Another day another mass shooting

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  • #45919
    PA Ram

    At least 50 people are dead and 53 injured, police say.
    The gunman was killed by police following an hourslong hostage situation
    Police are calling the shooting a terror-related attack
    The suspect has been described as “organized and well-prepared”
    In what police are calling the worst shooting in American history, a lone gunman killed 50 people and injured at least 53 others after opening fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

    Authorities say Omar Mateen stormed the downtown Pulse nightclub around 2 a.m. Sunday before taking dozens of people hostage and killing dozens more.

    Orlando Police Chief John Mina said at a press conference that SWAT officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect, killing Mateen. Mina said Mateen “appeared to be carrying a rifle, an assault-type rifle and a handgun and had some type of device on him.”

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    PA Ram

    I’m seeing all kinds of “go kick their ass” on my Facebook page.

    Unfortunately all the attacks on U.S. soil besides 9/11 were from U.S. citizens or nationals. The Orlando guy was born in New York. How do you go to war with an ideology? I don’t think it’s possible for war to solve this one. You can wipe ISIS out in one area and it pops up in three others–or evolves into other groups. I wish it was just the simple solution of “wipe them out”. But the world is more complicated than that. We are already “at war” and will be forever. We can send more and more Americans to fight and die over there and over there and over there and over there and all the places the fires keep popping up. But an idea–or a belief or a philosophy–has no borders. Even if you wanted to round up every Muslim in the world(and good luck with that one)and put them in camps or whatever–how would you identify them? Would they tell you? One of the best defenses has been law enforcement and much of the info they get has come from Muslim communities. But lone wolf stuff is almost impossible to stop if someone is determined to do something. it sucks. And I’m as angry as that guy in the video. But we have to be smart. This is not WWII. It is not fighting a nation. It’s fighting an idea. That has no border.

    But of course–“Murica and guns–you know. That will continue.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photozn

    The stupid governor of Texas quoted “reap what you sow” on this one.

    Let’s hope it holds true for him saying that.

    Avatar photowv

    The stupid governor of Texas quoted “reap what you sow” on this one.

    Let’s hope that holds true for him saying that.

    A Meteor would be nice,

    “Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump also weighed in on Twitter, calling the incident “really bad” and linking it to terrorism. Trump later said that he appeciated the congratulations he was receiving about “being right on radical Islamic terrorism,” but he instead wanted toughness and vigilance.”



    Couple of things.

    Firstly, I’m just profoundly saddened that a community that has sustained so much hurt and loss must now deal with the largest single mass hurt in US history. I am at a loss to adequately describe really anything. I feel for my child who is trans, about to graduate HS and enter this wide world and THIS is what lies beyond the threshold of our home. I feel for every single person in the LGBTQ+ community that SHOULD point to this like the Rodney King moment because while this may have been the biggest, it wasn’t a unique occurrence. We can go back to Matthew Shepherd and way, way before that. I feel for all those affected, the victims, family, friends, loved ones all. I wish it were possible to hug this all away, I really do.

    Secondly, NOTHING will happen with gun control. Not like I wouldn’t like it to, but it’s an election year, so lots of talk and…nothing.

    Thirdly, and this makes me SICK to say this, but this benefits Donald Trump. /wretch. It does. The guy called 911 and proclaimed allegiance to the head of ISIS prior to the shooting. So, while WE on this board may realize that ISIS as a functional entity has little to do with Islam and merely uses it as a construct for their extreme brand of fascism, the world writ large won’t make that parse as it continually doesn’t. Which means that the dumb “Muslims bad” meme promoted by Donald Trump just got a massive boost by a Muslim who just committed the largest mass killing in US History. Will it matter that he was US born? Nope. Will it matter that this was more a homophobic reaction to something he saw months earlier in Miami and the shooter used ISIS’ extremism to justify his hate crime? Nope. It’s gonna be branded Islamic Terrorism because that’s what the shooter wanted to call it, there’s a LOT OF MONEY is fighting it (which everyone in government is guilty of) and no one is going to want to parse the motives of a mass murderer, even if it means disadvantaging another group of Americans in the process.

