Anthem Echo

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  • #88860

    So as I have listened to a few hours of sports radio over the past 3 weeks (replacing fences and deck boards), I get a sense that most of the blabberers are mostly just irritated that they have to talk about this issue again. I heard some folks say they would like the issue to go away. Someone today said that maybe this could be sorted out in the CBA.

    Nobody ever names the issue. Nobody ever talks about unaccountable police violence on blacks.

    You know…if they want the issue to go away…how about we do something about holding police accountable? Investigate and respond appropriately?

    Because I’m pretty sure you could get a majority of Americans to express the opinion that black people ought to have equal rights before the law, and that if injustice is committed against them, that the parties responsible should be held accountable. I think most people would agree on that.

    And the fact that the issue and its possible resolution is not being discussed anywhere in the media (let alone on sports radio) is a little baffling to me. Because…you know…the math isn’t difficult on this problem, and I think most people would agree to that.


    Here’s how the issue can “go away”.

    Join every other industrialized country and stop playing the anthem at sporting events. I don’t recall it ever being played at Ram games in the late 40s at the Coliseum. Players came out from the tunnel to the sound of the Ram fight on song and that was it.


    Here’s how the issue can “go away”.

    Join every other industrialized country and stop playing the anthem at sporting events. I don’t recall it ever being played at Ram games in the late 40s at the Coliseum. Players came out from the tunnel to the sound of the Ram fight on song and that was it.


    Or… we could make police brutality go away.

    And then no-one would be committing the atrocity of kneeling during a really bad song.

    Anyway, i agree with zooey. Though Shannon Sharpe has done a great job in the past at not avoiding the actual issue — which is police brutality. I have no idea how Shannon got away with doing a couple speeches on the actual issue. He hasnt done one in a while so maybe the powers that be…um…straightened him out.



    Or… we could make police brutality go away.

    And then no-one would be committing the atrocity of kneeling during a really bad song.


    Yeah. Exactly. The goal isn’t to “make the anthem issue go away.” It’s to make the excessive and unaccountable state violence go away. And it’s not hard. Just conduct an investigation into police practices, and propose something. More police training. More rigorous accountability.


    I think it’s both.

    Gotta end police brutality and all aspects of “living while black” oppression.

    They called the police on this black woman the other day for giving food to a homeless person!!

    So, yeah, economic, social and environmental justice.

    But they need to also stop playing the anthem or pushing militarism down our throats at every game.

    Just play the game. Anyone who actually wants “politics” removed from sports should be in favor of getting rid of all the pregame politics they don’t seem to recognize exists.

    (I was banned from the Herd in large part for bringing this up. Still don’t know by whom.)


    I was thinking about something “practical” rather than a vehicle for the larger discussion of police brutality.


    If there is a national anthem being played, I got to take a knee. Just saying. Screw Trump.


    I was thinking about something “practical” rather than a vehicle for the larger discussion of police brutality.

    Oh, I understand that. And that’s kind of my point. I’m saying that whenever the issue comes up, people talk about the kneeling/anthem aspect of it rather than the police brutality aspect of it…which is the source of the entire issue. There is a lot being said about the protest method, and little being said about what the protest is about.




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