America’s abject ignorance is alive and well on football boards.

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House America’s abject ignorance is alive and well on football boards.

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    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I won’t mention any names, or any particular sites, but let’s just say there’s a seriously ugly, dangerous and criminally stupid herd mentality at work there — one that is literally killing people all over the world right now.

    (I made the mistake of reading a thread or two)

    Trying really, really hard not to say what I’m feeling, what I know beyond a shadow of doubt, and those feelings run miles deep. But I will say this: We’re lost as long as people with those views rule. And they do rule. We’re lost. The world is lost. The planet is lost.

    That’s not hyperbole.

    Oh, and just a reminder: This is the same chickenshit board that didn’t have the courage to actually own up to who does the banning and why, or why they tend to apply their “no politics” rule with such extreme and bizarre bias.

    My contempt for them and their views is off the freakin charts.


    I’m not sure what you are thinking Billy. But here are my thoughts: While I majored in sociology as an under graduate I am no expert in this arena. Most people are “ignorant” when it comes to political thought. Doesn’t mean they are not intelligent or stupid. Just uninformed -mostly out of their own choosing. Few read anything that might be deemed scholarly. In fact few read. Most base their opinions from friends and what favorite tv channels they watch. As far as “friends” go people generally want to be part of a group-primarily for intellectual security. As far as TV goes people tend to want simplicity. It’s just easier to sort out. As to “football boards”: Football is -of all sports in our country-the most macho driven. We all have a part of that in us but some-if not most-have far more of it. Hence more fights in football stadiums then basketball arenas or baseball parks. Football is a simple sport that is spurred by brute force. Basketball is more dependent on skill and baseball more dependent on out thinking the opponent. Football is the most popular sport we have in this country because we want simplicity and force. Simply put, football does not require a lot of ‘thinking”. Basketball requires pure skill and the ability to know how to mentally react quickly. Baseball, with all of its pitch by pitch changes in defensive alignments, is more like a chess game.In sum, a “football board” is make up of fans who “for the most part” do not want to think about their sport but simply want to feel it. Logically, this fan will not “want” to think about issues such as COVID-19, nor do they want to think about what is best for “all”-rather what is best for “their team”-meaning themselves. Football is the ultimate and perfect “sport” for a capitalistic society. If you don’t have to be a “thinker” to be a “winner” what can be better?

    I’ve had enough scotch-so I’m going to bed.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    In roughly two months time, we’ve lost, via the “official count,” some 61,000 Americans. That number is most certainly grotesquely under-counted. Why? Most of the people in charge of the count have very little incentive to give the correct count, even if that were possible, which it isn’t. The higher the count, the more it hurts the political prospects of those in charge, and these counts almost never include people who die outside of hospitals.

    In the private sector, the same thing applies. People are fools if they think Senior Care homes and private prisons, for instance, are telling us the truth, and that’s just two of the most obvious industries impacted. Plus, America isn’t doing postmortems for everyone, obviously. They can’t, even if they wanted to. We generally find out about scattered examples of the undercount in gruesome reports of bodies discovered in abandoned trucks, as was the case this morning in New York.

    We have 4% of the world’s population, but a third of the “official” infections, at a bit over a million. Those are wildly undercounted too, as has been proven by antibody testing in New York and California. In both those cases, roughly 20% of the surveyed populations had the antibodies, which means, with near-certainty they had Covid-19. If 20% of NYC has already been infected, that’s roughly 2 million people. It’s likely, of course, that all metro areas have a much higher rate of infection than less densely populated areas, but since most of America lives in those metro areas, we’re still likely close to the 20% figure after just two months. Go “conservative,” make it just 10%, and we’re at roughly 32 million.

    The political right is literally putting tens of millions of Americans at risk of death, pushing its “it’s all a hoax,” or “workers should gladly die for capitalism!!” agenda. I have always despised right-wing ideology, for a thousand and one reasons. This latest iteration of their deadly ideology sets a new record for toxic insanity.


    Sorry for the rant last night Billy. Your post addressed the football board and I read what I believe you read-except I read all the posts, unfortunately. For all the reasons I posted above it is my “opinion” that if you took all die hard football fans you would find a significantly higher percentage of “right wing” conservatives than basketball, baseball, or any other sport for that matter. Fauci says stuff they don’t want to hear and furthermore is in contrast with what their hero in the WH says. Their thinking is akin to recency bias. If they don’t feel sick and they don’t see sickness around them then COVID-19 ain’t such a big deal-so lets get our football back so we can act like real men not like weak sickly people stuck in a quarantine. To hell with Fauci-who the hell does he think he is anyway. It’s all rather easy to understand.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by waterfield.
    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Sorry for the rant last night Billy. Your post addressed the football board and I read what I believe you read-except I read all the posts, unfortunately. For all the reasons I posted above it is my “opinion” that if you took all die hard football fans you would find a significantly higher


    of “right wing” conservatives than basketball, baseball, or any other sport for that matter. Those people will take a seemingly apolitical issue-a virus-and use it as a vehicle to express a political point of view. And of course they will vote for the idiot child in the WH. Fauci says stuff they don’t want to hear and furthermore is in contrast with what their hero in the WH says. Their thinking is akin to recency bias. If they don’t feel sick and they don’t see sickness around them then COVID-19 ain’t such a big deal-so lets get our football back so we can act like real men not like weak sickly people stuck in a quarantine. To hell with Fauci-who the hell does he think he is anyway. It’s all rather easy to understand.

    No worries, W.

    To me, having different visions of how the world should be is one thing. Left, right, center . . . Makes the world go round, etc. etc.

    But actively promoting dangerous misinformation (in the middle of a pandemic) is an entirely different matter. It literally kills. That’s not hyperbole. And that’s what’s happening on that other board right now.

    It pisses me off to no end when I think about it, which I’m trying not to do, but that’s difficult these days.

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