Nixon in 68

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  • #97118

    jus somethin i read
    “…So what can a major reappraisal of Watergate tell us in 2018 that we didn’t
    know before? Surprisingly little about the major events. But this isn’t the fault
    of the author, who has done a huge amount of work with the extant literature
    and many new sources.
    Sullivan begins in 1968 and the election which brought Nixon to power.
    With Robert Kennedy assassinated and sitting President Johnson having
    announced he wouldn’t run again, the Democratic Party’s presidential
    candidate was Hubert Humphrey. To bolster Humphrey’s chances, LBJ tried to
    organise a temporary halt to the Vietnam War before the election. The Nixon
    team heard about this and set about frustrating it. Through Anna Chennault, a
    long-time member of the China Lobby on the right of the Republican Party, the
    Nixon team got word to the South Vietnamese, who were part of the peace
    talks at the time. ‘Drag your feet’, they were told. This was duly done and
    Nixon narrowly won the election.
    LBJ knew what Madam Chennault and the Nixon team were doing but
    decided not to blow the whistle during the election campaign – possibly
    because the main source on this was NSA intercepts which he didn’t want to
    reveal. Although we have known about this in outline for a while, Sullivan
    recounts these events in enormous detail in the first two chapters.

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