Interfering in Iran's politix

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    139 House Democrats Join GOP to Approve $717 Billion in Military Spending

    “How are they going to pay for this? Oh wait, that question only gets asked when it comes to social programs that benefit the working class.”
    Jake Johnson, staff writer

    “…The House’s passage of the 2019 NDAA comes just days after Trump fired off a hysterical Twitter rant against Iran, warning the nation’s leaders in all capital letters to “NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN.”

    What Trump didn’t mention is that Iran’s so-called “threat” against the United States came after a Reuters report revealed that the White House—led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton—has launched a secret effort to “foment unrest” inside Iran, which critics described as an obvious push for regime change….”



    Jesse on, Syria and some stuff.


    Jesse on, Syria and some stuff.

    Good video. Ventura is correct.

    And, as your article mentions, they could include the threats to annihilate Iran, which Trump recently made over Twitter.

    His tariffs are un-Constitutional as well. The Constitution gives all the power over Commerce, foreign and domestic, to Congress. None is given to the president.

    I’ve said it before . . . but if we zoom out, take the bird’s eye view of the two parties, and the results of their respective time in the Captain’s chair . . . we see these stark differences:

    Endless war . . . or endless war

    Ever expanding surveillance state (public and private) . . . or ever expanding surveillance state (public and private)

    Skyrocketing inequality . . . or skyrocketing inequality

    Capital over Labor . . . or Capital over Labor

    Leading the world in incarceration rates . . . or leading the world in incarceration rates

    etc. etc.


    Fisk on the enigma wrapped in a matrix tossed down a rabbit hole — Syria.

    Are We About to Witness the Last Battle of the Syrian War?

    Are We About to Witness the Last Battle of the Syrian War?
    by Robert Fisk

    …….Thanks to Donald Trump, it’s all over for the “rebels” of Syria because they have been betrayed by the Americans – surely and finally by Trump himself in those secret discussions with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, perhaps the most important of the “unknowns” of that translators-only chat – as they have by the Gulf Arabs.

    Three weeks earlier, the Americans had told the rebels of southwestern Syria below the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights that they were on their own, and could expect no more military assistance. Even the White Helmets, the first-responder heroes or propagandists of the rebel war (take your pick, but be sure they will soon be described as “controversial”) have been rescued with their families from the rebel lines by the Israelis and dispatched to safety in Jordan.

    The Israelis are a bit miffed that they weren’t thanked by the White Helmets’ civil defence units for their humanitarian assistance – but what do they expect when they spent their time attacking Iranian, Hezbollah and Syrian forces during the war, supplying medical aid to the Nusrah Islamist fighters who came to their lines and never – ever – bombed Isis? Do the White Helmets want to be associated with Israel right now?

    But the Israelis got what they really wanted: a Russian promise that the Iranians will stay far away from the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan plateau. It’s all a bit odd, since there are precious few Iranian troops in Syria – and you can forget the humbug from the Washington “experts” – but it fits in with Benjamin Netanyahu’s morbid and theatrical conviction that Iran is “a noose of terror” round Israel’s neck. In any event, Putin knows a thing or two about the Syrian war: bombs talk, but so does cash……see link….”

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