A leftist writes about an Alt-righter

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    see link….”Milo Yiannopoulos is a charming devil and one of the worst people I know. I have seen the death of political discourse reflected in his designer sunglasses. It chills me. We met four years ago, before he was the self-styled “most fabulous supervillain on the internet,” when he was just another floppy-haired right-wing pundit and we were guests on opposing sides of a panel show whose topic I don’t remember and can’t be bothered to look up. Afterwards we got hammered in the green room and ran around the BBC talking about boys. It was fun.

    Since that day, there is absolutely nothing I have been able to say to Milo to persuade him that we are not friends. The more famous he gets off the back of extravagantly abusing women and minorities, the more I tell him I hate him and everything he stands for, the more he laughs and asks when we’re drinking. I’m a radical queer feminist leftist writer burdened with actual principles. He thinks that’s funny and invites me to his parties.

    “Feminism is cancer” is one of Milo’s signature slogans, and yet it took him only seconds after learning we’d both be at the Republican Convention in Cleveland to offer me a lift to his ‘Wake Up!’ rally, billed as the most fabulous shindig at the end of America. This time—god help me and the things I do for journalism—I said yes.

    So here we are at the Convention, where howling psychopath Donald Trump has just been confirmed as the presidential nominee, to the horror of half of the party and every remaining moderate conservative in America as well as the 15,000 members of the international press who flocked to see the circus in realtime. Milo is loving every second of it. He lost no time climbing on the back of the clown car of the billionaire demagogue who, with ghoulishly oedipal glee, he calls ‘Daddy.’….see link…”

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    Same writer — Laurie Penny — on the Duplicats convention:


    see link…”Donald Trump makes you feel good like a line of cocaine or an adulterous orgasm makes you feel good. His puffed-up pridemongering appeals to the cowed, craving animal inside every citizen that wants to vote for cake today and fuck the other guy. Why? Because it feels good, and because so little else does.

    But the Democrats? They make you feel good.

    They make you feel worthy, and pure, and moral, or at least like you could be all those things if you tried. They make you feel like you’re a good person for trying. They make you feel like liberalism is a position that makes sense. Everyone wants to believe that they are a good person. Americans want to believe it more, perhaps, than the rest of us, because their nation has done and continues to do some very bad things both in the world and to its own people in the name of a dream that is still a nightmare for millions.

    America is still, fundamentally, a nation of puritans. That’s why this convention feels, at every stage, like a cross between a rock concert and a church revival. America is soaked in the language and practice of religion and wants to believe in its own goodness — in right as well as might. The signs handed out to delegates on Day One of the DNC said “Love Trumps Hate”. On Day Two, they said “Do The Most Good”. Most of the taglines could have been lifted from the Bible — the Good News version, not the King James. The Democrats are still pushing the Gospels on a suspicious, skeptical congregation that’s starting to lose faith in the hereafter. The Republicans, meanwhile, have run rabid and are reading straight from Revelations.Of course, like every story in the religious mode, American presidential politics is a fairytale.

    It’s fairytale designed—like all fairytales—to tell lost, frightened children that darkness can be overcome if they are well-behaved and listen to their elders. It’s a fairytale not just because no nation has a monopoly on morality, but because nation states themselves have never been the vector of human goodness and never will be. America The Brave is a bedtime story, the kind you tell to scared kids who know full well that the monsters are real. But for a moment there, I still wanted Obama to tuck me in….see link


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    And one more, just cuz i like her writing style. Reminds me of Hunter Thompson, or Taibbi a bit.
    Laurie Penny:https://medium.com/welcome-to-the-scream-room/bad-moon-rising-8cd348df50e9#.aro5amg2v

    see link….high noon on the first day of the Democratic National Convention and the block is, in every sense of the word, hot. It’s almost a hundred degrees in the shade. It’s the kind of weather where dogs run mad and bite their owners, and otherwise-sensible liberals do the same.

    The fix, you see, was in from the start.

    On the eve of the event, paranoid outlaw crypto-justice trolls Wikileaks released thousands of hacked emails that told the world what most of us already suspected: that parts of the Democratic National Committee were scheming against Bernie Sanders from the get-go. The air gap between suspicion and confirmation slammed shut around any hope for a peaceful convention, as thousands of protesters did their damnedest to make their displeasure felt outside the Democrats’ ring of steel.

    It was, in short, a really bad day for the party machine to pick Unity as a theme for their giant corporate shindig.

    Several thousand people have shown up for this march, and there’s almost no press. Bear in mind that at the equivalent stage of the Republican convention last week, the protests consisted of one man with two guns. A man with two guns who was unable to make his already-incoherent point about second amendment rights because he was surrounded by dozens of reporters, descending like carrion crows on anything that stank of controversy.

