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    He wet his pants.


    So…I will start.

    The central feature is Donald Trump, with his hands folded in a reverent fashion, eyes closed. At his feet is a doll. Or baby. But I think it’s a doll. Appears to be Caucasian. He is wearing a jacket that has three patches on it that I do not recognize, but which appear sort of commander-in-chiefish. He has apparently urinated himself.

    Trump is accompanied by the founder of the massage parlor Orchid Whatever that Bob Kraft was busted for attending. This is the woman who started the business of what appears to be sex slavery a few minutes away from Mar a Lago, and that apparently served people of means. Her purse says Trump on it prominently. Her left hand is somewhere. Not sure. Her expression is one of devilish glee. It appears to me that neither one of these people is looking at the doll on the ground.

    Behind Trump and whasssername, there is a sign that reads “Caution.” Also there are two people standing on an American flag. One person is a black male. He is holding blue fabric, possibly a flag, with script that might be Hebrew, but I can’t tell. In front of him stands a white woman with red fabric/flag with script that looks Singhalese to me, but that would make no sense, so it is something else.

    There is a slight gully to Trump’s left, a geographical division between the left half of the painting, and the right half. In the upper quadrant on that side, there is an indistinguishable mass of humans. They are holding a flag, a flag which I think belongs to Honduras. It might be El Salvador, but it is probably Honduras….There are storm clouds.

    Okay. The easy stuff. The storm clouds are storm clouds. We are in disturbed times. Okay. The people with the Honduran flag are indistinguishable, a mass, immigrants, and separated physically.

    Trump is sanctimoniously wearing a commander outfit while ignoring the infant at his feet. The symbol of infancy. I have no idea what the people behind him recognize. The woman represents Trump’s sexual malfeasance, his alliance with criminals. His wet pants may be a reference to the alleged golden showers, though that would be a stretch, or maybe a reflection of his cowardice…though I don’t think that is an important characteristic of Trump, and not one worthy of development in a subtle way. So I dunno.


    Good start Z.


    Massage madam selling access to Trump creates ‘massive’ risk to national security: intelligence expert

    Noor Al-Sibai

    link: https://www.rawstory.com/2019/03/massage-madam-selling-access-trump-creates-massive-risk-national-security-intelligence-expert/?fbclid=IwAR3PWdV0RzdBjm40UphMljKsQQBi4UV0qB5djAkh9rFcoHhwWoGwdrXyIAI

    If the alleged madam of a prostitution-front Florida massage parlor is indeed selling the Chinese access to the president, one intelligence expert noted, the story could be as dangerous as it is lascivious.

    On Saturday, Mother Jones reported that Li “Cindy” Yang, the massage parlor’s founder who was photographed with Donald Trump and other GOP figures, also runs “an investment business that has offered to sell Chinese clients access to Trump and his family.”

    “If the president of the United States is letting a Chinese madam sell access at Mar-a-Lago to Chinese business people while his friends are getting serviced at businesses she started, he is making himself and the country vulnerable to massive blackmail risk,” David Rothkopf, a Carnegie-endowed intelligence and national security expert, wrote in the Daily Beast following the bombshell report.

    If true, the practice is “a textbook story of how foreign actors gain leverage over senior officials,” he added.

    Though it would be easy to overlook the seriousness of the claims in the Mother Jones report authored by David Corn, Dan Friedman and Daniel Schulman, Rothkopf noted, one must resist the temptation to do so.

    “If the Steele dossier had contained speculation that the president and his family were giving access to a Chinese woman who runs a string of sex spas where rich, powerful friends of the president were getting sexual services,” he mused, “would it have been any less shocking or disturbing than alleged stories about golden showers with Russian hookers?”

    Rothkopf added that this story could potentially be even more damaging than the allegations in the infamous Steele dossier because the corruption “continued long after Trump became president and was easily documented.”

    “This case deserves further investigation by the FBI and perhaps Congressional investigators,” Rothkopf concluded. “But, the story of Cindy Yang and her profitable venture in Trumpworld, based on what we know today, without an additional fact coming to light, underscores yet again both how unfit the president is for office and how his business practices and associations have created a national security risk for the United States. “



    Trump = the guard who pissed his pants
    Sex Traffic woman = Sam Rockwell Character that grabs the guard
    The Baby = Mr. Jingles the mouse
    The mob = the folks waiting to see the innocent John Coffey electrocuted.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by joemad.

    “Any fool can be happy. It takes a man with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep.”
    ― Clive Barker

    “When you make music or write or create, it’s really your job to have mind-blowing, irresponsible, condomless sex with whatever idea it is you’re writing about at the time. ”
    ― Lady Gaga


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