Army Corps Denies Easement and Blocks the Dakota Access Pipeline

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    Lakota Law Project ‏@lakotalaw
    Confirmed by MSNBC and CNN: the Corps have denied the easement for Dakota Access. #NoDAPL



    Army Corps Denies Easement and Blocks the Dakota Access Pipeline
    As thousands of veterans descended on Standing Rock, the Army Corps announced the $3.7 billion project won’t proceed.

    The Army Corps of Engineers has denied the easement needed to complete the Dakota Access Pipeline, according Colonel Henderson, who first notified Veterans for Standing Rock co-organizer Michael A. Wood Jr.

    More than 3,000 veterans had converged at the Standing Rock camp to support the Sioux in their ongoing opposition to the building of a $3.7 billion pipeline that would cross through disputed land managed by the Army Corps of Engineers.

    “This is history,” Wood said, upon learning the news.

    Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces arrived on 4 December 2016 by way of chartered buses, cars and planes to offer their support to the tribe in its months-long demonstration to protect its drinking water and sacred sites. The pipeline would have crossed land the tribe says the project violates a treaty that grants them the land and that they have opposed the project from the beginning.

    The event, organized by veterans Michael A. Wood, Jr. and Wes Clark Jr., raised more than $1 million dollars after just two weeks, citing desire to protect the Sioux and demonstrators from violence.



    Can Trump over-ride all that, if he wants?



    Obama Administration Halts Construction Of Dakota Access Pipeline
    The “historic” decision comes as thousands of protesters gather on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation.

    The Obama administration has halted construction of the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline amid growing protests that were expected to draw some 2,000 U.S. military veterans.

    The Army announced Sunday that it has denied the final easement required for the $3.8 billion project to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota. Instead, it will conduct an Environmental Impact Statement to examine the impacts and explore alternative routes, it said.

    “Although we have had continuing discussion and exchanges of new information with Standing Rock Sioux and Dakota Access, it’s clear that there’s more work to do,” Jo-Ellen Darcy, the Army’s assistant secretary for civil works, said in a statement. “The best way to complete that work responsibly and expeditiously is to explore alternative routes for the pipeline crossing.”

    In a statement, Standing Rock Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II applauded the news.

    “We wholeheartedly support the decision of the administration and commend with the utmost gratitude the courage it took on the part of President Obama, the Army Corps, the Department of Justice and the Department of the Interior to to take steps to correct the course history and to do the right thing,” he said.

    Archambault added that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and all of Indian Country “will be forever grateful to the Obama Administration for this historic decision.” He noted his hope that the incoming Trump administration would respect the decision.


    Can Trump over-ride all that, if he wants?


    Yes, if he wants. Would depend upon if the decision had reasonable merit or if it was politically motivated.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Can Trump over-ride all that, if he wants?


    Yes, if he wants. Would depend upon if the decision had reasonable merit or if it was politically motivated.

    Yes because Trump himself would never do anything politically motivated. He’s all about reasonable merit.


    Can Trump over-ride all that, if he wants?


    Yes, if he wants. Would depend upon if the decision had reasonable merit or if it was politically motivated.

    Yes because Trump himself would never do anything politically motivated. He’s all about reasonable merit.

    Depending upon circumstance certainly he could. I do not know all that would go into a decision to overturn or leave in place the COE opinion.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Depending upon circumstance certainly he could. I do not know all that would go into a decision to overturn or leave in place the COE opinion.

    Or in fact speculating about political motivation cuts both ways. That’s especially true of Trump who in everything is a partisan, far more even that Bush was, let alone Obama.

    Plus of course Trump has direct real monetary investments in that pipeline project.


    Depending upon circumstance certainly he could. I do not know all that would go into a decision to overturn or leave in place the COE opinion.

    Or in fact speculating about political motivation cuts both ways. That’s especially true of Trump who in everything is a partisan, far more even that Bush was, let alone Obama.

    Plus of course Trump has direct real monetary investments in that pipeline project.

    Sorry he isn’t mired in poverty for you.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Don’t you mean:

    “Sorry, he doesn’t pay his taxes like you”?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by zn.

    Or in fact speculating about political motivation cuts both ways. That’s especially true of Trump who in everything is a partisan, far more even that Bush was, let alone Obama.

