rare signal from the early universe sends scientists clues about dark matter

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    A rare signal from the early universe sends scientists clues about dark matter



    Using a deceptively simple antenna roughly the size and shape of a dinner table, radio astronomers have made an unprecedented discovery: telltale fingerprints from the earliest stars in the cosmos, pressed into the afterglow of the universe’s birth.
    That signal, imprinted more deeply into the Big Bang’s afterglow than scientists expected, could reveal much about the universe’s youth and hint at the nature of dark matter, that mysterious substance that far outweighs all the normal matter in existence.

    The findings, along with the theoretical work describing dark matter’s potential role, were published this week in the journal Nature. The two papers excited theoretical and experimental physicists alike.
    “To my mind … it’s Nobel Prize-worthy twice, if it’s real,” said Avi Loeb, a theoretical astrophysicist at Harvard University who was not involved in the research. “Not only did they detect the signal, but it actually is bigger than one can accommodate in the standard cosmological model. And you need new physics in order to explain a signal as big as they detected.”

    According to the standard model, the Big Bang gave rise to the universe some 13.8 billion years ago, and the first stars were born on the order of 100 million years later. Those stars were not like the stars of today.
    Because they coalesced out of the soup of neutral hydrogen (and a little helium) that filled the early cosmos, these stars grew large, burned bright and blue and then died quickly, probably surviving around 100 million years, give or take. (Our own sun, by comparison, is already 4.6 billion years old and has billions more years to go.)

    When these short-lived stars went supernova, their explosive deaths forged heavier elements that seeded generations of stars to come. So understanding the stellar vanguard that brought light to the universe is key to understanding all the stars in galaxies today.
    “They really lay the seeds for everything that comes after them,” said Judd Bowman, an experimental astrophysicist at Arizona State University and lead author of one of the Nature papers.
    But it’s exceedingly difficult to glimpse actual evidence of those first stars, and thus to get a firm grip on the timeline of events in this epoch of cosmic history. That’s partly because there aren’t a lot of stars to see in this early era.
    But it’s also because the universe is expanding, and that expansion is stretching that ancient starlight into longer, “redder” wavelengths. That means even NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, which has been able to see galaxies from 400 million years or so after the Big Bang, can’t spot them.

    In a project dubbed EDGES (short for Experiment to Detect Global EoR Signature), Bowman and his colleagues decided to take a different approach.
    In recent years, astronomers have studied the radiation afterglow of the Big Bang, known as the cosmic microwave background, or CMB. This radiation is subtle but extends over the entire sky, and astronomers have studied its tiny fluctuations in order to understand the underlying structure of the early universe.
    The scientists realized that the cosmic microwave background, mixed with that soup of neutral hydrogen, might actually hold a subtle fingerprint from those primordial stars. That’s because ultraviolet starlight would have shifted the hydrogen atoms’ energy state, allowing them to absorb a particular wavelength out of the cosmic microwave background. Somewhere in the wavelengths that make up the CMB, they’d detect this telltale slice of missing light.
    Finding this fingerprint in the Big Bang’s afterglow was easier said than done. The local universe hurls an overwhelming amount of radio waves at Earth, drowning out this muted signal.
    On top of that, the scientists were using a fairly simple instrument — a single radio detector roughly 6.4 feet long that resembles a dining table. With this single antenna, looking for a signal in one particular part of the sky would have been impossible.
    Instead, they looked at the average radio spectrum across the entire sky and searched for discrepancies. They also placed their detector in a remote region of Australia, in the hopes of being as far away from human-generated radio waves as possible.

