Bernie Sanders Buys Third House – A Mere $600k “Summer Vacation House”…

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    Bernie Sanders Buys Third House – A Mere $600k “Summer Vacation House”…

    Posted on August 9, 2016 by sundance

    Keeping up with his ‘man of the people image‘ Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has purchased this third house, a $600,000 lakefront vacation chalet in Champlain Islands.

    Part of the traditional campaign negotiations between various camps is the willingness of the endorsed candidate to absorb the campaign debt of the endorser. The tighter the race, the more value is assigned to it. Subsequently, it shouldn’t necessarily come as a surprise to see Sanders financially benefiting from his endorsement of Hillary Clinton. How else does a Senator afford three homes on a congressional salary.

    Bernie Sanders Buys Third House – A Mere $600k “Summer Vacation House”…

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    SFW? lol

    It’s like the “people on the left are racist too!” crap you hear from some righties. As in…why not just condemn racism instead of trying to deflect blame for it.

    B, people here see through stuff like that beyond instantly.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Um, bnw,

    He’s gonna be making mortgage payments, ya know? It’s not an outright cash purchase. There is no mention in either article — the right-wing Op-Ed, or the one from — what he and his wife paid for the first two, or when they bought them.

    It’s also the case that they both work. I know all kinds of people — family and friends — with middle class incomes who have managed to buy three homes along the way.

    (Sanders is 74. His wife is 65. They’ve been working for a long, long time)

    You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
    Avatar photozn

    You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

    That would be the logical version.

    He’s just engaged in the usual partisan personality defamation tactics that very partisan political types buy into. They even bot it off of bot sites, they don’t invent it. It’s not like we’re ever going to get an original, informed critique of a Sanders policy. Just monkeys throwing shit level stuff.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

    That would be the logical version.

    He’s just engaged in the usual partisan personality defamation tactics that very partisan political types buy into. They even bot it off of bot sites, they don’t invent it. It’s not like we’re ever going to get an original, informed critique of a Sanders policy. Just monkeys throwing shit level stuff.

    I get that. But what I don’t get is that someone would begrudge a home to Sanders and his wife, with roughly a century of work between them, when he supports the billionaire Trump.

    A billionaire who inherited roughly 40 million, and then managed to go bankrupt six times and still owns private jets, etc. Trump owns too many to count, apparently, including the Kluge Estate in Charlottesville. He gets to live like a pasha, and bnw has a problem with Sanders and his wife buying a vacation home at 74-years-old and 65, respectively?

    Avatar photozn

    , and bnw has a problem with Sanders and his wife buying a vacation home at 74-years-old and 65, respectively?


    “If he critiques the status quo he is supposed to live like Gandhi.”


    He would live like Ghandhi if not for his wife. Just like a good socialist should live…

    I’m just surprised his wife co-mingled her inheritance. That was unwise.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    He would live like Ghandhi if not for his wife. Just like a good socialist should live…

    I’m just surprised his wife co-mingled her inheritance. That was unwise.

    There’s nothing in the tenants of democratic socialism that says people can’t earn a living or own property.

    From wikipedia
    “Democratic socialism is distinguished from both the Soviet model of centralized socialism and from social democracy, where “social democracy” refers to support for political democracy, regulation of the capitalist economy, and a welfare state”

    It doesn’t want to end capitalism, it just wants to make it harder for capitalists to destroy people’s lives and the environment by regulating it.

    Avatar photojoemad

    He would live like Ghandhi if not for his wife. Just like a good socialist should live…

    I’m just surprised his wife co-mingled her inheritance. That was unwise.

    Ozone, how much is your house worth in San Jose?


    He would live like Ghandhi if not for his wife. Just like a good socialist should live…

    I’m just surprised his wife co-mingled her inheritance. That was unwise.

    Ozone, how much is your house worth in San Jose?

    Comps in the neighborhood are close to a mil for my model. Two story 2400 Sq footers are there now.

    I though you lived in the Pearl Ave\Branham neighborhood?