    Lastly, I keep trying to be positive and I’m struggling. (I just read that they found a strain of Super Bug at the Olympic Venue in Rio. Is there a better place to vector a Super Bug around the world faster?) Things like this mass shooting make me doubt in the worth of saving humanity.

    It’s that Fifth Element moment…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    From Trump people the shooter is another registered democrat.

    ISIS also announced 3 days ago that Florida is to be targeted.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    From Trump people the shooter is another registered democrat.

    Thanks. We needed more “Trump’s circle says stupid things about this” samples.

    Btw on this:

    The stupid governor of Texas quoted “reap what you sow” on this one.

    Actually it was the Lt. Governor.

    I won’t go “crazy man” on everyone and blame all of Texas.

    Texas Lt. Gov. Faces Backlash for Tweeting ‘A Man Reaps What He Sows’ Bible Verse After Mass Shooting at Orlando Gay Club

    Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has faced a social media backlash for what some perceive as anti-gay commentary after Sunday’s mass shooting at an popular Orlando, Florida, gay nightclub .
    “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows,” Patrick tweeted Sunday morning , hours after a mass shooting at Orlando’s Pulse which left, at least 50 people dead and 53 injured . Officials have called the attack the deadliest mass shooting in American history.
    Patrick posted the same verse to his Facebook page soon after. Both posts were deleted before noon. It was not immediately clear if Patrick was commenting on the Orlando shooting. Representatives from his office did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment. Many users on both platforms read Patrick’s quotation as anti-gay, as that verse (and the one succeeding it) have frequently been quoted as evidence of Christianity’s intolerance of gays. “You’re such a poor example of Texas, and of Christianity. May those affected my this morning’s violence be protected from the thoughtless words of idiots like you,” one Facebook user commented on Patrick’s post.
    Another wrote , “What a horrific post. Disgusting. But then, I guess you failed to remember that the entire book of Galatians was written to the CHURCH, and that Paul’s anger was to the bigotry and selfishness within the Christian church at Galatians. In other words – he was talking about people like you.

    On Twitter, businessman and sometimes Shark Tank guest Chris Sacca responded , “You pervert Christianity in a way that would make Jesus cringe. Where is your compassion?”

    Patrick, a Republican, opposed gay marriage and has spoken out against the White House’s requirement that students be allowed to use the school bathroom that matches their gender identity.
    Authorities do yet know a motive for the shooting, and an FBI spokesperson said Sunday morning that this is an ongoing investigation and wouldn’t classify it as a terror or hate crime. The father of the reported suspect told NBC News that it “has nothing to do with religion,” and instead pointed toward his son’s recent anger at seeing two men kissing.


    My heart goes out to all those directly affected.

    America has a sickness, and one of the symptoms is that assault weapons are sold to the general public.

    Avatar photowv

    I dunno that i agree with Mack, that this would benefit Trump.

    I suspect Trump has already won-over the “anti-Islam crowd.” I doubt
    there’s anymore folks to be won over from that piece of the voting-pie.

    The election now, is down to a small slice of the pie,
    and i dont know exactly who those uncommitted folks are.
    But i doubt they are the anti-islam, anti-immigration folks.
    They are already wearing Trump buttons.

    What do i know, though. I’m just a meteor guy.

    I dont have anything intelligent to say about the actual crime, cept,
    there will be more. Every year there will be more. No matter which Replicant
    or Duplicat is President.


    Avatar photozn

    My heart goes out to all those directly affected.

    America has a sickness, and one of the symptoms is that assault weapons are sold to the general public.



    Avatar photonittany ram

    “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows,” Patrick tweeted Sunday morning , hours after a mass shooting at Orlando’s Pulse which left, at least 50 people dead and 53 injured.

    Then the Lt. Governor must be mourning the death of the hero that carried out god’s will by gunning down all those sodomites. Well, I suppose god will reward Mateen with a place by his side, next to his kid…possibly displacing Falwell.


    From Trump people the shooter is another registered democrat.

    Thanks. We needed more “Trump’s circle says stupid things about this” samples.

