307th mass shooting in the US, this year

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    Texas Shooting:https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/11/06/texa-n06.html

    “…the shooter was dressed in all black, tactical-type gear, when he opened fire on the church. “He was seen dressed in all black. He started firing at the church,” he said. “He moved to the right side of the church and continued to fire, then he went in the church.” He was “dressed all in black tactical type gear and was wearing a ballistic vest.”…

    …He “grabbed his rifle and confronted the suspect,” who was armed with a “Ruger AR assault type rifle,” according to heavy.com….

    ….In the aftermath of the shooting, FBI authorities searched Kelley’s Facebook profile and found a posted picture of a rifle Kelley called a “bad bitch.” His profile picture showed two children as well. His Facebook account has since been removed…

    According to the Daily Beast, “Kelley was married and Kelley’s mother-in-law listed a P.O. box in Sutherland Springs as a mailing address.” It is also reported that he briefly taught at a summer Bible school….

    Authorities have revealed that Kelley was part of the US Air Force after high school, from 2010 to 2014… He was dishonorably discharged and court martialed in May 2014.”

    The tragedy that unfolded Sutherland Springs marks the 307th mass shooting—defined as an incident in which four or more people are shot or killed—in the United States this year……..


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