    Sure enough, the scientists discovered a drop in the radio waves at 78 megahertz — a wavelength of light that had been dramatically stretched, thanks to the universe’s expansion, from its original frequency of 1,420 megahertz. (The higher a wave’s frequency, the shorter its wavelength.) This wavelength must be missing, the scientists argued, because it was absorbed by the hydrogen gas that was primed by the light from those early stars.
    “I think it’s a little bit like winning the lottery, in a sense,” said study co-author Alan Rogers, a radio astronomer at MIT. At the same time, he added, luck often favors the prepared. “We spent a lot of time improving the calibration of the instrument.”
    The results show that these first stars were already shining just 180 million years after the Big Bang. As those early stars died, they likely left behind black holes, neutron stars and supernovas, producing X-rays that further heated the hydrogen gas. Thanks to all this heating, the telltale absorption signal disappears around 90 million years later.
    “This is a huge potential result that’s really a breakthrough in the more-than-a-decade-long effort to detect signals from the very early universe,” said Gregg Hallinan, a Caltech radio astronomer who was not involved in the work. “This measurement is our first step to begin to understand that era where the first stars and galaxies actually formed.”
    Although the signal’s location matched theoretical predictions, its shape did not. The dip in the light curve was flat-bottomed, like a U, and also twice as deep as scientists had predicted. That depth appears to imply that the hydrogen was much cooler than it should have been at that point in time.
    In a separate paper, theorist Rennan Barkana of Tel Aviv University presents a possible explanation: The hydrogen may have interacted with dark matter.
    If so, this would be groundbreaking because dark matter — which can’t be seen or touched — has only been known to interact with normal matter through its gravitational influence. (That gravitational influence is pretty clear at large scales because there is more than five times as much dark matter as normal matter in the universe.)
    But the first step, scientists said, would be for independent experiments to confirm that this signal really is out there.


    A stunning discovery about the start of the universe

    link: https://gantdaily.com/2018/03/05/a-stunning-discovery-about-the-start-of-the-universe/

    For millennia, humans have sat under a clear midnight sky and marveled at the spectacle emblazoned across the heavens. The stars seem eternal, as if they have always been there. But there’s just one problem.

    It isn’t so.

    The universe was once entirely dark, with nary a light anywhere throughout the entire cosmos. And then a single star burst into nuclear flame, sundering the void. Then another and another, leading to the stars and galaxies of the familiar universe. In what could well be a stunning breakthrough, a group of astronomers have announced that they have found radio signals that appear to provide evidence of the first stars to come into existence. And, just to add a bit of spice to the announcement, it’s possible that they might have discovered dark matter, a hypothesized substance that has eluded discovery for decades.

    Astronomer Avi Loeb, a professor at Harvard University, is quoted by the Associated Press as saying that “if confirmed, this discovery deserves two Nobel Prizes,” one for observing the signal of the first stars and the other for detecting dark matter. He went on to conservatively point out that both claims are extraordinary and require extraordinary evidence. He urged caution.

    And this caution is warranted. The observed signal is very small. Radio sources in our own Milky Way galaxy can be 10,000 times stronger than the observed signal. The researchers needed to work very hard to remove this dominant signal. It’s like trying to hear someone whispering to you while at a rock concert. If you know the song and vocalist very well, you could — at least in principle — mask out the band and recover the whisper. But if the amplifiers had a crackle or the lead singer had a cold, you might get it wrong.

    New data could support or falsify this measurement. Observation of the first stars is more likely to be confirmed, with observation of dark matter being less certain. However, if confirmed, it is certainly true that this faint radio signal could be an enormous step forward in our understanding of the birth of the universe.

    It’s perhaps important to remember that this work is only possible because of publicly funded science. While most people acknowledge the role of science in generating new technologies that improve our lives, publicly funded science has been responsible for discovery after discovery, leading us to an understanding of the world around us that scientists a mere hundred years ago could only dream of.

    The birth of the universe

    While most people know something of the scientific explanation for how the universe came into existence, not everyone knows the full story of what physics has discovered. Just shy of 14 billion years ago, the universe was created in an event called the Big Bang.

    All of the matter and energy of the visible universe was concentrated into a tiny volume that “exploded,” for the lack of a better word, and began expanding. The universe was unimaginably hot, glowing brighter than a steel furnace, with energy converting into matter and back again. Within three minutes, the nuclei of hydrogen and helium had formed, buffeted by an energetic bath of electrons. This swarm of charged particles glowed brightly and yet did not let light pass through it. From the point of view of light, the entire universe was a glowing, yet opaque, wall.