    Nothing stupid about it since it is democrats that will try to use this to deny law abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment right.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    My heart goes out to all those directly affected.

    America has a sickness, and one of the symptoms is that assault weapons are sold to the general public.

    Seriously doubt it was an assault weapon. May have looked “scary” but not NFA Class 3.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    Nothing stupid about it since it is democrats that will try to use this to deny law abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment right.



    Nothing stupid about it since it is democrats that will try to use this to deny law abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment right.


    Sigh when you can’t deny.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    The Second Amendment does not, and never has, protected your right to buy any kind of weapon you so desire, in any quantity, for any purpose. It’s a very narrow, limited, basic “right,” and it has absolutely nothing to do with consumer choice, much less unlimited consumer choice — which is the way gun nuts grotesquely misread it.

    It just says “keep and bear arms,” if you’re a member of the militia, which no longer exist. If we really read it as is, it would be null and void because of that fact alone, because we no longer have or need militias, which, at the time the amendment was written, were primarily used to suppress domestic revolts, especially slave revolts.

    But, let’s go with the “modern” reading which isn’t tied to the militia. Let’s accept that this is not a requirement. What we’re left with is a protection of a right to keep and bear AN arm. Not ANY arm. If the American people decided, for instance, to limit gun purchases to one, single-shot pistol, it would easily be in keeping with that amendment. Easily. Again, because it never had anything to do with unlimited consumer choice, or keeping up with the latest tech, or protecting oneself against the government. The latter part is the most ludicrous reading, of course, as the entire point of the amendment was the insure strong militias, in hopes of avoiding a permanent standing army, and for those militias to put down domestic, as well as foreign, attacks against the government — and slaveholders.

    In short: Gun nuts don’t have any legal standing for their argument, but they have had, in recent times, a few reactionary, fascist-like judges — like Scalia — who support those grotesque misreadings. That will not always be the case, and eventually enough Americans will get sick enough of the fascist NRA and the entire right-wing gun nut crowd to say, No More!! No more of these massacres.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    IMO, America is insane when it comes to guns. We’ve reached the point where the very idea that Americans might trade away their idea of unlimited consumer choice, take on a little bit of inconvenience, in exchange for saving thousands of lives each year, is simply unthinkable. We’ve reached the point where guns have become the one kind of product that defies all the rules of common sense. Hell, we took asthma inhalers off the shelf, because some kids were getting high from them, but we can’t make weapons of mass destruction illegal?

    I think we need to do the following, and all of this would adhere to the 2nd:

    Ban the sale, manufacture, trade, import, export, gifting or possession of all weapons with external ammo containers, and those containers. Limit legal guns to those with internal chambers only, with a max of six chambers. Limit those legal guns to those which must be loaded by hand, with your fingers, one bullet at a time — again, max of six bullet chambers.

    Require licensing and registration for all guns/gun owners. Plus insurance.

    Require smart guns.

    Have a national gun buy-back program to get the now illegal guns off the streets. Then melt them down.

    End the embargo against government studies on gun violence. In fact, require that the CDC and NIH study this in depth, and constantly. Treat gun violence as a public safety issue, and act accordingly.

    End the embargo on asking potential victims of gun crimes if they have a gun in their house.

    Make these laws, regs, etc. etc. national, and no state can override them.

    The above would save countless lives, and at worst inconvenience some Americans. No one’s “rights” would be affected.


    I dunno that i agree with Mack, that this would benefit Trump.

    I suspect Trump has already won-over the “anti-Islam crowd.” I doubt
    there’s anymore folks to be won over from that piece of the voting-pie.

    The election now, is down to a small slice of the pie,
    and i dont know exactly who those uncommitted folks are.
    But i doubt they are the anti-islam, anti-immigration folks.
    They are already wearing Trump buttons.

    What do i know, though. I’m just a meteor guy.

    I dont have anything intelligent to say about the actual crime, cept,
    there will be more. Every year there will be more. No matter which Replicant
    or Duplicat is President.


    Politics is porn for polite society and now isn’t an appropriate time for porn.

