A presidency from hell?

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    – WND – http://www.wnd.com

    A presidency from hell?

    Posted By Patrick J. Buchanan On 10/27/2016 @ 7:04 pm

    Should Donald Trump surge from behind to win, he would likely bring in with him both houses of Congress.

    Much of his agenda – tax cuts, deregulation, border security, deportation of criminals here illegally, repeal of Obamacare, appointing justices like Scalia, unleashing the energy industry – could be readily enacted.

    On new trade treaties with China and Mexico, Trump might need economic nationalists in Bernie Sanders’ party to stand with him, as free-trade Republicans stood by their K-Street contributors.

    Still, compatible agendas and GOP self-interest could transcend personal animosities and make for a successful four years.

    But consider what a Hillary Clinton presidency would be like.

    She would enter office as the least-admired president in history, without a vision or a mandate. She would take office with two-thirds of the nation believing she is untruthful and untrustworthy.

    Reports of poor health and lack of stamina may be exaggerated. Yet she moves like a woman her age. Unlike Ronald Reagan, her husband, Bill, and President Obama, she is not a natural political athlete and lacks the personal and rhetorical skills to move people to action.

    She makes few mistakes as a debater, but she is often shrill – when she is not boring. Trump is right: Hillary Clinton is tough as a $2 steak. But save for those close to her, she appears not to be a terribly likable person.

    Still, such attributes, or the lack of them, do not assure a failed presidency. James Polk, no charmer, was a one-term president, but a great one, victorious in the Mexican War, annexing California and the Southwest, negotiating a fair division of the Oregon territory with the British.

    Yet the hostility Clinton would face the day she takes office would almost seem to ensure four years of pure hell.

    The reason: her credibility, or rather her transparent lack of it.

    Consider. Because the tapes revealed he did not tell the full truth about when he learned about Watergate, Richard Nixon was forced to resign.

    In the Iran-Contra affair, Reagan faced potential impeachment charges, until ex-security adviser John Poindexter testified that Reagan told the truth when he said he had not known of the secret transfer of funds to the Nicaraguan Contras.

    Bill Clinton was impeached – for lying.

    White House scandals, as Nixon said in Watergate, are almost always rooted in mendacity – not the misdeed, but the cover-up, the lies, the perjury, the obstruction of justice that follow.

    And here Hillary Clinton seems to have an almost insoluble problem.

    She has testified for hours to FBI agents investigating why and how her server was set up and whether secret information passed through it.

    Forty times during her FBI interrogation, Clinton said she could not or did not recall. This writer has friends who went to prison for telling a grand jury, “I can’t recall.”

    After studying her testimony and the contents of her emails, FBI Director James Comey virtually accused Clinton of lying.

    Moreover, thousands of emails were erased from her server, even after she had reportedly been sent a subpoena from Congress to retain them.

    During her first two years as secretary of state, half of her outside visitors were contributors to the Clinton Foundation.

    Yet there was not a single quid pro quo, Clinton tells us.

    Yesterday’s newspapers exploded with reports of how Bill Clinton aide Doug Band raised money for the Clinton Foundation, and then hit up the same corporate contributors to pay huge fees for Bill’s speeches.

    What were the corporations buying if not influence? What were the foreign contributors buying, if not influence with an ex-president, and a secretary of state and possible future president?

    Did none of the big donors receive any official favors?

    “There’s a lot of smoke and there’s no fire,” says Hillary Clinton.

    Perhaps, but there seems to be more smoke every day.

    If once or twice in her hours of testimony to the FBI, grand jury or before Congress, Clinton were proven to have lied, her Justice Department would be obligated to name a special prosecutor, as was Nixon’s.

    And, with the election over, the investigative reporters of the adversary press, Pulitzers beckoning, would be cut loose to go after her.

    The Republican House is already gearing up for investigations that could last deep into Clinton’s first term.

    There is a vast trove of public and sworn testimony from Hillary, about the server, the emails, the erasures, the Clinton Foundation. Now, thanks to WikiLeaks, there are tens of thousands of emails to sift through, and perhaps tens of thousands more to come.

