Andrew Cuomo

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    I’m wondering what progressives think of this guy. I never thought of him before COVID-19 but to me the measure of a man’s leadership and character is how he or she act in the face of a crisis. So far I admire and trust him. He also has a quality that ironically is shared by the idiot in the WH, namely the ability to speak TO the people as opposed TO ideas. In that light I think a lot of people can relate to what he’s saying much like a lot of people related to what Trump was saying-the difference being Cuomo has sincerity behind him and that breeds trust.


    Well…see…that’s fine. I am fine with his leadership in this crisis. His personality doesn’t mean much to me, but I prefer his bedside manner to Trump’s.

    He wants to cut the state budget on the backs of poor people, though. So…he’s a non-starter for me because that’s something I will never compromise on.


    East Coast bias

    Gov of CA has done a much better job than Cuomo.

    Newsome implemented quarantines sooner than NY did… Newsome took a lot of shit for doing that, but it’s paid off big time.

    Newsome also dealt with medical equipment shortages better than NY did. So much so that CA has exported equipment surplus to needy states and countries.

    Just be glad that John COCKS err Cox from Indiana didn’t win the Ca governor’s election a few years back… California would be a fucking mess today….


    East Coast bias

    Gov of CA has done a much better job than Cuomo.

    Newsome implemented quarantines sooner than NY did… Newsome took a lot of shit for doing that, but it’s paid off big time.

    Newsome also dealt with medical equipment shortages better than NY did. So much so that CA has exported equipment surplus to needy states and countries.

    Just be glad that John COCKS err Cox from Indiana didn’t win the Ca governor’s election a few years back… California would be a fucking mess today….

    John Cox. I forgot about that guy. He was certainly a piece of work. He never had a chance, though.

    Yeah, imo Newsom has done a better job, too. I’m also from CA, but what you said is true. Newsom acted faster, more comprehensively, and has emerged as a leader in organizing states together as a consortium to band together and negotiate to buy supplies and equipment, rather than descend into the bidding war that had started. It’s almost like…a bunch of States United got organized by an executive who operated in the best interest of the people nationwide. It’s kind of a weird concept, but it got me thinking…what if ALL the states did that? You know…united under an executive branch that made it a priority to look after the interest of people?

    Waterfield, as you probably know, is also from California. So I’m a little surprised to see him two-timing with Cuomo.


    East Coast bias

    Gov of CA has done a much better job than Cuomo.

    Newsome implemented quarantines sooner than NY did… Newsome took a lot of shit for doing that, but it’s paid off big time.

    Newsome also dealt with medical equipment shortages better than NY did. So much so that CA has exported equipment surplus to needy states and countries.

    Just be glad that John COCKS err Cox from Indiana didn’t win the Ca governor’s election a few years back… California would be a fucking mess today….

    John Cox. I forgot about that guy. He was certainly a piece of work. He never had a chance, though.

    Yeah, imo Newsom has done a better job, too. I’m also from CA, but what you said is true. Newsom acted faster, more comprehensively, and has emerged as a leader in organizing states together as a consortium to band together and negotiate to buy supplies and equipment, rather than descend into the bidding war that had started. It’s almost like…a bunch of States United got organized by an executive who operated in the best interest of the people nationwide. It’s kind of a weird concept, but it got me thinking…what if ALL the states did that? You know…united under an executive branch that made it a priority to look after the interest of people?

    Waterfield, as you probably know, is also from California. So I’m a little surprised to see him two-timing with Cuomo.

    Well-I’m not sure what you mean by “two-timing with Cuomo”. N.Y. got hit initially and was hit hard. California was able to go to school on N.Y. I think both governors have acted with strength and leadership something lacking in the White House. I’m not “favoring” one over the other. I doubt Cuomo has any thoughts of politics beyond N.Y. I do think Newsom does and that’s fine with me.


    Cuomo came out and stated that he is not running for president, he never thought of running for president, he never will run for president.

    I wish he would…like now, because I don’t think we can survive four more years of this.


    I was teasing, W. But technically, California – under Newsom – declared a State of Emergency before NY did, and issued a Stay at Home order before NY did.

