90 percent of Republicans approve of Trump so far

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    President Donald Trump’s first job-approval rating is in, and it is the lowest an incoming president has ever received.

    Only 45% of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance over the first three days of his presidency, according to a Gallup survey released Monday. It’s the first time a president has received an initial approval rating under 50% in the history of the poll, which dates back to Dwight Eisenhower’s first term in 1953.

    Another 45% of Americans disapproved of Trump’s performance — also the highest such initial rating in the poll’s history. The remaining 10% had not yet formed an opinion.

    Republicans and Democrats were sharply divided over the president’s performance, the poll indicated, with 90% of Republicans signaling approval and 81% of Democrats disapproving. Independents appear to be split, with 40% approving and 44% disapproving.

    Men were more likely to approve of Trump’s performance than women, 48% to 42%. The racial disparity was even greater, with 56% of whites approving compared with 22% of nonwhites. …see link


    Another poll had him at 50% disapproval.

    Just read a poll that had him at 45% approval, 50% disapproval with 40% supporting IMPEACHMENT.

    I think the Republicans are waiting…

    They got Pence in there… They’re just waiting for a reason at this point. Every minute Trump’s in there now harms the Republican brand…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Another poll had him at 50% disapproval.

    Just read a poll that had him at 45% approval, 50% disapproval with 40% supporting IMPEACHMENT.

    I think the Republicans are waiting…

    They got Pence in there… They’re just waiting for a reason at this point. Every minute Trump’s in there now harms the Republican brand…

    They need a fairly solid reason…and I don’t just mean a legal reason because those are going to be readily available: business conflicts, etc. – it has to be a reason that most people will see as impeachable. Something his nutty backers can’t come out and say, “Clinton did this, Obama did that, too.” But I don’t think I will get a decent, restful night’s sleep again until Bannon is gone.

    PA Ram

    The core of his base watches Fox News, listens to Limbaugh and Hannity and others.

    The narrative is that Trump is:

    1. Doing what he said he’d do

    2. Is a victim of the “drive-by” media

    3. Everything other than Fox News or something said by Trump is “fake news”

    4. Protests are paid for by someone like George Soros

    Rush said today that the media was out to get Trump and that his supporters should not be disheartened because the polls about his popularity are fake.

    Fox News credits the positive job report to Trump.

    They blame the Yemen raid on Obama.

    His supporters go to sources that confirm their emotional belief.

    Cognitive dissonance.

    It doesn’t matter what Trump does. They would have to be affected in a very personal way and somehow BELIEVE that he was responsible, before they abandoned him. They are seeking out information that gives Trump credit and no blame. So…..

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    The core of his base watches Fox News, listens to Limbaugh and Hannity and others.

    The narrative is that Trump is:

    1. Doing what he said he’d do

    2. Is a victim of the “drive-by” media

    3. Everything other than Fox News or something said by Trump is “fake news”

    4. Protests are paid for by someone like George Soros

    Rush said today that the media was out to get Trump and that his supporters should not be disheartened because the polls about his popularity are fake.

    Fox News credits the positive job report to Trump.

    They blame the Yemen raid on Obama.

    His supporters go to sources that confirm their emotional belief.

    Cognitive dissonance.

    It doesn’t matter what Trump does. They would have to be affected in a very personal way and somehow BELIEVE that he was responsible, before they abandoned him. They are seeking out information that gives Trump credit and no blame. So…..

    Exactly, Pa.


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