And the..The Good news, for today…is…

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  • #48201

    I typed in “Is there any good news?” in a search engine,
    and this story came up from the

    Schoolkids Make Capes For Homeless Children So They Can Feel Like Superheroes

    “Children … get to tap into their inner-strength while they’re creating this and also know that they’re empowering another child.”

    This super initiative is helping homeless kids feel like heroes.

    A group of Elementary school students from PS 173 in Queens, New York, who are members of the GenerationOn Kids Care Club, made capes for homeless kids in shelters, reported.

    Through the project, which is part of larger ongoing initiative Capes for Kids, the students made a total of 24 capes last month, which were donated to children at the Detroit Rescue Mission in Michigan.
    Terry Grahl, whose nonprofit Enchanted Makeovers runs Capes for Kids, told The Huffington Post that there’s so much more to the accessories than meets the eye — it’s all about inspiring confidence.

    “Children … get to tap into their inner-strength while they’re creating this and also know that they’re empowering another child,” she said. … see link

    Okey-dokey. Thats how the education system is battling homelessness.

    Not by critiquing the system.

    But by…um…making capes so homeless kids can feel all kinds of inner empowerment.

    Thats the good news,
    for today.

    I swear, you cant make this stuff up. Surreal times in the



    Well, WV, the genius behind all of that is when the kids are out in the cold and rain, they now will have some protection.

    Yeah, you really can’t make up this shit. And, ya know, it also kinda plays into the other discussion about the likely political leanings of our superhero comics, etc. etc.

    And, perhaps to get further in the weeds, and maybe to risk going down the wrong road . . . but, hey, that’s my specialty!!!


    It’s not all that different from telling the oppressed and downtrodden that one day a god will swoop down and save them, or that the bad guys will have their comeuppance in the next life, or the good people who suffer now will live in paradise after death.

    Capes for kids. I can just see the next Walmart promotion.


    When I saw the title, I thought:

    “If WV posts “Pokemon Go went live…”

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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