attacks make Bernie seem COOLER in their eyes. I wish I could think of an example, but it’s happened a couple of times. The centrist-media-DNC-Boomer types just do not understand other perspectives other than the ones that are routine in the MSM. You know…”Bernie is unelectable.” That just seems prima facie True to centrists. And the under-45s are just…”okay, boomer. He has more votes, and he is leading in every poll.” I mean…you know…the argument that Sanders isn’t doing very well simply serves to highlight how badly all the other candidates are doing.

    Meanwhile…I know the race is long, and we have months and months to go, but Bloomberg looked a lot like his cousin Hindenburg at the debate. He has all the charisma of an unsalted bowl of mashed turnips. Maybe I’m the one out of touch, but I do not see a way that that guy gets enough support to win. Of course, maybe the DNC doesn’t care, just so long as it isn’t Sanders. But man…he stood there and let Warren and Sanders define him, and I have no idea what the guy actually stands for apart from racist police policies and sexual harassment. Is he for anything else?



    — Johnny Akzam (@JohnnyAkzam)

    Excellent ad, ZN. Thanks for posting that. In this time of rampant cynicism, I can admit to thinking it’s “inspiring.”


    Also: Zooey and WV, you guys are absolutely correct. Sanders should run against the MSM. Stridently. Tell the truth about it. That it all too often pimps for the status quo, against the interests of the 99%, and tries its best to keep Americans in a permanent, impossible state: simultaneously docile and riled up.

    The Dems have long made a huge mistake by not doing so, ceding that ground to the right, which lies endlessly about why the media are so bad. The right actually tries to peddle the myth that the MSM is somehow in cahoots with “the left” and against Mom, Apple Pie, Capitalism and “real mericans,” etc. etc. The reason why the MSM is corrupt is quite the opposite, obviously.

    Ripe for the plucking is a critique against media-as-shills for oligarchs. The right can’t match this, evah, as it actually loves oligarchy, inequality, injustice . . . and has always done everything in its power to support, expand and deepen hierarchies and those inequalities.

    The abject stupidity and cowardice of the DNC in NOT going after the media on those grounds is . . . . well, to be all too polite . . . infinitely revealing.


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