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  • #76648

    Just a tidbit i noticed. Fwiw.


    “…The CIA and the White House were both asked for comment on this story. By the time this story went to press, they had not responded. The Israeli intelligence services — the Mossad — were also contacted, in writing and by telephone, but failed to respond. As a policy, Israel does not confirm or deny its involvement in intelligence operations.

    There is no denying that there is a covert, bloody, and ongoing campaign aimed at stopping Iran’s nuclear program, though no evidence has emerged connecting recent acts of sabotage and killings inside Iran to Jundallah. Many reports have cited Israel as the architect of this covert campaign, which claimed its latest victim on Jan. 11 when a motorcyclist in Tehran slipped a magnetic explosive device under the car of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a young Iranian nuclear scientist. The explosion killed Roshan, making him the fourth scientist assassinated in the past two years. The United States adamantly denies it is behind these killings.

    According to one retired CIA officer, information about the false-flag operation was reported up the U.S. intelligence chain of command. It reached CIA Director of Operations Stephen Kappes, his deputy Michael Sulick, and the head of the Counterintelligence Center. All three of these officials are now retired. The Counterintelligence Center, according to its website, is tasked with investigating “threats posed by foreign intelligence services.”

    The report then made its way to the White House, according to the currently serving U.S. intelligence officer. The officer said that Bush “went absolutely ballistic” when briefed on its contents…..see link…


    Given that the US government (CIA) discusses False-Flag operations, how
    are we (citizens) supposed to know when such events are actually carried out?

    How would we know?

    I dont think ‘democracy’ and the CIA are compatible. I think you can either have one or the other.



    The CIA considered bombing Miami and other cities to create a terror threat while blaming the government of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, according to the recently-published “JFK files.”

    The files were published as part of the nearly 3,000 documents collected by the U.S. National Archive on the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy and several other issues.

    The report said the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, considered staging several terror events involving Cuban citizens to seek blame for Castro’s government.

    “We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,” the files read. The plan also included a possible attack on migrants leaving Cuba to settle in the United States.

    “We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized.”

    The release of 2,891 previously classified files also shed a light on more aggressive tactics by the CIA, which included the placement of bombs and the creation of a terror environment.

    “Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of a Cuban agent and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government,” the files went on.

    The report also mentions how the CIA tried to assassinate Castro through bodysuits filled with deadly bacteria and explosive seashells planted underwater, taking advantage of the Cuban leader’s taste for diving.

    “It was known that Fidel Castro liked to skindive,” the reports said. “The CIA plan was to dust the inside of the suit with a fungus producing madera foot, a disabling and chronic skin disease, and also contaminating the suit with tuberculosis bacilli in the breathing apparatus.”

    Finally, the files revealed that after several allegations, investigations showed that the Cuban government wouldn’t have been responsible for killing Kennedy “because such an act, if discovered, would have afforded the United States the excuse to destroy Cuba. The risk would not have been worth it.”

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