    For 380,000 years, the universe expanded and cooled until it reached the temperature of 3,000 Kelvin (about 5,000 °F). At that temperature, hydrogen and helium nuclei could capture electrons, making atoms of hydrogen and helium. And, with that singular event, the universe went dark.

    This was the beginning of what are called the Dark Ages. The universe continued to expand and cool, filled with clouds of hydrogen and helium. Gravity took over, with slightly denser areas of the universe pulling the gas into denser and denser clumps. While the universe on the whole was cooling, the temperature at the center of these clumps was rising; after about 180 million years eventually becoming so high that the gas started to experience nuclear fusion.

    And the first stars were born.

    Now it turns out that it is not so easy to directly see the light of those distant stars. After all, they were embedded in clouds of cool hydrogen gas that absorbed the light. And it was with that absorption that they revealed themselves. While hydrogen absorbed the light of the stars, it re-emitted that energy in an easily identifiable way.

    Young stars burn hot and emit lots of ultraviolet light — the same kind that gives you a sunburn. Hydrogen gas absorbs the light and knocks the electrons into higher energy orbits. Eventually the electrons lose energy and they settle back into the lowest orbit in one of two configurations.

    Hydrogen consists of one proton and one electron and both particles act like little magnets, with a north pole and a south pole. In an atom of hydrogen, the north poles of the proton and electron can point in the same or opposite direction. If they point in opposite directions, that’s the end of the line — they are in a stable configuration. But if the north poles point in the same direction, they’ll stay that way for a short time, and then the north pole of the electron will flip and point in the direction opposite to the proton. This is exactly what happens with ordinary magnets.

    When the electron flips, it emits a characteristic wavelength (21 cm or 1420 MHz, approximately the same frequency as 4G cellular service). By detecting that radiation, scientists could indirectly detect the existence of the early stars.

    The Big Bang caused the universe to expand, which has the consequence of stretching the wavelength of the radiation emitted by hydrogen and decreasing the frequency. Today, this radiation is only about 78 MHz, or just below the range of FM radio.

    By studying the sky’s spectrum, astronomers determined that the period of time that the stars were heating the hydrogen gas clouds ranged from about 180 million to 260 million years after the Big Bang. After 260 million years, the gas had heated enough to be transparent to the light from stars. To give some perspective of the magnitude of the achievement, the Hubble Space Telescope has only been able to directly image galaxies that existed no earlier than 400 million years after the Big Bang. This discovery has cut in half the period of the universe for which we previously had no data.

    The role of dark matter

    While seeing evidence for the very first stars is exciting enough, there is another consequence of this research that might well be paradigm-changing. The size of the observed signal is twice as big as predictions. This means that either the gas of the early universe was much colder than expected, or the residual background radiation from the Big Bang was much hotter.

    So, which was it? Truthfully, scientists don’t know. It appears to be that the hydrogen gas cooled much more effectively than can be explained by current theories. Several possible explanations were tested and the one that the authors claim to be most probable is that the early hydrogen gas interacted more strongly than expected with dark matter.

    Dark matter is a proposed substance that explains many astronomical anomalies, like galaxies that rotate too quickly to be explained by the gravity of observed matter and even clusters of dozens or hundreds of galaxies that are moving so quickly that they shouldn’t be bound together. Dark matter doesn’t interact with light or any electromagnetic radiation and only makes its presence known through its gravitational interactions. If dark matter interacted with ordinary matter in the early universe, it could cool off the gas and this would explain the reported discrepancy.

    As with all extraordinary claims, the key is verification by independent researchers. And, until confirmation is found, it is important to be skeptical. Other astronomers will attempt to replicate the measurement.

    And new technology may come in handy. There is a telescope planned, called the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which was designed by a consortium of NASA and the Canadian and European space agencies. It is designed to directly measure light from very early stars, whose wavelength has been shifted to longer wavelengths by the expansion of the universe. JWST is the successor for the Hubble telescope and it is expected to revolutionize astronomy to the same degree that the Hubble telescope did. JWST is scheduled to launch in about 18 months.


