Anybody buy what GW is selling?

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    GW On Bountygate…
    “That was a difficult year in a lot of ways because there was a lot of information that was misinformation that got out and I’m the only person in the whole deal that never said anything. I never said a word. Everybody got out there and pushed their information one way or the other and I didn’t. One of the things was it was on my watch, but there was nothing that hasn’t been done in the last 50 years in the sport and there was nothing done to try to hurt somebody. There was never done with anybody trying to injure somebody. I’ve said this before, I take a look at all these high school programs, little league programs, college programs and you see the decals on the side of the helmet and you wonder, you get those decals because you shake hands and kiss after the game or you get those decals because you rushed for 100 and you threw 17 touchdown passes and you knocked the stuffing out of somebody? I remember over at Excelsior Springs when I’m 16 years old I had a big hit in a ballgame and all of a sudden I got a movie certificate and it wasn’t because I helped the guy up, it’s because I knocked the guy down. It’s just one of those things that we’re always trying to find little bitty advantages in sport and it was unfairly and uncharacteristically portrayed the wrong way, but I did grow a lot from there and I found out a lot about myself, I found out a lot about my friends, I found out a lot about my enemies, too. I said this about a week into that process, I’m going to be stronger, better, wiser and tougher when we go through these things. As I take a look at the game, I’m very happy when I see the things in the National Football League that’s passed down all the way through college, passed down into high school, passed down into little league, NFL Play 60, the game needs to be safer but it’s not a non-contact game and we’re not going to be able to take everything away from it.”

    Avatar photozn

    IN GENERAL I think he;s a bs-er on stuff like that. On whether he deliberately set up his defenses to injure players? I really can’t say but I think the whole thing is shady.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Avatar photozn.
    Avatar photosnowman

    On the bolded sentence, maybe it would be more honest to say, “This was done with the intent of providing extra motivation to our defense and we were not concerned if someone got injured.”


    I don’t believe it but I won’t condemn him either. The NFL used the horrific hits to make money for the NFL. So did the players. Teams and players wanted to be on the highlights show each week giving a hard hit. This was throughout the league and has been forever. It is a much more exciting play, an as yet unnamed porn. But whenever a player makes a hit as a tackle the chance of injury is increased. To both players and players nearby. If player safety is a real concern within the league then tackling has to be made with the hands by tripping or wrapping up with the arms. No hits. No exceptions. But that will never happen.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.



    By virtue of the absurd ...

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    I don’t believe it but I won’t condemn him either. The NFL used the horrific hits to make money for the NFL. So did the players. Teams and players wanted to be on the highlights show each week giving a hard hit. This was throughout the league and has been forever. It is a much more exciting play, an as yet unnamed porn. But whenever a player makes a hit as a tackle the chance of injury is increased. To both players and players nearby. If player safety is a real concern within the league then tackling has to be made with the hands by tripping or wrapping up with the arms. No hits. No exceptions. But that will never happen.

    Well its complicated aint it. We enjoy a brutal,
    sport built on hard collisions. A great deal
    of violence is simply built-in. And that violence
    has an even more brutal ‘old school’ history
    and tradition.

    But the rules have been changing. And there ‘are’
    rules. And I think GW flouted the rules. He was
    promoting ‘Deacon Jones rules’ in a ‘Kurt Warner League.’

    And so, now he knows better. I would hope.
    …i would have more respect for him if he would just
    be honest and say he was promoting an old-school approach
    that had been expressly outlawed. He failed to adapt. But
    he keeps weaseling out and kinda ducking his role in
    the scandal. Imho.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photozn

    from off the net



    He is on audio, asking for people to go after ACL’s on sidelines, banging on heads for players with concussions. I have link attach to a portion of the audio. I think there is longer version out there I believe this is even more embarrassing.

    This was NOT a pay for performance. It was a payment TO INJURE other players. The greater the injury the more the pay. Concussions, Knockouts, ACLs were rewarded the most. The bottom line, is the audio is CONCRETE PROOF asking the focus to be HEAD INJURIES AND ACLs and he says, I have the first one pointing at his wallet after talking specifically on these topics.

    It is a shame that he just didn’t keep quiet and save himself from looking bad because his comments here show me he deserves no forgiveness. He got off so easy.

    They talk about the clean hit. They just got lucky that at the last second Warner had a ¼ of a body turn. Otherwise, he hits Warner in the back of the head or back neck area. Either way, it was a blindside hit and obviously planned. Warner was trailing the play and was no factor.

    Here is some of the racketeering with Vitt.

    He said Vitt told players Warner “should have been retired” and “we’re going to end the career tomorrow of Kurt Warner.” Cerullo also quoted Vitt as saying of Favre: “That old man should have retired when I was there. Is he retiring, isn’t he retiring — that whole (thing) is over, you know, tomorrow. … We’ll end the career tomorrow. We’ll force him to retire …”

    #10 Concussion (Find Out)

    Take out that ACL

    Some Manning stuff.

    dungy – this was the beginning of Manning’s neck problems

    Some Farve – Many clean hits, other’s not so clean


    Avatar photonittany ram

    I don’t buy what he’s saying and I’m not sure he should even be in the league. He probably should have been banned for life.

    Avatar photowv

    I don’t buy what he’s saying and I’m not sure he should even be in the league. He probably should have been banned for life.