    What are the odds that not one contains information that contradicts her sworn testimony? Rep. Jim Jordan contends that Clinton may already have perjured herself.

    And as the full-court press would begin with her inauguration, Clinton would have to deal with the Syrians, Russians, Taliban, North Koreans and Xi Jinping in the South China Sea – and with Bill Clinton wandering around the White House with nothing to do.

    This election is not over. But if Hillary Clinton wins, a truly hellish presidency could await her, and us.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    PA Ram

    They’ve been going after Clinton forever.

    It really doesn’t matter. They went after Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and they will go after Clinton. It’s what they do. If it would have been Sanders they would have gone after him.

    The goal of the Republican party is the destruction of the federal government–short of running the military perhaps. So guilty of anything or not–it doesn’t matter. They are out to push the brakes, take a wrecking ball to it all–and let private enterprise have it all.

    If Jesus Christ ran as a Democrat it would be the same thing.

    We’ve seen the show over and over. Clinton, Sanders, Biden–pick your Democrat….they’d find things to go after.

    They serve no other purpose.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    They’ve been going after Clinton forever.

    It really doesn’t matter. They went after Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and they will go after Clinton. It’s what they do. If it would have been Sanders they would have gone after him.

    The goal of the Republican party is the destruction of the federal government–short of running the military perhaps. So guilty of anything or not–it doesn’t matter. They are out to push the brakes, take a wrecking ball to it all–and let private enterprise have it all.

    If Jesus Christ ran as a Democrat it would be the same thing.

    We’ve seen the show over and over. Clinton, Sanders, Biden–pick your Democrat….they’d find things to go after.

    They serve no other purpose.

    When confronted with corruption blame the mean republicans then tout those same republicans voting for Hildabeast. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    PA Ram

    And yet we can go back to Iran/Contra or Bush’s lies for the Iraq war to find Republican corruption–but that doesn’t exist in the “reality” of the right wing world.

    No–in that world these are all noble heroes. Like Trump and his scam school.

    Please—don’t talk about corruption in one breath and praise Trump in the other.

    Both parties have it. But one of those parties wants to destroy government. That’s different than governing.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    And yet we can go back to Iran/Contra or Bush’s lies for the Iraq war to find Republican corruption–but that doesn’t exist in the “reality” of the right wing world.

    No–in that world these are all noble heroes. Like Trump and his scam school.

    Please—don’t talk about corruption in one breath and praise Trump in the other.

    Both parties have it. But one of those parties wants to destroy government. That’s different than governing.

    And the other issue is, of course, using far-right, paranoid, nutcase, fringe, wacko websites to “prove” stuff. And, citing an Op Ed by a far-right, well-known, paleoconservative racist and all around jackass (Buchanan) to attempt that.

    Rigorous, tenacious scrutiny of the Dems, Clinton and all politicians is absolutely necessary. But the far right is the absolute last place anyone should look for any kind of credible or meaningful critique . . . and, as you mention, if someone is concerned about “corruption,” Trump is the last person on earth one would want in charge to “fix it.” He’s far more corrupt — and a bigger liar — than the Clintons, and it’s not close.

    I can’t stand our choices this time, but it baffles me beyond measure when people cite Clinton’s negatives but support Trump as some kind of answer. The only way one can do that is to ignore his serial lying, cheating, stealing and sexual predations, while they play the three monkeys game.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Billy_T.

    The FBI just announced it has re-opened the e-mail investigation because of new evidence.
    Probably too late to effect the election, but even with Richard Nixon the nation and his own party had a tipping point where everything was lost.
    Hillary’s tipping point is probably steeper than Nixon’s, but I predict it will come, either now, or when she is president and the evidence becomes overwhelming of the corruption staining her.


    Well Buchannon is half-right — He’s right about Hillary being a Weasel.

    He’s wrong about Trump — Trump is a weasel too.

    So, yes, it will be a Prezidency from Hell — either way.



