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- This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by
Eternal Ramnation.
February 17, 2016 at 12:23 pm #39144
ParticipantI wanted to give this guy — Alex Jones — a thread of his own.
For better or worse, he’s earned it 🙂He and his conspiracy-phenomenon fascinate me. He sees some pieces of the corporotacracy clearly. But then he mixes it with batshit-crazy stuff
and paranoid stuff… Sigh.His popularity is what interests me. His followers are not rightwingers. Or leftwingers. They iz somethin…else.
Excerpts below. Btw, he was depicted in the animated film “Waking Life”. He was the guy with the bullhorn roaming through the streets of Austin, eventually turning colors until he became Red.
The author of the rolling stone article below, also wrote:
“Glenn Beck: The Triumph of Ignorance”—————–
Alexander Zaitchik March 2, 2011…Jones, who loves to draw analogies to sci-fi classics like Dune and Star Wars, sees the 21st century as a kind of fanboy-fantasy landscape populated by three groups: a rebel alliance of liberty-loving patriots (his fans); masses of consumerist sheep (those who ignore him); and a sadistic elite (global bankers and their agents), forever tightening the screws on the imperiled remnants of human freedom.
…Chip Berlet, who studies conspiracy culture for Political Research Associates, a Boston-based think tank. “Jones reaches more people over the Internet than any conspiracy crank in U.S. history.”
…Many of his fans, in fact, believe that Glenn Beck routinely rips off Jones, stealing his ideas and then watering them down for broader consumption. “People inside his company tell me Beck follows what we do closely,” says Jones. “It’s frustrating that I’ve never sold out, yet I’m being gobbled up by this giant Pac-Man who puts my work through his corporate-media assembly line. He takes information from me about secret combines and elites and then spins it against big government, but he ignores big business.
….Such attacks get Jones lumped in with the far right, for good reason. It was Jones, a longtime supporter of presidential candidate Ron Paul, who spread the Obama “Joker” poster that defined the early Tea Party protests in 2009, and he employs the movement’s rhetoric of “patriots” and “government tyranny.” But on closer inspection, his mishmash, anti-establishment politics are too bad-trip weird to fit neatly into any political category. “Ignore the left and right wings,” Jones likes to say. “Study the brain of the bird.” To Jones, what matters most is the “continuity of agenda at the top. When I called Clinton a Wall Street puppet, they called me a right-wing extremist. When I said the same about George W. Bush, they called me an anti-war communist. Now that I’m against Obama for the same reasons, mainline conservatives embrace me. When I attack the next right-wing ‘savior,’ they’re gonna call me a communist again.”
….On the spiritual cancer of modern capitalism, Jones sounds more like Ralph Nader than a Fox Business channel libertarian. “Madison Avenue makes us addicts of consumerism, using glass wampum to steal our capacity to direct our own lives,” Jones says. “The globalists are smart and tell us sin is fun, sin is a red-¬devil cheerleader. No — sin is cheating other people, it’s sending troops to die in illegal wars, it’s keeping people dumb so you can control, exploit and kill them.”
Jones and his staff are currently scripting his 19th film, which will examine the New World Order strings attached to Rick Perry, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck — a sort of Tea Party Deception. Among the targets, Glenn Beck looms large. “Beck, and more lately Limbaugh, sees our success and knows he has to talk about the New World Order to stay relevant,” says Jones. “But he spins it in a neoconish way that reinforces the controlled, left-right paradigm that divides people instead of bringing them together.”…When I press Jones on how he would respond to a violent attack on one of his boogeymen, the Council on Foreign Relations, he once again implies they would have it coming. “I strongly believe in nonviolence and have protested the Council on Foreign Relations with a bullhorn because it’s the most effective thing to do,” he says. “But if someone attacks the globalists at the CFR, it will be a manifestation of all the evil they’ve been part of — the corporate neocolonialism, the bombings of villages.” Evil, as he sees it, begets evil. “I don’t want anybody to attack the CFR,” he insists. “But it’s up there in the hierarchy. We’ll all be judged.”
…Jones became the only radio host in America to begin his September 11th broadcast with a tirade against the U.S. government. “I went on the air and said, ‘Those were controlled demolitions.
….Unlike many of his conspiracy-minded predecessors — Henry Ford, the Ku Klux Klan, the militia movement — Jones has no tolerance for racism or anti-Semitism. “There is no globalist command center, and I never make it about certain groups,” says Jones, whose wife is of Jewish descent and whose adopted sister Marley is Asian-American. “All humans do the same stuff. Class solidarity should transcend race and religion in the fight against the globalists. Everything they touch turns to mutated death.”
….This is not to say that Jones is a conscious fabulist. By all impressions, he is shockingly sincere in everything he says. But for a man of otherwise high analytical ability, his logic and reading-comprehension skills are often victims of his Ahab-like obsession with the New World Order.
February 17, 2016 at 12:29 pm #39145zn
ModeratorThen he’s not a conspiracy theorist, anymore than Chomsky is.
Conspiracy theorists create fictions.
He’s an historian of the present. It’s a different thing.
February 17, 2016 at 12:34 pm #39146wv
ParticipantThen he’s not a conspiracy theorist, anymore than Chomsky is.
Conspiracy theorists create fictions.
He’s an historian of the present. It’s a different thing.
I dont know what you mean by that.
He believes a lot of crazy-stuff.
Did you read the article?w
vFebruary 17, 2016 at 12:43 pm #39149zn
ModeratorHe believes a lot of crazy-stuff.
Did you read the article?I did read it, though admittedly, I did it quickly.
What is some of the crazy stuff he believes?
February 17, 2016 at 4:47 pm #39165wv
ParticipantHe believes a lot of crazy-stuff.
Did you read the article?I did read it, though admittedly, I did it quickly.
What is some of the crazy stuff he believes?
From the rolling stone article:
….The New World Order’s methods are many: manufactured economic crises, sophisticated surveillance tech and — above all — inside-job terror attacks that fuel exploitable hysteria. The endgame, Jones believes, is a mass eugenics operation that will depopulate the planet by poisoning our food and water with fluoride, radioactive isotopes and various futuristic toxic soups being engineered in New World Order laboratories. Those who resist are being tracked by secret, federalized police bunkers known as “fusion centers” that will eventually round up every dissenter and throw them into camps run by the Federal Emergency Management Authority.
By disseminating such theories over the airwaves and online, where followers can get the word out faster than any film distributor, Jones can draw a million viewers within days for a documentary like his The Obama Deception. “In the past, such theories were circulated in booklets, books, public speeches and sermons,” says Chip Berlet, who studies conspiracy…
Read more:
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on FacebookFebruary 17, 2016 at 5:12 pm #39168zn
Moderator….The New World Order’s methods are many: manufactured economic crises, sophisticated surveillance tech and — above all — inside-job terror attacks that fuel exploitable hysteria. The endgame, Jones believes, is a mass eugenics operation that will depopulate the planet by poisoning our food and water with fluoride, radioactive isotopes and various futuristic toxic soups being engineered in New World Order laboratories.
I didn’t think anyone knew about that.
February 17, 2016 at 5:42 pm #39172wv
Participant…. The endgame, Jones believes, is a mass eugenics operation that will depopulate the planet by poisoning our food and water with fluoride, radioactive isotopes and various futuristic toxic soups being engineered in New World Order laboratories.
I didn’t think anyone knew about that.
You say that so that i will think that its all a big joke.
And yet, I know that you ‘want’ me to think that, so i ‘get’ the fact
that you want me to believe that you believe, but i know better…
But wait…February 26, 2016 at 4:33 am #39605Eternal Ramnation
Participant -
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