    Unfortunately, I’m gonna slip in a Carl’s Jr commercial bit and just say this…

    When Trump and Clinton go at in the polls, the highest they get is along the lines of 45/43. Basically, there’s 10-12% or more of the electorate who STILL hasn’t decided, yet.

    There are still progressives who are waiting on possible indictments for Hillary and Conservatives who are waiting on a possible surprise at the convention. AND…there are still those who are deciding if they want to vote at all…

    So, yeah, if ISIS continues to ramp up attacks, this will benefit Trump because it will harden the hearts of some and open up Clinton to attacks about how she helped grow ISIS in Libya and Syria and Iraq via her vote.

    It won’t matter that the one flinging the poo is a literal orangutan.

    Rationality won’t matter in this election.

    The choice will be between stupid+bad and occasionally clever+evil.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    This is a very sore subject for me. I personally have gone through several of the Kubler Ross stages after Sandy Hook.

    Worse, my daughter, who attended Sandy Hook Elementary and knew most of the adults who were butchered has had several anxiety attacks at school in Boston, imagining there were shooters in all the tall buildings around her. She was diagnosed with PTSD. She has always been a very open, caring, empathic kid, and was really ship wreaked after Sandy Hook. She seems better after a year plus of therapy, but I’m not sure we’ll ever be the same again.

    To be clear, I consider any gun that will fire every time you pull the trigger and has a magazine of over 10 bullets an assault weapon. Why the fuck would any law abiding US citizen need something like that?

    Compensation issues (i.e. little dick)??

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    To be clear, I consider any gun that will fire every time you pull the trigger and has a magazine of over 10 bullets an assault weapon. Why the fuck would any law abiding US citizen need something like that?

    There isn’t any need for it. IMO, the best way to regulate that is to ban all weapons with detachable ammo containers of any kind, shape, size, etc. etc. That way, you don’t run into the absurd semantics game that gun nuts love to play. They want us to get hung up on what these weapons are called, and to forget what they do.

    Keep it to old-style six shooters, and no higher. Keep it to guns that must be hand loaded, one bullet at a time.

    Those will still allow self-defense, hunting, target practice and so on. And none of those restrictions would abridge the Second Amendment . . . which was, afterall, composed within a context of single-load, one-bullet-then-fire worlds. And there isn’t the remotest of a whisper in the amendment that says citizens get to keep up with the latest tech, choose the latest firepower, choose the most lethal weapons available. Not one iota of a suggestion is there about that. It just says “keep and bear arms.”

    If we had an amendment that said “keep and wear suits,” and we banned all polyester suits, the right to keep and wear suits would still be intact. Not infringed. Not endangered, etc. etc. Because the right was never about unlimited consumer choice. Consumer choice never had anything to do with it. It was about the ability to keep and wear suits, etc.

    A sane society must constantly deal with competing conceptions of rights, responsibilities and desires. It’s pure madness that we allow a fringe group of gun zealots to take away the normal, natural role of society in adjudicating between competing claims. It’s pure insanity that we allow their absolutism to destroy all vestiges of common sense, give and take. We have allowed them to take control and destroy all attempts at sensible compromise and sensible resolutions to those competing desires — and for what? For what reason? So they can play Rambo on weekends, while 33,000 Americans die each year from guns?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.

    This is a very sore subject for me. I personally have gone through several of the Kubler Ross stages after Sandy Hook.

    Worse, my daughter, who attended Sandy Hook Elementary and knew most of the adults who were butchered has had several anxiety attacks at school in Boston, imagining there were shooters in all the tall buildings around her. She was diagnosed with PTSD. She has always been a very open, caring, empathic kid, and was really ship wreaked after Sandy Hook. She seems better after a year plus of therapy, but I’m not sure we’ll ever be the same again.

    To be clear, I consider any gun that will fire every time you pull the trigger and has a magazine of over 10 bullets an assault weapon. Why the fuck would any law abiding US citizen need something like that?

    Compensation issues (i.e. little dick)??