    The left does not generally hand out merit badges for good effort but we really ought to start, specifically with the few thousand brave souls who turned out to make their feelings known to the DNC today. The action stoners have turned out with a fifty-one foot replica spliff and some signs saying Yes Weed Can to demand the decriminalization of marijuana, and I am even more impressed, because I’m sober and I can hardly see straight in this crawling heat haze at the end of the fever-dream of democracy….
    ……What is on the table in the absence of actual sustenance appears to be a direct choice between power and principle. Liberals have long been told to pick one and pipe down. Bernie’s’ “political revolution” came as a genuine shock to those in the party who had been expecting an echo chamber and now find the acoustics in the convention hall harder to work with.

    As far as the party machine goes, Clinton is the ideal candidate. She is an iron-jawed, slick-fisted cagefighter gorged on the corpse of the young radical she once was. This is not an impediment to her presidency: It is her qualification for the presidency. She’s a very skilled player of a very unpopular game, a master manipulator in a nation sick of being lied to.see link…”

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photowv

    last half of that last one….

    …..Inside the hall, speaker after barnstorming speaker takes the stage to make the absolutely unarguable point that Hillary Clinton, whatever her faults, is a better presidential prospect than Donald Trump. In a signal that organizers are aware of divisive their candidate is, every half-time advert played on the big screen is about how scary Trump is, rather than how great Hillary is. As someone who recently watched their country fall apart over the failure of lesser-evilism as political strategy, it’s chilling to watch.

    Particularly since there’s more at stake here than the presidency itself. The saccharine pageantry and drawn-out hype of the endless American presidential race is designed, to paraphrase the late, great Douglas Adams, not just to decide who wields power, but to distract attention away from it. Whoever is crowned King of the Free World at the end of this will have far less actual power to push through change than, for example, the new British Prime Minister, who was anointed two weeks ago after a campaign that lasted not more than 90 minutes. I come at this both as a foreigner and as a person who believes that democracy neither begins not ends at the ballot box, a person who believes that any vote cast by an ordinary member of the public in a General Election is a vote for the least worst option. My lack of faith in the party system protects me from heartache of the sort sloshing madly around the convention floor in Philadelphia tonight.

    The heartache, however, hangs in the air too thick to dismiss, and it’d be great if those calling for instant unity could show some respect and give the people five minutes to grieve.

    Outside the bear pit, the ground is hot enough that if you were to drop all your hopes for a fair deal for workers on the asphalt they would fry in seconds. A huge promo poster declares that 8 out of 10 “politically affiliated” millennials are Facbook users. I realise I am no longer politically affiliated. I did have opinions, once, long ago, in happier days somewhere three or four security gates back, before I came to this post-political hellconvention on the surface of the sun.

    Those opinions are all gone now, and I am prepared to offer my vote and also my firstborn child to anyone giving out bottles of water.

    At the Rally For Bernie, I was given a glass of seltzer by a very nice lady in a floppy hat, who told me that she didn’t believe a word the press wrote about Hilary Clinton. I explained that I was from the press. She took pity on me anyway.

    Inside Media Tent City, by contrast, there are a great many free pens and stickers and several thousand complimentary copies of the New York Times, but nothing to eat or drink. At least in Cleveland there was coffee. Welcome to the desert of liberalism. That’ll be $4.50 for water.

    Back in the hall, the Bernie or Bust contingent will not shut up. It’s hard to hear the actual scale of the dissent on the floor from the video feeds, which may not be accidental. Take it from me, though, that every speaker is having a very hard time. Bernie’s people yell over Elijah Cummings as he tries to talk about abortion rights. They yell over Cory Booker. They holler over a young black military widow who is on stage to talk about how Trump University scammed her out of her life savings, and she looked as if she were about to burst into tears. They even boo Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama! A woman who has eaten progressive goodwill for breakfast every day for eight years!

    The comedian Sarah Silverman, who was and remains a proud Sanders fan, tells the Bernie Or Bust bros screaming at her from the stands that they are “being ridiculous.” Then she tries to start a chant of “unity, unity!” Al Franken, standing next to her, chants “Hillary, Hillary.”

    Fuck that guy. He’s not helping. The only way this could get more embarrassing is if they wheeled out Paul Simon to sing Bridge Over Troubled Water.

    Which is exactly what happens next.

    Now, before I say what I’m about to say, I want you to understand that I have been a fan of Paul Simon and his work since my father first played me the Greatest Hits when I was six years old.

