Pentagon forces fighting CIA forces…

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    Syria in Wonderland

    “….The US has always had two operations running simultaneously in Syria, with one being ran by the CIA, and other being ran by the Pentagon. As Reuters reported in an article in May of this year, titled: Syrian rebels say U.S., allies sending more arms to fend off Iran threat, military aid has been provided through “two separate channels:”

    “Rebels said military aid has been boosted through two separate channels: a program backed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), known as the MOC, and regional states including Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and one run by the Pentagon.”

    These two programs have often clashed, as was the case last year, when militias armed by the CIA fought against militias armed by the Pentagon.

    The Pentagon has been as involved in the disastrous operation to arm and train rebels in Syria as the CIA has, and has contributed heavily to the mess on the ground.

    In September 2015 for instance, it was reported that a Pentagon-armed group of rebels – named Division 30 – handed over theirweapons to al-Qaeda in Syria, a scenario that was a common outcome from many CIA operations as well. The Pentagon, never shy to blow an obscene amount of taxpayers’ money on imperial matters, has already wasted hundreds of millions of dollars training and arming rebels in Syria, yet Trump only wants to increase the US war budget….” see link


    Sheer madness.

    We spend roughly a trillion on defense, when it’s all said and done. Imagine how amazing this country could be if we didn’t, if we actually took the “peace dividend” back in 1945, and decided NOT to be the hegemon, world cop and chief protector of capital and capitalism.

    Imagine John Lennon’s song with that kind of thing added in.

    So, even if we’re just being purely selfish, and “put America first,” taking that dividend, rejecting the mantle of hegemon and empire, we could have had 70 plus years of spending on stuff like the environment, education, health care, transportation, a completely sustainable energy system, etc. etc. And by doing this at home, we’re in much better shape to really help the rest of the world via JUST non-violent means.

    There was no need for things to work out like they did, where an article like the above even needs to be written.


    Preachin to the Choir, BT.


    ….All I have is a voice
    To undo the folded lie,
    The romantic lie in the brain
    Of the sensual man-in-the-street
    And the lie of Authority
    Whose buildings grope the sky:
    There is no such thing as the State
    And no one exists alone;
    Hunger allows no choice
    To the citizen or the police;
    We must love one another or die.

    Defenseless under the night
    Our world in stupor lies;
    Yet, dotted everywhere,
    Ironic points of light
    Flash out wherever the Just
    Exchange their messages:
    May I, composed like them
    Of Eros and of dust,
    Beleaguered by the same
    Negation and despair,
    Show an affirming flame.”
    ― W.H. Auden, Another Time


    Love that poem, WV.

    Well chosen and timely. We need poetry like the sun these days. Like the sun.

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