    In the video up there (the one with the cheerleaders)
    he says: “its a great game, but its a production business…”

    Its a rather sinister moment in his speech. Ya haf to actually
    hear it, and pause for a moment to really get what he’s saying.


    Avatar photonittany ram

    I don’t buy what he’s saying and I’m not sure he should even be in the league. He probably should have been banned for life.

    In the video up there (the one with the cheerleaders)
    he says: “its a great game, but its a production business…”

    Its a rather sinister moment in his speech. Ya haf to actually
    hear it, and pause for a moment to really get what he’s saying.


    “Kill the head”. That’s the substance of his motivational talk to his players. He even tells them not to get off the pile without taking a shot at Gore’s head. That won’t go down with “Win one for the Gipper” as one of the great all-time motivational speeches, but who knows, that sort of rhetoric may have worked well at the time. Given the attention finally being paid to the many former NFL players dying in their 50’s from the effects of concussion syndrome, hopefully that isn’t true anymore. I’d like to think that a bright, thoughtful player like Chris Long would get up and walk out of a meeting where that sort of rhetoric was being spewed.

    Avatar photowv

    I don’t buy what he’s saying and I’m not sure he should even be in the league. He probably should have been banned for life.

    In the video up there (the one with the cheerleaders)
    he says: “its a great game, but its a production business…”

    Its a rather sinister moment in his speech. Ya haf to actually
    hear it, and pause for a moment to really get what he’s saying.


    “Kill the head”. That’s the substance of his motivational talk to his players. He even tells them not to get off the pile without taking a shot at Gore’s head. That won’t go down with “Win one for the Gipper” as one of the great all-time motivational speeches, but who knows, that sort of rhetoric may have worked well at the time. Given the attention finally being paid to the many former NFL players dying in their 50’s from the effects of concussion syndrome, hopefully that isn’t true anymore. I’d like to think that a bright, thoughtful player like Chris Long would get up and walk out of a meeting where that sort of rhetoric was being spewed.

    I think the Bounty-Gate thing was a significant Turning Point in NFL History.
    It was a really important break from the past. I think before BountyGate, it was
    ok to still be “old school.” Or at least a lot of players were still arguing in favor
    of old school football. It was ok to say things like “everybody does it” etc.

    But Bounty-Gate was the turning point where a new era ‘officially’ explicitly, began,
    I think. You simply can NOT play the game the way the Deacons and Atkinsons and Lamberts
    used to play.

    Greg Williams changed history with those speeches, I’d say. All that hoopla
    kinda clarified the new game in town. Yes? No?


    Avatar photonittany ram

    I don’t buy what he’s saying and I’m not sure he should even be in the league. He probably should have been banned for life.

    In the video up there (the one with the cheerleaders)
    he says: “its a great game, but its a production business…”

    Its a rather sinister moment in his speech. Ya haf to actually
    hear it, and pause for a moment to really get what he’s saying.


    “Kill the head”. That’s the substance of his motivational talk to his players. He even tells them not to get off the pile without taking a shot at Gore’s head. That won’t go down with “Win one for the Gipper” as one of the great all-time motivational speeches, but who knows, that sort of rhetoric may have worked well at the time. Given the attention finally being paid to the many former NFL players dying in their 50’s from the effects of concussion syndrome, hopefully that isn’t true anymore. I’d like to think that a bright, thoughtful player like Chris Long would get up and walk out of a meeting where that sort of rhetoric was being spewed.

    I think the Bounty-Gate thing was a significant Turning Point in NFL History.
    It was a really important break from the past. I think before BountyGate, it was
    ok to still be “old school.” Or at least a lot of players were still arguing in favor
    of old school football. It was ok to say things like “everybody does it” etc.

    But Bounty-Gate was the turning point where a new era ‘officially’ explicitly, began,
    I think. You simply can NOT play the game the way the Deacons and Atkinsons and Lamberts
    used to play.

    Greg Williams changed history with those speeches, I’d say. All that hoopla
    kinda clarified the new game in town. Yes? No?


    I agree. The game is changing and will continue to change. It will move further away from the game we grew up with. Bounty Gate, the revelations about concussion syndrome, Ray Rice punching his wife in the elevator, even the Patriots cheating…all these things alter the course that the NFL takes because of their concern about the public’s perception. And if real changes are made, that’s a good thing.

    One thing though…I wouldn’t necessarily lump what GW did with the “old school” style of football played by Deacon Jones and Jack Lambert. I think premeditated planning to hurt a specific player goes way beyond that. I’m sure Lambert didn’t shed a tear if he knocked another player out of the game. He may have even wanted to do that. I could be wrong but I bet he never tried to accomplish that by purposely targeting the player’s ACL.

    Avatar photowv

    One thing though…I wouldn’t necessarily lump what GW did with the “old school” style of football played by Deacon Jones and Jack Lambert. I think premeditated planning to hurt a specific player goes way beyond that. I’m sure Lambert didn’t shed a tear if he knocked another player out of the game. He may have even wanted to do that. I could be wrong but I bet he never tried to accomplish that by purposely targeting the player’s ACL.

    Oh, i dunno about that. My own guess would be
    that the “GW-way” was not uncommon back in the
    days of Deacon and Lambert.


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