N dG Tyson on "dark gravity"

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House N dG Tyson on "dark gravity"

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  • #99675


    Interesting, thanks for posting.

    The whole debate about what to call it reminds me of a RAW quote: “The map is not the terrain”.

    We are wired to label things and simplify things because of the limited language we have to describe them. It can be a type of self-hypnosis: “This is dark matter at work”. Once you put that “is” out there, you have already put it in a box. Maybe if we try and use “might be” in place of “is”, we’d get more thinking and less labelling.

    Another important point Wilson would make over and over: try your best to replace the word “all” with “some but not all”. Very important, especially in this day and age…

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