About water

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  • #51176

    Found this to be interesting at http://rexresearch.com/airwells/airwells.htm

    Approximately 3,100 cubic miles of water is in the atmosphere at any said time, 98% in the form of vapor, 2% in clouds. About 280 cubic miles of water evaporate or transpire into the atmosphere each day. A cubic mile of water contains over one trillion gallons. The continental USA receives about 4 cubic miles of rainfall daily. More than 2,000,000 cubic miles of fresh water is stored in underground aquifers; about 60,000 cubic miles of fresh water are stored in lakes, inland seas, and rivers. About 7,000,000 cubic miles of water are contained in glaciers and polar icecaps, and in Greenland. The world’s reserves of fresh water are estimated at approximately 35 million cubic kilometers, including glaciers, ground water, wells, rivers, lakes, and precipitation as rain and snow. Yet it is inadequate for the ever-increasing, largely unrestrained demands of human civilization, so that alternative sources are desperately needed. While desalination of seawater is an obvious option, as yet the total quantity produced in this way amounts to about 10 km3, which is only a very small percentage of the 3000 cubic km3 consumed annually.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    That is interesting. Obviously we all know of the water cycle, but putting numbers to how much is in the air at any given time is cool.

    What is scary is how climate change is revving up the “river in the sky”. Look what just happened to Louisiana; that wasn’t even a named storm.

    Thanks for sharing.

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