who knows? (Mueller)

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    It’s pretty obvious that some folks have jumped the gun due to the Barr memo, which is less than four pages. It’s supposedly a summary of Mueller’s nearly 400 pages, if graphs, charts, indices and footnotes are excluded.

    And, um, well, Barr had an interesting audition to get the job from Trump. He basically said the president can’t obstruct justice — before he was hired. And the DoJ already said they can’t indict a president.

    So how was this all some major exoneration again?


    Another thing bugging me — a ton:

    Certain lefty critics have publicly blasted the MSM for its coverage, and the Dems for their investigations, while remaining silent when it comes to Trump, his camp and Fox.

    To me, if anyone is guilty of hysterically peddling hysterical hysteria, it’s the latter. Trump, on a daily basis, unprompted, most of the time, lashes out at the Media, the Dems, Mueller and his bizarro version of the “deep state.” Never lets up. Nor does his attack dogs. Nor does his state TV, Fox. They get incredibly personal with their attacks as well.

    Those same lefty critics say nada about this, even though it’s an obvious sign of guilt. No innocent person does this. No innocent person marshals such an onslaught against an investigation, or gets that personal. And they’re still at it, calling for media firings, investigations of the investigators, and Schiff to resign, etc. etc.


    I’ve also heard some mock even the idea of Russian collusion, as if it could only come from a Robert Ludlum novel.

    Really? No one is disputing that Trump and his associates have deep ties to Russians. No one is disputing that they all lied about these ties repeatedly — another sure sign of guilt. Trump is well-known for his grifting, cons, his tax-cheating, his lying, his six bankruptcies, and his own kids bragged about how much money they made from Russians.

    It’s not in dispute that Russia interfered in the election. Trump’s own appointees and the entire GOP admit this happened. Trump stands alone in denying it.

    It doesn’t take much imagination at all to see all of those lies and those connections and those attempts at back channels adding up to “collusion.”

    It does involve a massive stretch, however, to think the MSM, the Dems and the entire Intel community “conspired” to invent all of this to bring down Trump. That’s the stuff of espionage thrillers, not reality.

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