Bannon indicted

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    I assume fox news will pardon him.
    Steve Bannon, ‘We Build the Wall’ organizers arrested, charged with defrauding donors
    Public statements that 100% of the money would be put toward the wall were false, prosecutors say


    I have been thinking lately of the joy we all will feel, when Trump is indicted, should he lose. I mean with all the shit he is involved with, one would think sooner or later he would be indicted for some mundane financial shennanigon.

    I would be willing to bet within a year of his loss, he’d be indicted. On something.
    I’d bet fifty cents on that.

    If he wins….it doesnt matter. We will all be watching ram games in Portugal.



    I have been thinking lately of the joy we all will feel, when Trump is indicted, should he lose. I mean with all the shit he is involved with, one would think sooner or later he would be indicted for some mundane financial shennanigon.

    I would be willing to bet within a year of his loss, he’d be indicted. On something.
    I’d bet fifty cents on that.

    If he wins….it doesnt matter. We will all be watching ram games in Portugal.


    Bannon was the guy who set the table for the Big Con. Gave it the language, the bumper sticker slogans, the direction.

    My guess is that the vast majority of people who come to work for Trump see him (Trump) as an easy mark. They see how he has no bottom, not ethics, no moral compass, and that he’s lied, cheated and stolen his way through life, without consequences . . . So it must be okay for others to do so as well. Not just okay, but encouraged. As long as Trump gets a piece of the action.

    Easy mark. Too stupid (and morally bankrupt) to care. Too stupid to even try to follow all the corruption surrounding his own.

    Our long national nightmare should result in Trump and his cronies in jail. But I have a feeling that once Trump is out the door, there will be all kinds of pressure to “move on.” The best we can probably hope for is that his “underlings” will do some time. But I think Trump skates. And I think it’s fair to say that no American politician in our lifetimes is more deserving of doing serious time.


    “Republicans are charged with ripping off Republicans, and so Republicans blame the Democrats…”

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