    Plus of course Trump has direct real monetary investments in that pipeline project.

    Sorry he isn’t mired in poverty for you.

    Well that was a gigantic red herring.

    I could give a crap about his money.

    I DO care, in terms of the subject of this thread, about a president making a fundamentally important policy decision that is clouded by his own direct financial conflict of interest.

    By analogy your argument sounds like this. I say, the coach may not be as objective about this player cause it’s his own kid. And you say, well sorry he isn’t childless. IE a massive deflection of the real point (conflict of interest), which is so bad it falls directly into the mouth of this ginormous red herring.

    IMAGINE what you’re pathologically partisan right-wing bot sites would do with a democratic president making an important decision that involved direct financial conflicts of interest. They would howl like drunk banshees about it.

    On this…silence.


    Modding note.

    I “took out” a line that was overly personal.


    Don’t you mean:

    “Sorry, he doesn’t pay his taxes like you”?

    He follows the law.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Sorry he isn’t mired in poverty for you.

    Well that was a gigantic red herring.

    I could give a crap about his money.

    I DO care, in terms of the subject of this thread, about a president making a fundamentally important policy decision that is clouded by his own direct financial conflict of interest.

    Fundamentally important policy decision my ass. Where were you democrats giving a shit about Buffet dangerously shipping oil by the train car directly through towns and at a far higher cost? Was there an EIS or even an EA for that given existing rail lines? Would like to see the safety implications if any that were identified.

    Yeah thats right,


    Trump will look at the merit of the COE decision. Until a decision is made its nothing but conjecture.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by bnw.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Thanks for editing, ZN. I misread the original quote and thought it said “like you”, not “for you”, meaning a direct personal attack aimed at you.

    My apologies.


    Sorry he isn’t mired in poverty for you.

    Well that was a gigantic red herring.

    I could give a crap about his money.

    I DO care, in terms of the subject of this thread, about a president making a fundamentally important policy decision that is clouded by his own direct financial conflict of interest.

    Fundamentally important policy decision my ass. Where were you democrats giving a shit about Buffet dangerously shipping oil by the train car directly through towns and at a far higher cost? Was there an EIS or even an EA for that given existing rail lines? Would like to see the safety implications if any that were identified.

    Yeah thats right,


    Trump will look at the merit of the COE decision. Until a decision is made its nothing but conjecture.

    So you respond to the accusation of using a red herring with another red herring.


    It really does seem to be your signature rhetorical move.


    Sorry he isn’t mired in poverty for you.

    Well that was a gigantic red herring.

    I could give a crap about his money.

    I DO care, in terms of the subject of this thread, about a president making a fundamentally important policy decision that is clouded by his own direct financial conflict of interest.

    Fundamentally important policy decision my ass. Where were you democrats giving a shit about Buffet dangerously shipping oil by the train car directly through towns and at a far higher cost? Was there an EIS or even an EA for that given existing rail lines? Would like to see the safety implications if any that were identified.

    Yeah thats right,


    Trump will look at the merit of the COE decision. Until a decision is made its nothing but conjecture.

    So you respond to the accusation of using a red herring with another red herring.


    It really does seem to be your signature rhetorical move.

    No red herring though you libs love your labels. How’s it working for you? Election after election with less traction and more loss of representation. More please!

    Now for your confusion about what I wrote. If the president had a $5 investment in the pipeline would it matter? No. But if someone has more of an investment it is a dark, foreboding, policy implicating horror. What is the level of investment that twerks your soul? Now do you feel the same about private, state, federal pension fund investments? Just more BS you’re throwing out to try to delegitimize Trump’s election. He’ll make a decision about the COE finding and then perhaps there will be a reason to bitch and whine and moan, or not.

    Buffett shipping oil by rail through populated areas, SILENCE.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Red Herring?


    Nothing of the sort!


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I DO care, in terms of the subject of this thread, about a president making a fundamentally important policy decision that is clouded by his own direct financial conflict of interest.

    Trump sells his stake in Dakota Access Pipeline developer:


    I DO care, in terms of the subject of this thread, about a president making a fundamentally important policy decision that is clouded by his own direct financial conflict of interest.

