He was obviously getting worse.
I had some hope that he might be able to have that magic “click” moment where he could process things a little faster, hit the checkdowns, spot the blitzes, move out of the pressure to get enough space to make a play.
But his eyes were getting wider and he was seeing less.
He’s a young guy, and I don’t know if he will be able to ever step up or if he’s going to be the journeyman back-up guy but time will tell. Not everyone can do it. Everyone talks about the physical aspects of the job but if a guy doesn’t have the mental ability to somehow slow the game down and keep his head straight and have the awareness, it doesn’t matter what physical tools he as going for him.
It doesn’t appear he was going to be able to overcome this while under fire.
Maybe stepping back really will help to make a difference for him.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick