Canada Ram! & others: a board quirk on posting tweets

Recent Forum Topics Forums Board Policies & Issues Canada Ram! & others: a board quirk on posting tweets

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  • #148251
    Avatar photozn

    There’s a quirk with posting tweets here everyone should know about.

    Turns out if you post a typed prose statement at the same time as a tweet, the tweet only comes up as a link.

    If you want to post a tweet and talk in the same post, the way to do it is post the tweet all by itself, and then come back and add your typed comments in as an edit. That works for some reason.

    I can correct this on your posts sometimes using admin edit powers but in this case, today, there’s too many to correct.

    Use this thread to experiment.


    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    this is a test


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    this is zn…I now add writing via edit & it works

    Avatar photozn

    I fixed your second one. The url was wrong.

    Avatar photozn


    Avatar photocanadaram

    I remembered something about this with my post and I posted it without any comment to start and it only came up as a link. As you can see, I edited afterwards adding the comment and nothing changed. However, on my first post I may have hit return a few times moving the link downward on the page. Could that have caused it to come up as a link only ?

    Avatar photozn

    I remembered something about this with my post and I posted it without any comment to start and it only came up as a link. As you can see, I edited afterwards adding the comment and nothing changed. However, on my first post I may have hit return a few times moving the link downward on the page. Could that have caused it to come up as a link only ?

    That may be an issue with the url. To get the right url on a tweet, hit the time stamp whatever it is (it could be an hour or it could be a date). That gets you to the right url.

    If problems persist, do what I did with your post. Don’t post the tweet’s url, just copy the post and post as “print” basically (go look at what I did with your Darious Wms post).

    Avatar photocanadaram

    Got it. Thanks.

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