    Trump sells his stake in Dakota Access Pipeline developer:

    So he already had sold his stake of between $15K -$50K. To him that is peanuts. Lets assume his net worth is $1 billion. $50K is 5% of $1 million. Therefore $50K is 0.0001% of $1 billion. So to put that in perspective of a guy whose net worth is $200K (house paid off or considerable equity, savings, personal property etc.) that is $20. Yes, $20. Insignificant. It is why discussing this stuff with liberal minds is so frustrating.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I DO care, in terms of the subject of this thread, about a president making a fundamentally important policy decision that is clouded by his own direct financial conflict of interest.

    Trump sells his stake in Dakota Access Pipeline developer:

    So he already had sold his stake of between $15K -$50K. To him that is peanuts. Lets assume his net worth is $1 billion. $50K is 5% of $1 million. Therefore $50K is 0.0001% of $1 billion. So to put that in perspective of a guy whose net worth is $200K (house paid off or considerable equity, savings, personal property etc.) that is $20. Yes, $20. Insignificant. It is why discussing this stuff with liberal minds is so frustrating.

    And the reason it is frustrating to discuss this stuff with conservative minds is that you made up your mind to defend Trump well before you knew how big of a stake he had in the pipeline, and would be undeterred in your defense of him if it was $80 million. And, of course, it took a “liberal” to bring you the facts in the first place.


    I DO care, in terms of the subject of this thread, about a president making a fundamentally important policy decision that is clouded by his own direct financial conflict of interest.

    Trump sells his stake in Dakota Access Pipeline developer:

    So he already had sold his stake of between $15K -$50K. To him that is peanuts. Lets assume his net worth is $1 billion. $50K is 5% of $1 million. Therefore $50K is 0.0001% of $1 billion. So to put that in perspective of a guy whose net worth is $200K (house paid off or considerable equity, savings, personal property etc.) that is $20. Yes, $20. Insignificant. It is why discussing this stuff with liberal minds is so frustrating.

    And the reason it is frustrating to discuss this stuff with conservative minds is that you made up your mind to defend Trump well before you knew how big of a stake he had in the pipeline, and would be undeterred in your defense of him if it was $80 million. And, of course, it took a “liberal” to bring you the facts in the first place.

    No, I merely understand how much $1 billion is. I realize that billionaires are invested all across the board and DO NOT KNOW individual assets at any one time since they employ people to do that. Defend Trump? No. I merely correctly assumed liberals making another ridiculous charge against Trump. I wasn’t disappointed.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Eternal Ramnation

    Did anybody notice the thousand of vets showing up in Standing Rock right before they decide to shut down the pipeline ? Trump who was the guy saying no one was a stronger supporter of veterans. They shut it down because when they lose the military they lose their power and the vets taking a stand was the first step.


    Did anybody notice the thousand of vets showing up in Standing Rock right before they decide to shut down the pipeline ? Trump who was the guy saying no one was a stronger supporter of veterans. They shut it down because when they lose the military they lose their power and the vets taking a stand was the first step.

    I noticed. Its been quite a protest. Lots of layers and cross-currents of interests and complexity.

    I have read btw, that indigenous peoples have become the most sophisticated protestors on the planet. They have learned much, by doing.


    “…The “Veterans Stand for Standing Rock” action has garnered widespread support, with the National Nurses United (NNU) union sending $50,000 to fund their expenses and a popular fundraiser surpassing $800,000 by Friday afternoon.

    “We salute the brave veterans who are standing up for the rights of the water protectors, and all of us who support this critical defense of the First Amendment right to assemble and protest without facing brutal and unwarranted attacks,” said NNU co-president Jean Ross.

    Also on Friday, water protectors fulfilled a wishlist of supplies created by the Morton County Sheriff’s Department in Mandan, North Dakota, as an act of goodwill.

    The generosity was striking, as officers from Morton County have subjected the Indigenous activists to extreme uses of force in recent days—including water cannons in subfreezing temperatures, mace, rubber bullets, and allegedly concussion grenades. One activist is still in danger of losing an arm after being struck with by what witnesses described as a concussion grenade thrown directly at her by police in riot gear.

    “North Dakota taxpayers have already bankrolled the Morton County Sheriff Department with approximately ten million dollars for the suppression of peaceful water protectors. Despite this excessive financial support, Morton County officers are asking taxpayers to donate supplies,” said the Indigenous Environmental Network and the Indigenous Peoples Power Project in a joint statement….see link

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