    You’re against semi-autos. Semi-autos are great. Much more fun to shoot. Much better for hunting, plinking or target practice. More issues in safe handling though. If you’ve ever had to hand load any mags without stripper clips you would know why a well functioning mag of more than 10 rounds is worth it. Even with stripper clips if you have to load enough of them it still is a pain. I like the tubular mags as long as they can hold more than 15 rounds.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    To be clear, I consider any gun that will fire every time you pull the trigger and has a magazine of over 10 bullets an assault weapon. Why the fuck would any law abiding US citizen need something like that?

    There isn’t any need for it. IMO, the best way to regulate that is to ban all weapons with detachable ammo containers of any kind, shape, size, etc. etc. That way, you don’t run into the absurd semantics game that gun nuts love to play. They want us to get hung up on what these weapons are called, and to forget what they do.

    Nothing absurd nor semantics involved. An assault weapon is well defined. It is capable of FULL AUTO fire. Hold the trigger in and it empties the mag. Assault weapons are rarely used in crime in this country.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    I’m saying ban all of them. Semi-automatic, assault weapons, whatever you might want to call them. Anything with any kind of detachable, external ammo container, of any kind, of any size. Ban ’em. Ban all accessories dealing with them.

    The only allowable guns should be those with internal chambers only, and max that out at six. You should have to load your bullets by hand, one at a time, and no gun should be able to accommodate more than six at a time.

    That, to me, is the best compromise. This ensures the ability of all citizens to own weapons for self-protection, hunting and target practice, but it doesn’t give them the ability to rapidly slaughter dozens or hundreds of their fellow Americans.

    Throw in licensing and registration, which we do with cars. End the ban on gun violence research, which was a fascist form of suppression in the first place.

    Force “smart gun” technology as soon as it’s technically doable.

    100% gun checks, on everything, via the licensing system. No exceptions or loopholes. No gun show exceptions, etc.

    The above will save thousands of lives each year, and it won’t cost anyone their “rights.” Again, no one ever had the right to unlimited firepower, quantity, consumer choice and so on.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    You’re against semi-autos. Semi-autos are great. Much more fun to shoot. Much better for hunting, plinking or target practice. More issues in safe handling though. If you’ve ever had to hand load any mags without stripper clips you would know why a well functioning mag of more than 10 rounds is worth it. Even with stripper clips if you have to load enough of them it still is a pain. I like the tubular mags as long as they can hold more than 15 rounds.

    A citizen’s right to live without fear of being gunned down trumps your desire to have “more fun” due to how “cool” semi-automatics are. We regulate all kinds of dangerous products in America and ban them. That we don’t ban weapons of mass destruction like those semis is absolutely unforgivable. It’s beyond demented.

    Time to get all of them off the streets and close down their manufacture, sale, import, export, trade and so on. No one needs them, and the Second Amendment doesn’t protect them.


    So can this be the Rodney King moment when we finally acknowledge that there’s STILL real danger in simply being part of the LGBT+ community?

    I don’t care how many episodes of Will & Grace are shown, how many seasons of Orange is the New Black are streaming on Netflix… it’s fucking dangerous to be part of the LGBTQPIA+ community.

    What’s especially scary to me is that my trans child is trying to venture out into the world and this is the shit my child is still looking at. I can wear all the purple rainbow shirts I want, but they wouldn’t have stopped any of those bullets.

    It’s enough. It’s enough. It’s enough.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    Avatar photozn


    I’m saying ban all of them. Semi-automatic, assault weapons, whatever you might want to call them. Anything with any kind of detachable, external ammo container, of any kind, of any size. Ban ’em. Ban all accessories dealing with them.

    The only allowable guns should be those with internal chambers only, and max that out at six. You should have to load your bullets by hand, one at a time, and no gun should be able to accommodate more than six at a time.

    That, to me, is the best compromise. This ensures the ability of all citizens to own weapons for self-protection, hunting and target practice, but it doesn’t give them the ability to rapidly slaughter dozens or hundreds of their fellow Americans.

    Throw in licensing and registration, which we do with cars. End the ban on gun violence research, which was a fascist form of suppression in the first place.

    Force “smart gun” technology as soon as it’s technically doable.

    100% gun checks, on everything, via the licensing system. No exceptions or loopholes. No gun show exceptions, etc.