    Avatar photojoemad

    yes, we’re still in San Jose,

    $600K wouldn’t get you much here…..

    like ZN says, SFW about Bernie’s house price….


    yes, we’re still in San Jose,

    $600K wouldn’t get you much here…..

    like ZN says, SFW about Bernie’s house price….

    You’d get a nice townhouse near Cottle. You know, those new ones whose residents are going to fuck up my commute even worse than it is now. 87 end to end. 45 minutes.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Of course, this is the really sleazy (purely speculative) part of the quote:

    Subsequently, it shouldn’t necessarily come as a surprise to see Sanders financially benefiting from his endorsement of Hillary Clinton. How else does a Senator afford three homes on a congressional salary.

    Senators make close to 200K a year. Not sure how it works if you’ve been in Congress awhile, or how your House salary carries over to the Senate, etc. But he’s gotta be close to 200K.

    And, again, his wife works and has held top level jobs in universities. She likely makes a solid six figures per year.

    Used to be the old rule of thumb was to buy a house not more than four times your salary. Just a rough guess, but the Sanders’ new vacation home is likely less than twice their annual income, not including other investments. Their other two homes are modest, and likely paid off, given the couple’s age.

    Very, very sleazy Op Ed.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    From wikipedia
    “Democratic socialism is distinguished from both the Soviet model of centralized socialism and from social democracy, where “social democracy” refers to support for political democracy, regulation of the capitalist economy, and a welfare state”

    That’s why all the hysteria about Sanders was so out of place. He was actually pushing FDR, New Deal policies, updated for 2016. They weren’t even Democratic Socialist, a la Michael Harrington. And while he rightfully talked about how well Denmark works for its citizens — far better than our system, and it’s not close — he didn’t even go that far.

    My own vision is anticapitalist, and that we need to repeal and replace our current system. And by “capitalism,” I don’t mean “commerce” or “business” or “trade.” Capitalism isn’t synonymous with those things. It’s a unique and unprecedented form of economics. Non-capitalist commerce, trade and business have been around for thousands of years, etc. I’m talking about M-C-M and exchange value, with a capitalist purchasing labor as a commodity, in order to get workers to make commodities for money, which the capitalist then appropriates (exploitation) for himself or herself.

    One could easily have a non-capitalist business by avoiding the above. As in, you make your own custom chairs for sale, all by yourself. With your own two hands. You don’t have employees. You sell them yourself. You’re not a capitalist and do not own a capitalist business in that case. You become a capitalist, however, when you hire employees to build those chairs for you and collect the surplus value they generate as if you had done all the work yourself.

    You could, of course, grow that business without it ever becoming capitalist if all new chair builders share equally in surplus value, and you didn’t have an employer/employee structure.

    A society with nothing but sole proprietors and democratic co-ops would not be “capitalist,” but could produce the same things as a “capitalist” society.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.

    Um, bnw,

    He’s gonna be making mortgage payments, ya know? It’s not an outright cash purchase. There is no mention in either article — the right-wing Op-Ed, or the one from — what he and his wife paid for the first two, or when they bought them.

    It’s also the case that they both work. I know all kinds of people — family and friends — with middle class incomes who have managed to buy three homes along the way.

    (Sanders is 74. His wife is 65. They’ve been working for a long, long time)

    You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Sanders first paying job was in his 40s. He’s a hypocrite.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

    That would be the logical version.

    He’s just engaged in the usual partisan personality defamation tactics that very partisan political types buy into. They even bot it off of bot sites, they don’t invent it. It’s not like we’re ever going to get an original, informed critique of a Sanders policy. Just monkeys throwing shit level stuff.

    I get that. But what I don’t get is that someone would begrudge a home to Sanders and his wife, with roughly a century of work between them, when he supports the billionaire Trump.

    A billionaire who inherited roughly 40 million, and then managed to go bankrupt six times and still owns private jets, etc. Trump owns too many to count, apparently, including the Kluge Estate in Charlottesville. He gets to live like a pasha, and bnw has a problem with Sanders and his wife buying a vacation home at 74-years-old and 65, respectively?

