do you have doubts about Goff? cause this is a continuing issue in Ramsland

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle do you have doubts about Goff? cause this is a continuing issue in Ramsland

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    I don’t, I honestly think he learns from this.



    I don’t, I honestly think he learns from this.

    i’m… not exactly doubt… but i’m anxious.

    gonna be a long season.

    but every time they knock this kid down, he gets back up and comes harder.

    so no. not exactly doubt. but i wanna get next season started already.




    do you have doubts about Goff?

    I don’t, I honestly think he learns from this.

    I was not upset by Goff’s play. I thought he did OK. I thought NE won the game with coaching. They showed every weakness the offense had. imo


    nittany ram

    I am perfectly happy with Goff. He will soon be considered elite.

    I agree with Ag. While he didn’t play great, this loss was not on him.

    The loss was about McVay’s inexperience. He doesn’t have an answer against the better veteran defensive coordinators. We also saw this against Detroit, Chicago and Philadelphia. He can’t adapt when they take away what he wants to do.

    I think he will learn from this.


    I have doubts about everything.



    I have some doubts about Goff at times. I’m feeling pretty good, however, about his future.

    I was dead set against the trade in the first place. Didn’t want the Rams to give up so much to move up for either Wentz or Goff. His rookie season basically reconfirmed that view, but his second season made me question my own questions about the trade.

    For most of this past year, I thought, “It turned out that was a good trade. The Rams have arguably the best QB in the NFL, at least this season.”

    Then, he regressed a bit. In my view, he played like a rookie in the Super Bowl, not like the guy who might well have been the best QB in football for a large patch of the regular season.

    Thing is, he turns just 25 for next season. He’ll be just 25! So, he’s gonna get better, at least if he has help around him and the O-line doesn’t deteriorate. From my watching of QBs over the years, the one thing that can most easily derail the “natural” improvements with age . . . is a failed offensive line. There are other factors that can hinder or help a QB, of course. But I can’t think of one more important than keeping the QB upright.

    Oh, and I still don’t like his throwing motion at all. It’s kinda like a towel whip. Too much wasted motion and time setting up to make the throw. I’d try to ease him, very carefully, over time, into a tighter motion and quicker delivery. But they have to do this with a lot of care.


    after starting 0-7, Goff has gone 24-7 (24-14) career with 2 playoff wins and 2 playoff losses.

    Goff has consistently shown growth….

    not many could pull off what Goff did in New Orleans and if Cooks makes those 2 catches in the endzone during the Super Bowl…. the Rams win.

    I’m very happy with Goff….


    Quick note on that trade for Goff. The Lakers have recently made several offers for Anthony Davis, each one more absurd than the last. Tons of draft picks plus pretty much every single young player with upside on the team.

    Davis is excellent. But he’s not the best player in the league. I wouldn’t “mortgage the future” for him, and the Lakers’ offers are ten times that. They’re mortgaging futures that don’t even exist.

    I might consider trading the farm for the Greek Freak. But not Davis. But I’ve never liked rolling the dice on one player in exchange for a half dozen or more into the future. That one player better be out of a Marvel Comic book and have super powers, or I’m not a fan of the move, in general.


    after starting 0-7, Goff has gone 24-7 (24-14) career with 2 playoff wins and 2 playoff losses.

    Goff has consistently shown growth….

    not many could pull off what Goff did in New Orleans and if Cooks makes those 2 catches in the endzone during the Super Bowl…. the Rams win.

    I’m very happy with Goff….

    Joe Mad,

    Good points all.

    And those two missed catches by Cooks . . . one of which — or was it on both — included a “no-call” that went the Pats’ way . . . Well, to me, that’s just yet another reason not to shout “Belichick is a genius!”

    As poorly as the Rams played overall, they were still in the game nearly to the end, and just a coupla plays from winning it.

    I just don’t see that as “genius” on behalf of the other team, and I think the Rams’ lost the Super Bowl. The Pats didn’t win it, IMO.


    I just don’t see that as “genius” on behalf of the other team, and I think the Rams’ lost the Super Bowl. The Pats didn’t win it, IMO.

    Correct, that game was there to be taken, and the Rams just couldn’t grasp it…

    it was a 1 possession game for 59 minutes, 3-3 tie with 10:00 left to play… as bad as the offense struggled there was little doubt in my mind that the Rams were going to win…… but after Goff’s pick, you can only ask the defense to do so much to hold New England from scoring a TD…

    That was a very competitive ball game…..

    The question is Gurley… what it is up with Todd? Is he becoming a “Tre Mason” (mentally)….. he hasn’t been the same since McVay gave the 1st game ball to CJ Anderson after the Dallas game…(2nd game ball went to Gurley)


    There’s a Baldy Breakdown of Goff being late to see a WIDE OPEN Cooks. Goff’s worst play of the game.


    I watched this play on coach’s film, and there’s a reason he doesn’t show the full All-22. It undermines the bullcrap faux outrage. This is the same angle from coach’s film, but you can actually see the QB from the first angle. When you see the QB, you recognize that Goff wasn’t sitting there with his thumb up his ass. Goff is AT MOST a split second late on the throw. The defenders bite down on Woods, Goff takes a shuffle step, and then steps into the throw. That split second is enough time for him to process what just happened.

    They ran quarters coverage. That means Goff can’t assume the post will be open. If both defenders don’t screw up and bite on Woods running the deep over route, Cooks is covered. That means Goff can’t know Cooks will be open until the defenders blow the coverage. If you watch the All-22, there is very little hesitation from Goff. As I said, there is just enough time for him to see it and process it before he steps into the throw. Goff can’t rush the throw. It’s 45 yards in the air. He has to step into it or else he risks it coming up short or floating in the air like a dead duck.

    Jason McCourty made a hell of a play. He spotted the blown coverage. He busted his ass to get down field, and he hit Cooks’ arm right after the ball hit Cooks’ hands. Now, Cooks could have caught that ball. It was a difficult catch, but it was catchable. Goff could have released the ball a split second earlier, but human reaction time is imperfect. Simply put, you just have to tip your hat to McCourty for making the play.

    All of the bloviating from Baldinger is bullcrap. Cooks had to wait on the throw because he was already 25 yards down the field running at full speed when the bust happened. In this case, our closeness to the end-zone (relatively) actually worked against us. Had we been on our own 35 instead of the Patriots’ 35, Goff can throw that sucker and let Cooks keep running. McCourty ain’t catching him. But because Goff can’t throw it out of the end-zone, McCourty doesn’t have to make up as much ground. Goff has to throw it 45 yards in the air (but can’t throw it any farther). Cooks was already 25 yards down the field running at full speed. Of course he’s going to have to wait on the ball.

    The ball didn’t hang. Again, it’s 45 yards in the air. Few QBs have the arm to throw a frozen rope there.


    Davis is excellent. But he’s not the best player in the league.

    oh i think he absolutely is worth it.

    he along with giannis is the prototype for the next generational player.

    he can score, rebound, pass, handle, defend. his three point shooting has improved to the point that defenders have to respect the shot. he and lebron would present too many problems for other teams. i can just imagine the two of them running pick and rolls.


    only one qb i’d take over goff right now. that’d be mahomes.

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