Ellsberg on deep state activities

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  • #83515

    Layers and layers of lies. Thats what our system is based on. Thats how i see it.

    Katherine Gunn:http://therealnews.com/t2/story:21266:Daniel-Ellsberg-Pays-Tribute-to-Katharine-Gun%2C-Marking-15-Years-Since-Her-Courageous-Leak-of-NSA-M


    More on my only topic these days: Lies.


    Ellsberg is an American hero. Not many people would risk what he did, knowing he was going to catch hell and maybe die because of the Pentagon Papers.

    Didn’t know about Gun.

    Will take a closer look at both videos later. With the chemo, my ability to concentrate comes and goes. Running on a coffee high for now, but that’s gonna crash soon enough. I can’t predict any of this.

    Hope all is well in WV land.

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