    “a home”? No, a summer home along with his homes in Vermont and Washington DC.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    He would live like Ghandhi if not for his wife. Just like a good socialist should live…

    I’m just surprised his wife co-mingled her inheritance. That was unwise.

    Bernie is quite the Svengali with all his downtrodden impoverished supporters who sent $27 on average to see him become Hildabeasts lap dog and help him buy his $600K summer lake house with 500 ft. frontage on the lake. No doubt that 500 ft. will be THE PEOPLES BEACH. OK there’s tremendous doubt, as in it won’t.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.



    From wikipedia
    “Democratic socialism is distinguished from both the Soviet model of centralized socialism and from social democracy, where “social democracy” refers to support for political democracy, regulation of the capitalist economy, and a welfare state”

    That’s why all the hysteria about Sanders was so out of place. He was actually pushing FDR, New Deal policies, updated for 2016. They weren’t even Democratic Socialist, a la Michael Harrington. And while he rightfully talked about how well Denmark works for its citizens — far better than our system, and it’s not close — he didn’t even go that far.

    My own vision is anticapitalist, and that we need to repeal and replace our current system. And by “capitalism,” I don’t mean “commerce” or “business” or “trade.” Capitalism isn’t synonymous with those things. It’s a unique and unprecedented form of economics. Non-capitalist commerce, trade and business have been around for thousands of years, etc. I’m talking about M-C-M and exchange value, with a capitalist purchasing labor as a commodity, in order to get workers to make commodities for money, which the capitalist then appropriates (exploitation) for himself or herself.

    One could easily have a non-capitalist business by avoiding the above. As in, you make your own custom chairs for sale, all by yourself. With your own two hands. You don’t have employees. You sell them yourself. You’re not a capitalist and do not own a capitalist business in that case. You become a capitalist, however, when you hire employees to build those chairs for you and collect the surplus value they generate as if you had done all the work yourself.

    You could, of course, grow that business without it ever becoming capitalist if all new chair builders share equally in surplus value, and you didn’t have an employer/employee structure.

    A society with nothing but sole proprietors and democratic co-ops would not be “capitalist,” but could produce the same things as a “capitalist” society.

    Aw but that wouldn’t get you three houses at the same time. Especially a $600K summer home. Not one chair at a time.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Aw but that wouldn’t get you three houses at the same time. Especially a $600K summer home. Not one chair at a time.

    Well, they managed that over the course of half a century, and she sold her family’s summer home to get this one . . . which is quite modest. Just 1800 square feet. Not exactly a palace. They didn’t buy all three houses at the same time, obviously. It took a lifetime for them to get there.

    And, btw, they aren’t capitalists. As far as I know, the Sanders have never been capitalists. See, one of the most immoral things about the capitalist system is it functions to radically limit who can and can’t be capitalists in the first place. It can’t work if it doesn’t do that. The vast majority of Americans aren’t and never will be capitalists. Ironic, isn’t it?

    In the alternative I envision, and those like it, we’d just scale up to make sure wages and prices match closely enough so everyone is quite comfortable. That’s something the capitalist system can never do. It wouldn’t be “capitalism” if it focused on the needs of citizens instead of capitalists. If it couldn’t concentrate wealth, income, power, privilege and access at the very top, it wouldn’t be capitalism.

    So, in the alternative, the focus is never on a few owners and how to make them rich at everyone else’s expense. The focus is literally on everyone. How do we match wages with prices enough to guarantee the highest quality of life? We’ve already solved the funding problem with the completely separate revenue stream, as mentioned before, so all we need to do is match prices with wages. And when everyone gets the vast majority of their necessities for free, anyway, simply for being citizens, that job is all the easier:

    Free cradle to grave education, health care, transportation, access to cultural venues, parks and recs, physical fitness, transport, etc. etc. All free. All the highest quality. Cradle to grave. “Purchases” are in addition to all of that, and that’s where we need to make the match.