    Doesn’t mean Cuomo hasn’t done a good job, or that California hasn’t learned from NY, but Newsom has been a step ahead in terms of reaction time. And Newsom is the one who has initiated a process of organizing states to cooperate while Trump imitates Nero.


    Style over Substance.


    Well…see…that’s fine. I am fine with his leadership in this crisis. His personality doesn’t mean much to me, but I prefer his bedside manner to Trump’s.

    He wants to cut the state budget on the backs of poor people, though. So…he’s a non-starter for me because that’s something I will never compromise on.

    Zooey: I’m unclear what your writing. Are you saying that in order for the Governor to cut the budget he focused solely on programs to assist the poor and cut funds for these ?. If so I am unaware of that. If OTOH, in order to cut the budget he cut funds across the board that obviously would have a greater impact on the poor-especially if it touched on medicaid. But that will always be true of any across the board budget cut -which is entirely different than saying we need to cut the budget so lets focus on medicaid.


    I don’t know what he is cutting or not cutting apart from Medicaid and one other “poor people item” that I don’t recall. It wouldn’t make any difference to me if it was “fair” in the sense that everything else was cut proportionately. I think the bottom HALF of the country should all get significant pay raises. You look at the increase in economic production over the past 40 years and overlay that with a graph of where that money has gone, and the bottom 80% of the country has had stagnant wages while wealth has greatly increased. That just isn’t right. The country is working harder, longer, and producing more, and not getting a slice of that wealth AT ALL, let alone a proportionate slice.

    So when a politician says they want to make the most vulnerable people in our society do with even LESS?

    Yeah. Not gonna get my support. Raise taxes. Or force employers to pay their workers more. Or force employers to provide benefits. Whatever.

    But you’re not taken even more away from poor people with my support not matter what rationale you offer.


    Well…see…that’s fine. I am fine with his leadership in this crisis. His personality doesn’t mean much to me, but I prefer his bedside manner to Trump’s.

    He wants to cut the state budget on the backs of poor people, though. So…he’s a non-starter for me because that’s something I will never compromise on.

    Zooey: I’m unclear what your writing. Are you saying that in order for the Governor to cut the budget he focused solely on programs to assist the poor and cut funds for these ?. If so I am unaware of that. If OTOH, in order to cut the budget he cut funds across the board that obviously would have a greater impact on the poor-especially if it touched on medicaid. But that will always be true of any across the board budget cut -which is entirely different than saying we need to cut the budget so lets focus on medicaid.

    I know you asked Zooey, and not moi . . . but I’ll throw in my two cents. Cuomo has long been known for his moderate Republicanism (in Dem clothes), fighting progressives at nearly every turn, often going as far as preventing Dems from majority control of the New York legislature when he was able. He’s basically what passes for “liberal” these days . . . which is to say, a “Woke” Conservative. Terrible on class issues, solid on virtue signaling.

    Yes, he’s been a very good public face on this issue. Head and shoulders above Trump. It’s not close. Who knows what’s been happening behind the scenes, but he’s definitely outshone Trump by a thousand klieg lights as far as public leadership.

    But as a governor overall? He’s a Dem neoliberal, which means the “soft” kind to the Republicans’ “hard” neoliberalism. So he pushes for tax cuts for the rich and business, deregulates when he can, privatizes when he can, etc.

    As for slashing the budget. When you push for those endless tax cuts, you get to claim you have to make those budget cuts. So it really doesn’t matter if they’re across the board or not — and they never are. They always mean slashing programs the poor, the working class, and part of the middle class rely upon . . . in order to fund those tax cuts. But from what I’ve read, he’s focused more on safety net (and Higher Ed) stuff like Medicaid, etc.

    As Andrew O’Herir says in this Salon article, he’s not our friend.–and-joe-bidens-definitely-not-your-dad/

    Andrew Cuomo’s not your boyfriend — and Joe Biden’s definitely not your dad
    Liberal derangement and quarantine madness have made New York’s governor a sex-god celebrity. Can’t we do better?

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