The Last Kingdom: A really good show on Netflix.

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    I’m a bit into the 2nd of three seasons, and really enjoying it. It’s a British-made show, set in the time of King Alfred the Great, about a Saxon lad who was kidnapped and raised by the Danes/Vikings, and later freed. Conflicts in the show are multiple and complex — and often nothing short of thrilling. Dane against Saxon, Saxon/Dane alliances against other Saxons or Danes. Betrayals galore. Revenge, etc.

    It’s much better than most period shows when it comes to history, and unlike those old Hollywood movies, doesn’t romanticize the era, or make the 9th century look like it’s the 13th or later.

    Very well done, though I’m guessing it has a relatively modest budget that limits what it can do overall, especially aesthetically. This is often an issue for British TV series, and likely why more than a few of its stars eventually jump ship for “greener” pastures.

    In short, I think The Last Kingdom could go from very, very good, to “great,” with a bit of extra cash. One could, of course, see it as “great” already for what it is, in context. Regardless, I recommend it highly.



    One hears good things about The Last Kingdom.


    Finished Episode 4 from Season 2.

    It’s a really difficult thing to do, to make a warrior drama — the Dark Ages equivalent of “Sword and Sandals” perhaps — moving at times. But it does. It’s violent, with its battle scenes and moments of revenge, but it still manages to be emotionally satisfying.

    Game of Thrones makes that happen consistently. The Last Kingdom does as well.

    I like another aspect, though it’s a minor thing overall. When the warriors journey across Britain, and they reach a town big enough to warrant a name of historical note, the graphics first display what appears to be its Saxon name — though I’m not positive about this. That name transitions quickly to the modern name we recognize. Like Winchester, York and so on.

    Pretty cool. I like the music too. Kind of Celtic Twilight, with an odd trace of ancient Asian shamans, or something like that. Understated, though. Never intrusive.

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