    Well Buchannon is half-right — He’s right about Hillary being a Weasel.

    He’s wrong about Trump — Trump is a weasel too.

    So, yes, it will be a Prezidency from Hell — either way.


    So true.
    I found it interesting how you spelled “PreZidency.”
    Did you ever read comic books?
    Do you remember “Prez” by DC Comics?

    Prez, DC comics


    So true.
    I found it interesting how you spelled “PreZidency.”
    Did you ever read comic books?
    Do you remember “Prez” by DC Comics?

    Well i ‘do’ like to miss-spell thingz. I dunno why, but i enjoy it. Is there a word for people who get pleasure out of misspelling wordz ?

    I am giving away comic books for Halloween, probly. I was given a big box of em, so i bin goin thru them and trying to find ones that dont have graphic sex and general nakedness. Course the violence and carnage dont seem to bother parents none.

    I’ve never seen ‘Prez’ though.

    So where do you think this human civilization will be in fifty years, NM ?

    …Seems ta me, if you are gonna have a singularity that expands 14 billion years ago, and life-beings start evolving from
    primordial ooze, up through one-celled-life-beings, up through chickens, and trilobytes, and mammoths, and then through ape-stages until you get to the talking-monkey stage — there’s bound to be trouble.
    So, i blame the big-bang.



    The FBI just announced it has re-opened the e-mail investigation because of new evidence.
    Probably too late to effect the election, but even with Richard Nixon the nation and his own party had a tipping point where everything was lost.
    Hillary’s tipping point is probably steeper than Nixon’s, but I predict it will come, either now, or when she is president and the evidence becomes overwhelming of the corruption staining her.

    More BS from Comey. He’s trying to stave off a revolt within the FBI. They knew all of this before. Immunity has been granted to all the major conspirators so it isn’t going anywhere until Trump is elected. Of course it is again released on a friday afternoon.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    More BS from Comey. He’s trying to stave off a revolt within the FBI. They knew all of this before. Immunity has been granted to all the major conspirators so it isn’t going anywhere until Trump is elected. Of course it is again released on a friday afternoon.


    It would not surprise me in the least if there were factions in the FBI that wanted Hillary prosecuted, and if there were factions in the FBI that didnt want her prosecuted.
    I would imagine those factions break down prettymuch along ‘party lines’.

    I dont think the FBI is above the usual party-politix-stuff. In fact from everything I’ve read they are just like every other organization as far as politics.

    Now if Hillary took a gun and murdered someone, then i think all factions in the FBI would want her prosecuted — but this kind of ‘gray area’ stuff — it will always break down according to political views, imho.



    Is there a word for people who get pleasure out of misspelling wordz ?



    Is there a word for people who get pleasure out of misspelling wordz ?


    Um, Zooey, that would be bastardz.


    Is there a word for people who get pleasure out of misspelling wordz ?


    Um, Zooey, that would be bastardz.

    Wow. I edited that thing 23 seconds after I posted it, and you captured the first post.


    More BS from Comey. He’s trying to stave off a revolt within the FBI. They knew all of this before. Immunity has been granted to all the major conspirators so it isn’t going anywhere until Trump is elected. Of course it is again released on a friday afternoon.


    It would not surprise me in the least if there were factions in the FBI that wanted Hillary prosecuted, and if there were factions in the FBI that didnt want her prosecuted.
    I would imagine those factions break down prettymuch along ‘party lines’.

    I dont think the FBI is above the usual party-politix-stuff. In fact from everything I’ve read they are just like every other organization as far as politics.

    Now if Hillary took a gun and murdered someone, then i think all factions in the FBI would want her prosecuted — but this kind of ‘gray area’ stuff — it will always break down according to political views, imho.


    97% of Justice Department donations went to Hildabeast. Her email treason and pay to play should enrage anyone in law enforcement.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.



    I don’t know how I did that. Maybe it’s because the sun rises in the west, I, uh, mean the east, and there’s a time lag, or sumptin.


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