    Capitalism can’t compete with that alternative when it comes to the well-being and quality of life for at least 95% of the population. It can only offer a better deal for the super-rich, cuz they won’t exist in the alternative.


    Aw but that wouldn’t get you three houses at the same time. Especially a $600K summer home. Not one chair at a time.

    Well, they managed that over the course of half a century, and she sold her family’s summer home to get this one . . . which is quite modest. Just 1800 square feet. Not exactly a palace. They didn’t buy all three houses at the same time, obviously. It took a lifetime for them to get there.

    And, btw, they aren’t capitalists. As far as I know, the Sanders have never been capitalists. See, one of the most immoral things about the capitalist system is it functions to radically limit who can and can’t be capitalists in the first place. It can’t work if it doesn’t do that. The vast majority of Americans aren’t and never will be capitalists. Ironic, isn’t it?

    In the alternative I envision, and those like it, we’d just scale up to make sure wages and prices match closely enough so everyone is quite comfortable. That’s something the capitalist system can never do. It wouldn’t be “capitalism” if it focused on the needs of citizens instead of capitalists. If it couldn’t concentrate wealth, income, power, privilege and access at the very top, it wouldn’t be capitalism.

    So, in the alternative, the focus is never on a few owners and how to make them rich at everyone else’s expense. The focus is literally on everyone. How do we match wages with prices enough to guarantee the highest quality of life? We’ve already solved the funding problem with the completely separate revenue stream, as mentioned before, so all we need to do is match prices with wages. And when everyone gets the vast majority of their necessities for free, anyway, simply for being citizens, that job is all the easier:

    Free cradle to grave education, health care, transportation, access to cultural venues, parks and recs, physical fitness, transport, etc. etc. All free. All the highest quality. Cradle to grave. “Purchases” are in addition to all of that, and that’s where we need to make the match.

    Capitalism can’t compete with that alternative when it comes to the well-being and quality of life for at least 95% of the population. It can only offer a better deal for the super-rich, cuz they won’t exist in the alternative.

    “Summer Weekends at Bernie’s”

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Until Trump’s supporters take Trump to task for not releasing his tax returns, I don’t want to hear their thoughts on other candidate’s private purchases. Sanders was right to throw his support behind Hillary, simply because Donald Trump is not fit to rule this country. You can’t bankrupt yourself out of trouble when you’re President.


    Until Trump’s supporters take Trump to task for not releasing his tax returns, I don’t want to hear their thoughts on other candidate’s private purchases. Sanders was right to throw his support behind Hillary, simply because Donald Trump is not fit to rule this country. You can’t bankrupt yourself out of trouble when you’re President.

    But you can lie to the people while enriching yourself through government service and breaking the law with impunity as president ala Hildabeast?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    But you can lie to the people while enriching yourself through government service and breaking the law with impunity as president ala Hildabeast?

    Again, if these things really bother you — lying and law-breaking — you can’t in good conscience support Trump. He’s spent his entire adult life doing that. Lying, cheating, stealing, breaking the law. And he’s obviously enriched himself a great deal more than the Clintons in the process.

    I can understand a principled stance against the Clintons, and the Dems, and the GOP. But to then choose Trump?

    That defies all logic.



    But you can lie to the people while enriching yourself through government service and breaking the law with impunity as president ala Hildabeast?

    Again, if these things really bother you — lying and law-breaking — you can’t in good conscience support Trump. He’s spent his entire adult life doing that. Lying, cheating, stealing, breaking the law. And he’s obviously enriched himself a great deal more than the Clintons in the process.

    I can understand a principled stance against the Clintons, and the Dems, and the GOP. But to then choose Trump?

    That defies all logic.

    No not the same. Trump is a capitalist and you view that as cheating and stealing while I don’t. Hildabeast will sell out this nation like Bill did with the Chinese back in the ’90s. It is treason. The Clinton Family business model. No thanks.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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