    Dark Matter and the Earliest Stars

    IN THE NEWS: Dark Matter and the Earliest Stars

    So here’s something intriguing: an observational signature from the very first stars in the universe, which formed about 180 million years after the Big Bang (a little over one percent of the current age of the universe). This is exciting all by itself, and well worthy of our attention; getting data about the earliest generation of stars is notoriously difficult, and any morsel of information we can scrounge up is very helpful in putting together a picture of how the universe evolved from a relatively smooth plasma to the lumpy riot of stars and galaxies we see today. (Pop-level writeups at The Guardian and Science News, plus a helpful Twitter thread from Emma Chapman.)

    But the intrigue gets kicked up a notch by an additional feature of the new results: the data imply that the cosmic gas surrounding these early stars is quite a bit cooler than we expected. What’s more, there’s a provocative explanation for why this might be the case: the gas might be cooled by interacting with dark matter. That’s quite a bit more speculative, of course, but sensible enough (and grounded in data) that it’s worth taking the possibility seriously.

    Let’s think about the stars first. We’re not seeing them directly; what we’re actually looking at is the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, from about 380,000 years after the Big Bang. That radiation passes through the cosmic gas spread throughout the universe, occasionally getting absorbed. But when stars first start shining, they can very gently excite the gas around them (the 21cm hyperfine transition, for you experts), which in turn can affect the wavelength of radiation that gets absorbed. This shows up as a tiny distortion in the spectrum of the CMB itself. It’s that distortion which has now been observed, and the exact wavelength at which the distortion appears lets us work out the time at which those earliest stars began to shine.

    Two cool things about this. First, it’s a tour de force bit of observational cosmology by Judd Bowman and collaborators. Not that collecting the data is hard by modern standards (observing the CMB is something we’re good at), but that the researchers were able to account for all of the different ways such a distortion could be produced other than by the first stars. (Contamination by such “foregrounds” is a notoriouslytricky problem in CMB observations…) Second, the experiment itself is totally charming. EDGES (Experiment to Detect Global EoR [Epoch of Reionization] Signature) is a small-table-sized gizmo surrounded by a metal mesh, plopped down in a desert in Western Australia. Three cheers for small science!

    But we all knew that the first stars had to be somewhen, it was just a matter of when. The surprise is that the spectral distortion is larger than expected (at 3.8 sigma), a sign that the cosmic gas surrounding the stars is colder than expected (and can therefore absorb more radiation). Why would that be the case? It’s not easy to come up with explanations — there are plenty of ways to heat up gas, but it’s not easy to cool it down.

    One bold hypothesis is put forward by Rennan Barkana in a companion paper. One way to cool down gas is to have it interact with something even colder. So maybe — cold dark matter? Barkana runs the numbers, given what we know about the density of dark matter, and finds that we could get the requisite amount of cooling with a relatively light dark-matter particle — less than five times the mass of the proton, well less than expected in typical models of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. But not completely crazy. And not really constrained by current detection limits from underground experiments, which are generally sensitive to higher masses.

    The tricky part is figuring out how the dark matter could interact with the ordinary matter to cool it down. Barkana doesn’t propose any specific model, but looks at interactions that depend sharply on the relative velocity of the particles, as . You might get that, for example, if there was an extremely light (perhaps massless) boson mediating the interaction between dark and ordinary matter. There are already tight limits on such things, but not enough to completely squelch the idea.

    This is all extraordinarily speculative, but worth keeping an eye on. It will be full employment for particle-physics model-builders, who will be tasked with coming up with full theories that predict the right relic abundance of dark matter, have the right velocity-dependent force between dark and ordinary matter, and are compatible with all other known experimental constraints. It’s worth doing, as currently all of our information about dark matter comes from its gravitational interactions, not its interactions directly with ordinary matter. Any tiny hint of that is worth taking very seriously.

    But of course it might all go away. More work will be necessary to verify the observations, and to work out the possible theoretical implications. Such is life at the cutting edge of science!

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