Article with interesting premise: neoliberal Dems are the real "Alt-left".

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Article with interesting premise: neoliberal Dems are the real "Alt-left".

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    A skeptical liberal’s guide to the “alt-left”: And it’s not who you think If the term means anything, it should be applied to the mainstream Democrats who lost last year’s election — Anis Shivani

    I agree with most of it, and a lot of it just seems self-evident to me. But it took me a few moments to get what he was after. The shift in terminology doesn’t sink in right away . . .

    Some excerpts:

    Police brutality of African-Americans? It must be a case of inadequate sensitivity training, it must be because we haven’t changed attitudes enough. The real left wants judicial changes to rein in police power, to curtail the range of options available to domestic police, which in turn goes back to reining in imperial power.

    As long as empire strikes with impunity abroad, it will definitely have repercussions on the tactics used against the poor and marginalized in this country. Notice that the alt-left never has anything to say about empire; it believes in American exceptionalism, which is essentially an ahistorical reading of history, as much as the alt-right does. The alt-right, confronted by incidents of police brutality, jumps on Black Lives Matter as the devil. The alt-left focuses on the emotion at stake in each specific incident, separated from institutional and economic causes; the real left would give due credit to Black Lives Matter, yet recognize that racial oppression is a consequence of generalized economic oppression.

    The same deflection applies to any policy, which the alt-left turns into the kinds of cultural dialectics — just as the alt-right does — that to me seem worthless to talk about, because they are not amenable to political treatment.

    Both alt-right and alt-left are variants of the same dystopian mindset; Trumpists and neoliberal Democrats, the two sides that ran against each other in 2016, would rather not include the rational left in the discussion. Already, both Trump and neoliberal Democrats are equally eager to paint the rational side as paranoids, in order to pull off another sleight of hand so they may have a clear electoral field in 2020, as they finally managed to do in 2016. That’s what’s at stake in defining the alt-left.

    To conclude, the alt-left, like the alt-right, engages in particularistic discourse. It pits one side against the other, the only difference being the definition of the deplorables. Ironically, and not surprisingly, it is precisely the insane faction — the Russia-obsessed, conspiracy-minded, demographically identified alt-left — that thinks the other side, which wants real economic reform, serious wealth redistribution, free education and health care, and an end to empire, is the alt-left.


    DACA is a case in point, along the lines suggested by the author. Neoliberal Dems, among others, see Trump’s action to undo it as some grave humanitarian crime, but still accept the idea of DACA itself. Clearly, Trump is doing this to pander to his white nationalist fan base, and it’s despicable for that reason.

    However, Obama’s act itself was largely chickenshit in the first place. Notice what DACA stands for: Deferred Action. It creates a form of purgatory for the innocent, and never actually gets rid of the threat of deportation. Beyond that, it’s a fraction of the total undocumented population (800K out of 12 million).

    The real answer here, the one that strikes me as the most just, humane and rational, is to grant full and complete amnesty to all undocumented peoples, empty out all of our detention centers (cough, concentration camps), offer everyone a clear path to citizenship, and close the books on them. No more following them around. No more spying on them. They’re citizens now, with full rights.

    Using the author’s dissenting terminology, the “alt-left” view is to put a bandaid on the issue, kicking the can down the road, instead of actually solving it. The real left would just say, amnesty and full rights and be done with it.

    Perhaps instead of “alt-left,” it should be faux-left? The DLC folks. The Clintonians, etc.


    The gradualism, the cowardly baby steps of the centrists, just pisses me off so much. In no other realm of life do we act this way. When we see a problem, we do our best to find an actual solution for it and implement the entire solution all at once, if we can. Engineering, IT, medicine, scientific, even artistic dilemmas.

    A system failure doesn’t generally receive a fraction of a partial fix, stretched out over time. If a solution can be found, it’s done all at once, and as quickly as its urgency demands.

    We have a host of frighteningly awful problems in need of immediate solutions. It’s never made the least bit of sense to choose baby steps and watered down mush in the face of critical, life and death matters.

    My view of the real left is that we locate the problem, analyze the situation realistically, and come up with solutions that make further attention unnecessary. The center and the right tend to be just fine with a glacial pace or no fix at all.


    Some more riffs from the article:

    In general, centrist Dems appear to want to reduce discriminatory practices against blacks and other minorities in our judicial, carceral systems. To even things up, etc. But, to me, they reject the idea of really getting at the root of it, because they’re locked into the idea of equalizing groups within an oppressive system, rather than ending the oppressive system itself.

    As in, you could end all racially discriminatory practices within the penal system, and still have truly odious, ugly, evil and oppressive stuff happen to the innocent across the board. The far better way to go, IMO, is shut down the ability of that system to inflect harm on ANYONE. That takes care of oppression toward racial, ethnic and sexual minorities at the same time. The same can not be said if we simply try to ensure a kind of equality of oppression.

    To get a bit more specific: Legalize all non-violent, victimless “crime.” Empty our jails of everyone under that umbrella. End the jailing of anyone who once would have been thrown in jail for that set of actions. In that case, you would no longer have racial discrimination in play regarding the wildly unequal harassment, arrest and conviction rates, or the length of the sentences — in those particular cases. No one would go to jail for those things (drugs, basic “vice squad” stuff), so you can’t have systemic racism in effect for that particular kind of “crime.” It’s no longer a crime to begin with, etc.

    Same thing goes in the broader economic realm. Instead of trying to make our neck-breaking hierarchies better reflect the diversity of America, instead of making the people within the various tiers of Haves and Have nots better reflect it . . . let’s get rid of the neck-breaking hierarchies altogether. Let’s make it illegal from the getgo for a society to sort itself into the Haves and Have nots.

    Doing that takes care of the racial crap too. If you no longer have ANY “have nots,” you immediately do away with the foundation for oppression, which, under the system of capitalism, is predominantly economic in nature. You defang racism and other pathologies/bigotries, and you deal with them in the most realistic and effective manner. As in, we can’t police hearts and minds — nor should we want to. But we CAN take away the power of racists and other bigots from inflicting their warped views on others.

    IMO, our focus should be on power, not attitudes. Though, I think it’s also self-evident that a truly egalitarian society would change attitudes over time a hell of a lot more effectively than our current steeply hierarchical system.

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