    So you need to know that I’m not being flip when I tell you that Paul Simon subjects his second-finest song to slow and savage torture up there on that stage. His voice breaks on the word “bridge”. It’s too painful to watch.

    Outside, an epic summer storm is breaking over the Democratic Demilitarized Zone like the world’s laziest metaphor. The wind howls like thirteen million heartbroken progressives, and the media tent creaks and buckles as hacks from every nation scramble for their devices and start to evacuate.

    I spend an hour sheltering ineffectively outside the Wells Fargo building with Susie Cagle. Next to us, an independent internet journalist wearing a giant crystal pendant and no shirt starts explaining how he’s hoping for a Trump presidency to usher in the coming collapse of civilization. Inside, party svengalis plead with the delegates to be reasonable, to consider the greater good, to vote for the lesser evil. The problem is that ordinary decent people around the world have had thirty years of lesser-evilism, and they’re sick of it. Hilary is not talking their language. Trump, lying through his lacquered teeth about bringing back union jobs, just might be.

    Here we are in the desert of moderate liberalism. The storm has hit, and nobody was prepared. I make a dash across the street to pay more than the minimum wage for a cup of lukewarm coffee, which spills down my front in the howling gale, and I stand for a second in the hurricane, drenched and starving and disheartened, ready to welcome the Old Ones in their terrible glory.

    I try to imagine what the protesters, quarantined a mile away behind a mile of staged checkpoints, scaling fences to be arrested one by one, must feel about this. Then I remember that they’re a bunch of hippy idiots with big stupid notions about fairness and democracy who don’t realise that they’re not allowed to have feelings about any of it. They should know by now that they owe their votes, their conscience, and all their personal data to the Democratic party and its donors. Anything less is purity politics and not to be stood for.

    Dissent will not be tolerated. Protest will not be permitted. You will shut the hell up and get on the Clinton bus as it rolls towards a future slightly less terrifying than Trump nation and you will goddamn smile about it.

    The Democratic Party, like the British Labour Party, has decided in advance what is politically possible- but they may have made a terrible mistake. In the face of the collapse of the centre-left consensus, the right is terrifying in its grudging unity, and the left is terrifying in its disarray. Consider that after some initial brouhaha, the Republicans cheered on cue as their party was taken over by a giant evil baby. This is because the right runs on fear and is generally good at being told what to do. Meanwhile, Democrats who didn’t get the candidate they wanted were all but throwing punches on the convention floor. When you actually care about the world not sliding into fascism, compromise doesn’t hurt any less. It hurts more.

    There’s a bad moon rising, the best lack all conviction and the worst have a million branded baseball caps and greasy little fingers grasping for the nuclear button. Good luck to us all.

    PA Ram

    You know what term I can’t stand?

    Alt-right. It sounds like something you do to a keyboard to delete something.

    I’ll just call them nazis.

    Alt-right feels like it’s trying to legitimize a white power movement.

    I’m not saying all Trump supporters support the nazis, by the way. I get there are other reasons people voted for Trump. But this sickening “movement” is about nazis. Anyway, when I read the alt-right term I keep seeing nazi or kkk or some other such thing.

    The mainstream press won’t change that for me.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    — X —

    That’s some good writing, but I obviously don’t agree with all the content.
    Good writing though, for sure.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    Avatar photowv

    You know what term I can’t stand?

    Alt-right. It sounds like something you do to a keyboard to delete something.

    I’ll just call them nazis.

    Alt-right feels like it’s trying to legitimize a white power movement.

    I’m not saying all Trump supporters support the nazis, by the way. I get there are other reasons people voted for Trump. But this sickening “movement” is about nazis. Anyway, when I read the alt-right term I keep seeing nazi or kkk or some other such thing.

    The mainstream press won’t change that for me.

    Well, ok.

    I haven’t really decided what it is yet. Seems to be, like most political ‘movements’, more than one thing. It seems to be a collection of things.

    I know you would not fit into the alt-right movement, Pa-ram. Neither would I.
    Leftists, we are 🙂


    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    whatever it is it’s not headed in the right direction. although i have to also say that the dems were not headed in the right direction either.

    — X —

    Well, ok.

    I haven’t really decided what it is yet. Seems to be, like most political ‘movements’, more than one thing. It seems to be a collection of things.

    It’s not even a movement. It was more of a discovery of what was already out there hanging out in the dark web, and now on different sites that have absolutely no political influence like /r/ channels and 4Chan. Then their influence on society was exaggerated by the Dems to scare independents into staying away from Trump. As though Trump had any affiliation whatsoever with the many different sects of the “alt-right”.

    “Hey, look! David Duke doesn’t hate Trump! Trump is a racist!”

    lol. So stupid.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

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