a late start…time for the thread on Trump atrocities, or “Trumpocities”

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House a late start…time for the thread on Trump atrocities, or “Trumpocities”

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  • #155029
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    I find myself oscillating between anger and depression with any Trump related news. It sounds like he’s working extra hard to achieve unfettered power.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Not Trump directly but Trump enabled behavior nonetheless…

    Republican senator introduces bill to abolish OSHA and the act that created it.


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    Musical interlude.

    Oh, the rovin’ gambler, he was very bored
    Tryin’ to create a next world war
    He found a promoter who nearly fell on the floor
    He said, “I never did engage in this kind of thing before, but
    Yes, I think it can be very easily done
    We need to put some bleachers out in the sun
    And have it on Highway 61”

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