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  • #85117

    “Wonders will never cease! Prof Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia Uni given airtime on MSNBC to trash Washington consensus on Syria. He even references the Obama-era covert CIA operation Timber Sycamore to overthrow Assad” Jonathan Cook


    The idea that the USA’s involvement in Syria can’t accomplish anything is serious.

    The idea that the USA started the situation in Syria is just bad history. Things are far from being that simple.

    The idea, floated during the election, that Trump as opposed to Clinton, was at least going to keep the USA from being involved in foreign entanglements, was delusional. This is a good rule of thumb when assessing Trump, and many were stating it during the election: no matter how bad you think Trump will be on something, he was always going to be far far worse.


    I don’t know what’s REALLY going on. I read somewhere that Europe wants an gas pipeline from the Middle East as an alternative to the Russian gas pipeline, and it would have to go through Syria. That could be part of it. I’m sure there is much more to it than that.

    The problem is that there really are too many catastrophes to keep up on.


    I don’t know what’s REALLY going on..


    The Syria issue is so full of layers and layers, i dont think anyone “knows” whats going on.

    Read Roger Waters take on the ‘white helmets’:

    “…Rogers did not respond to either email, according to journalist Max Blumenthal, who obtained the messages. Instead of giving the stage to the White Helmets during his Barcelona concert, Waters denounced the organization.

    “The White Helmets is a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists. That’s my belief. We have opposing beliefs,” he said. “If we were to listen to the propaganda of the White Helmets and others, we would be encouraged to encourage our governments to start dropping bombs on people in Syria. This would be a mistake of monumental proportions for us as human beings,” he added.

    Read more
    Musician Roger Waters performs at Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, US, June 20, 2017. © Mario Anzuoni Ex-Pink Floyd singer denounces White Helmets as propaganda tool during Barcelona concert (VIDEO)

    Blumenthal told RT that the White Helmets “are operating on the ground alongside Al-Qaeda and their allies, and these are just documented facts. For the first time, a mainstream figure on an international stage on the eve of war has validated what we’ve been reporting and he did so in Barcelona to loud cheers from the audience that was opposed to a war waged against international law, without the approval of the parliaments of the governments that launched the war.

    “And the White Helmets were the only source that these governments were relying on to justify their attacks. This was an enormously rousing speech by Roger Waters that has legitimized the journalism that we’ve been so mercilessly attacked for publishing and it’s forced those who attacked us and accused of being conspiracists to actually look at what we’ve reported. And they really have nothing to say back to us, they can’t simply dismiss it as a Kremlin conspira…”

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