Most Americans don’t think kneeling for the anthem is unpatriotic

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle Most Americans don’t think kneeling for the anthem is unpatriotic

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  • #87223
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    Voters are more likely than not to say professional athletes have the right to protest, with 53 percent saying players hold that right and 43 percent saying they do not. That split again falls mostly along party lines, with Republicans saying the players have no right, and Democrats saying they do. Similarly, most Republicans support the NFL’s decision to fine teams if players refuse to stand for the anthem, while most Democrats oppose it.

    But the issue is also divided along racial lines. Black voters agree, 85 percent to 11 percent, that players have the right to protest. Hispanic voters also agree players have the right to protest, 67 percent to 28 percent. But white voters are more likely to say players do not have that right, with 53 percent saying players lack such a right and 43 percent saying they possess such a right

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