    The above will save thousands of lives each year, and it won’t cost anyone their “rights.” Again, no one ever had the right to unlimited firepower, quantity, consumer choice and so on.

    Registration = Confiscation

    An a-hole can commit mass murder with a suicide vest too. With a car. With a gas can. With chemical reactions producing toxic gases. With an airplane. With a drone aircraft. It is literally limitless and stems from a sick mind not a firearm of any kind.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    So can this be the Rodney King moment when we finally acknowledge that there’s STILL real danger in simply being part of the LGBT+ community?

    I don’t care how many episodes of Will & Grace are shown, how many seasons of Orange is the New Black are streaming on Netflix… it’s fucking dangerous to be part of the LGBTQPIA+ community.

    What’s especially scary to me is that my trans child is trying to venture out into the world and this is the shit my child is still looking at. I can wear all the purple rainbow shirts I want, but they wouldn’t have stopped any of those bullets.

    It’s enough. It’s enough. It’s enough.

    What is the QPIA+?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Registration = Confiscation

    An a-hole can commit mass murder with a suicide vest too. With a car. With a gas can. With chemical reactions producing toxic gases. With an airplane. With a drone aircraft. It is literally limitless and stems from a sick mind not a firearm of any kind.

    We have to register our cars. Has that led to confiscation? No. It’s pure alarmist nonsense to try to equate registration with confiscation.

    Our government exists to serve business. That is its Prime Directive. Gun sales are BIG business. It’s not going to confiscate guns and destroy that business. It’s nothing but paranoid delusion/Alex Jones conspiracy nonsense to suggest otherwise.

    As for the rest. Logic tells us to do our best to minimize the chances of death. To radically improve the odds in the favor of our survival. Parents do their best to “child proof” their homes, for instance. Sure, you still have tragedies. But you have far fewer because smart people move the poison to some place their kids can’t find. We have speed limits not in order to create total perfection and the total absence of accidents and deaths due to speeding. We do it to reduce them to the degree possible.

    Tell me, why wouldn’t you willingly trade in your easy access to high powered weaponry, in order to secure the lives of thousands? Why wouldn’t EVERY American make that all too minimal “sacrifice”? In exchange for a modified range of weaponry, and a little bit of extra paperwork, why wouldn’t you jump at this when it means saving lives? And it does. And your continued insistence that we can’t have common sense restrictions on guns means the continuation of tens of thousands of Americans dying because of guns. JUST because of guns.


    Registration = Confiscation

    An a-hole can commit mass murder with a suicide vest too. With a car. With a gas can. With chemical reactions producing toxic gases. With an airplane. With a drone aircraft. It is literally limitless and stems from a sick mind not a firearm of any kind.

    We have to register our cars. Has that led to confiscation? No. It’s pure alarmist nonsense to try to equate registration with confiscation.

    Our government exists to serve business. That is its Prime Directive. Gun sales are BIG business. It’s not going to confiscate guns and destroy that business. It’s nothing but paranoid delusion/Alex Jones conspiracy nonsense to suggest otherwise.

    As for the rest. Logic tells us to do our best to minimize the chances of death. To radically improve the odds in the favor of our survival. Parents do their best to “child proof” their homes, for instance. Sure, you still have tragedies. But you have far fewer because smart people move the poison to some place their kids can’t find. We have speed limits not in order to create total perfection and the total absence of accidents and deaths due to speeding. We do it to reduce them to the degree possible.

    Tell me, why wouldn’t you willingly trade in your easy access to high powered weaponry, in order to secure the lives of thousands? Why wouldn’t EVERY American make that all too minimal “sacrifice”? In exchange for a modified range of weaponry, and a little bit of extra paperwork, why wouldn’t you jump at this when it means saving lives? And it does. And your continued insistence that we can’t have common sense restrictions on guns means the continuation of tens of thousands of Americans dying because of guns. JUST because of guns.

    No people are dying because of the influences on sick minds that are never addressed. Violent video games were developed for the military to desensitize soldiers to shooting someone. Now parents buy these very same games used by the military for their kids. Hollywood glorifies and profits from gun violence in the most obscene manner. Ban ’em Billy.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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