Another Kidney Stone

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    Woke up at 4:30 with…”that” pain. By 5am, I knew I had to go in and by 5:15 we were in the car on the way to the ER.

    This time, the stone is 3mm and is already moving down the tube from the kidney to the bladder.


    hoping we can find the cause this time.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    Avatar photozn

    Sorry to hear that Mack.

    Keep us filled in.

    Kidney stones are not happy events.


    Visiting our grandchildren this last Thanksgiving in Sacramento. Barbara experiences severe pain that turns out in the hospital to be a 9 mm kidney stone that obviously is not going to pass. We end up two days in the hospital before a lithotripsy can be performed. Something about the unavailability of the machinery that laser bombards the stone. Thank god for pain medication. But Thanksgiving was not so much fun this year.

    PA Ram

    That sucks, Mac.

    Hopefully it passes okay.

    I definitely have more of these in my future. I have a lot in my kidneys and at my last cat scan they saw a 6mm one in there.


    I am trying to watch my diet but I don’t drink enough lemon water–or water period really(drink lots of water guys)and I still pop a tums now and then. I do avoid tea now though but I don’t really follow the list of high oxalate foods to avoid like I should. I’ll regret that.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photojoemad

    get well soon Mac….. stay hydrated.


    Thanks. And I’m definitely staying hydrated.

    High oxalate foods. hmmm. Have to check that out. Never even heard of that before and I do a bunch of food research.

    Then again… after the 2nd stone, short of waving crystals above my belly, I’m down for just about anything…

    Other than eating Brussel Sprouts.

    Edit: WOW… I looked at the Cleveland Clinic’s page on Kidney Stones and I think I figured out how I got them!

    For the first time in years, I had a cold both years. So, I started taking megadoses of Vitamin C (several thousand mg per day) at the same time I stopped my intake of dairy. Plus, my intake of Tea increased as did sodium due to things like canned soups.

    Turns out it was a perfect storm.

    This hadn’t happened before because I hadn’t had a cold in years.

    In a scientific and medical sense, it’s interesting.

    Knowing that I can help prevent or at least mitigate future stones is encouraging.

    Also knowing that I can’t really do anything about THIS stone other than drink plenty of fluid and wait for it to pass…well, that’s not so fun.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Mackeyser.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    My last one was about two weeks ago while I was on a cruise ship in South America. Fortunately it was a small one and passed in a few hours. Doctor on board was pretty good.

    The one before that was 10mm in diameter and occured while I was in Indiana. (I live in Arizona). It took two operations to get all of that one.

    Kidney stones are not fun at all!!!!!!!!!!!

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